There are at least 40 people in Oklahoma that are as smart as a house plant

If someone wants to assist the police by having their gun tested, that is their prerogative. I am just skeptical that anything will come of this. If only 40 out of 60 Glock owners showed up, then that is 40 guns that you can be ALMOST certain were not involved with the crime - that is 40 guns that they are going to spend thousands of dollars in lab fees on for most likely no good reason. That still leaves 20 guns unaccounted for. There is no way that any judge is going to issue 20 individual search warrants just because someone owns a .40 Glock. If I've read the story right, they are only searching Glock owners that have addresses in one particular county. If the killer was just passing through, then he is long gone and the police are nowhere near his trail.

I can understand doing everything in their power to catch a child killer, but it sounds like the case has gone cold.

Here is a link to the OSBI website about the murders:
Yeah this is a waste of time... I have a rifle that has been from west coast to east coast from Florida to Michigan and everywhere in between.... I doubt that a number of the transactions had any paper work done, I forget who I bought it from and there was no paper work on the sale....

Firearms travel a lot.

And how do they know that it was even a pistol?
Again, what "rights" are given away? What do you lose or how are you harmed?

I can wait all night for an answer to this one.

Exactly what rights are violated by police asking for your cooperation?

How about not complying and automatically becoming a suspect......You two don't see anything wrong with that?
Officials said they were checking up with the remaining 20 gun owners to see why they chose not to have their weapons tested. "We just want people to cooperate so we can find this weapon, and then the person who had it in his hand," Brown said.

so simply not agreeing to this "request" makes you a suspect?

sounds like coercion to me.

unless you're ok with being "checked up on" regarding the murder of two children.

or does simply being a gun owner make me a suspect in any shooting that involved a type of firearm which i own?

i know my guns werent involved in a crime.i dont need to be treated like a suspected criminal simply for owning a particular firearm...or for refusing to hand it over to the authorities in some ridiculous fishing expedition.

i would do anything i could to help in a case like this...handing over my firearms for testing is not going to help anything.what will it accomplish?eliminating me as a suspect?:confused:

some dont see a problem with this?:barf:
Those girls were murdered near a bridge. Bridges are a favorite hiding place for meth labs. The girls may have been seen near a working lab and murdered.

According to the autopsy report one of the girls was shot with a "small caliber" gun as well as a "medium caliber" gun.

The .40 Glock that was used to murder state trooper Nikky Green is still missing. The trooper lost his gun in a struggle to handcuff a dope maker named Malone who was caught with a meth lab in his car. Malone used the troopers gun to murder him execution style.

Malone has doper friends all over OK and it is probable that one of them has trooper Green's service pistol.
How about not complying and automatically becoming a suspect......You two don't see anything wrong with that?

That's called "police work", and it's no different than when they know that a suspect in a crime was driving a blue Honda Civic so they visit each person in the area known to own a blue Honda Civic. Usually it doesn't pan out but sometimes it actually does.

You guys need to quit being so paranoid and thinking that everyone is after your guns. Sometimes they're just trying to solve a crime. And in this case, everyone known to own a Glock .40 is a potential suspect until cleared. 40 have cleared themselves from the list. The other twenty can probably expect a visit from police and questions about where they were that day. Sure, you can tell them "get a warrant", but then you can expect them to start poking around your life. Act like the guilty party even when you're not and you'll get treated like one, not because they're trying to screw with you or abuse some power like the crazies here always claim, but because you make yourself into a stronger suspect by being evasive.

And it doesn't cost "thousands of dollars in lab fees" to check a gun. It takes about ten minutes of a trained officer or civilian examiner's time to fire a few shots into a water tank, recover the bullets, and examine them against the suspect's bullets, which they obviously have.

But yeah, just keep thumping your chest and trying to keep the crime from getting solved. If karma rings true, someday you may need to depend on your fellow citizens to help out when you or one of yours has been victimized. See how you feel when they start telling you to screw off because they're too paranoid or because they just hate the government and their fellow citizens that much.
But yeah, just keep thumping your chest and trying to keep the crime from getting solved. If karma rings true, someday you may need to depend on your fellow citizens to help out when you or one of yours has been victimized. See how you feel when they start telling you to screw off because they're too paranoid or because they just hate the government and their fellow citizens that much.

Nice spin on blaming people who wouldn't comply with there request. What happened to innocent until proven guilty, What happened to illegal search and seizures.

What Is an Illegal Search?
The 4th Amendment to the US Constitution protects individuals from unreasonable searches and seizures. An unreasonable search depends on the facts and circumstances of each case. Any search of a person, home, or car without probable cause or a valid search warrant is an invasion of privacy and an unreasonable search.


I feel sorry for the little girls and their familys. But this seems like a wild goose chase. So what if a girl got raped and murdered at a high school. and a witness said that they saw a white male high school aged kid around there at the time of the crime. Is it ok with you to round up every white kid at that school for a DNA test?
Yeah, it's such a burden and infringement on your rights to cooperate in even the smallest way with an investigation into a murder of two little girls.
But yeah, just keep thumping your chest and trying to keep the crime from getting solved.

