There should be a federal office of "Gun Welfare"


never gonna happen..I have faith in this administration on establishing a federal firearm confiscate commission! :D lol

oh well..what do I know. Y'all better show for that million people march for the 2nd Amed. right!

Well if the Sig works = they passed the torture test.
Can you imagine a gangsta going into a store and buying a deluxe cased gun cleaning kit? I bet they just run em till they quit and then trade em off for a couple bags of crack or something.
I take it you never watched the HBO series The Wire? There was a scene of three gunmen (actually two men and one woman) with the Hoppes cleaning kit scrubbing down their revolvers, shotguns, and semis, and handing them off for each other to inspect.
Yeah I know it was all fictional, but still it was a good scene.
You guys are overlooking the perfect government agency. I can handle acquiring and cleaning my firearms without any government invervention. However, it does cost a considerable amount to feed them. Especially getting native calibers for those "minority" firearms I have rescued from poor living conditions in 3rd world and communist countries.

We need a version of food stamps for ammunition to ensure all firearms get a healthy and sufficient diet. Underfed firearms are a disgrace.