I don't think you're doing anything but thumping your own chest.

So how is allowing Barney to test a gun some farmer good and damn well knows has been sitting in his safe for the last six months going to do anything at all except distract the police from actually looking for the people who killed the girls?

So what if the real killer knows how to change out the barrel on a Glock? What if the real killer is one of the 40 "good citizens" and turned in their modified pistol to help Barney play "crime lab"? Does this do anything except allow Barney and his sidekick "Goober Lee" feel justified to grill the "paranoid" folk who declined to play the game?

What if the real criminal is from out of town? Like in the DC metroplex killings?

Man, what a tragedy! :(

I would let the police check my gun out. At least they'd have less people to be suspicious of.

I'd help the police on this one.

Winston: It appears to be a "wild goose chase" because the police state they are desperate in so many words. There's a double murderer out there and I, for one, would help the police if they needed help in this situation. It sounds like the police are "pulling their hair out" over this one. I'd have to help out. Just my opinion.
Does this do anything except allow Barney and his sidekick "Goober Lee" feel justified

"Goober Lee"

This must be some of that "Us vs. Them" stuff that the cop-haters and anti-government types here always complain that they've victims of. :rolleyes:

Does generically denigrating police officers make you feel like a man, MeeknMild? I mean, why come across like that in public? Is it fear or jealousy?

Seriously, there's no call for that.
Man, what a tragedy!

I would let the police check my gun out. At least they'd have less people to be suspicious of.

I'd help the police on this one.

Winston: It appears to be a "wild goose chase" because the police state they are desperate in so many words. There's a double murderer out there and I, for one, would help the police if they needed help in this situation. It sounds like the police are "pulling their hair out" over this one. I'd have to help out. Just my opinion.

I don't mind if some of the people want to comply with their request. But the people that don't for what ever reason should not be looked upon as suspects. Maybe they believe in their Constitution and their Bill of rights.

If many people let our rights get infringed upon. Sooner our later they will be taken away. "Oh the 4th amendment. Ah nobody pays attention to that one anymore. Lets get rid of it."
No Stagger Lee, it's a fear that we all know we aren't perfect and the police could find something wrong with us if they tried hard enough.

Most police aren't that way but enough stories are out there to make ordinary Joe's fearful.

Now if I was perfect....:p
Winston: I understand completely. But a double murderer being out there... I'd just have to help out. The police don't have a good handle on this one.

But you're right, those that don't allow a gun check will be "suspects". That's just the way it is IMHO. I can live with that in a double murder case when the police are truly desperate.
I would not have a problem volunteering my guns as long as they were tested on my terms: I have to be present for all testing and the spent brass and slugs go with me when they are done. If they those terms could not be met then I would wait for the search warrant.
I would not have a problem volunteering my guns as long as they were tested on my terms: I have to be present for all testing and the spent brass and slugs go with me when they are done. If they those terms could not be met then I would wait for the search warrant.

I don't think that would happen. Because next time there is a crime with the same caliber. They will want to check you bullets and casing against a new crime. Kinda like leaving DNA behind of your gun and you.
If many people let our rights get infringed upon. Sooner our later they will be taken away. "Oh the 4th amendment. Ah nobody pays attention to that one anymore. Lets get rid of it."

I think you have confused willing compliance with infringement of rights. See post 13. There is no illegal search or seizure.
I don't think that would happen. Because next time there is a crime with the same caliber. They will want to check you bullets and casing against a new crime. Kinda like leaving DNA behind of your gun and you.

That is exactly the point. If they are only interested in eliminating suspects in this crime then they should have no problem agreeing to my terms - after all, I'm 100% positive I did not commit the crime. If they are a 100% positive that I'm not innocent then they can submit their evidence to a judge to get a search warrant so they can test my guns on their terms.
I think you have confused willing compliance with infringement of rights. See post 13. There is no illegal search or seizure.

Post #4 doesn't seem like you have a choice.

Bring it to us
Or we will come and get it
Or tell us where it is.

I didn't read where it it said if you don't want to comply call here. Oh I forgot they will already know who didn't comply. Doesn't seem voluntary. Now does it.
No, no, it's voluntary Winston by my reading of the first paragraph and they will come and test fire it for you if you can't bring it into the station.

But, either way Winston, you're right... you'll probably be a suspect if you don't submit to testing.

Can't argue with that.

This entire tragedy is horrible, and the testing sucks, but the police are desperate and want to find a double murderer IMHO. Think about the family, maybe that would make you more agreeable to testing?
No, no, it's voluntary Winston by my reading of the first paragraph and they will come and test fire it for you if you can't bring it into the station.

But, either way Winston, you're right... you'll probably be a suspect if you don't submit to testing.

Can't argue with that.

This entire tragedy is horrible, and the testing sucks, but the police are desperate and want to find a double murderer IMHO.

I agree it is a horrible crime. But the way the police are going about it. Is not right either.