Theory of Self Defense-What do you think?

Fat people ARE cover.

Hahaha...reminds me of a conversation I once had. Kinda illustrates how a little of-center some of us are :)

[Me:] Come here, Marine
[Young Marine:] Yes Sergeant!
[Me:] Why are you not using the terrain as cover while you move?
[Young Marine:] I don't know, sergeant.
[Me:] Do you know what micro-terrain is, son?
[Young Marine:] Yes, sergeant.
[Me:] Use it in a sentence!
[Young Marine:] Umm....Ummm.....
[Me:] GODDAMMIT boy! HERE: Micro-terrain is what you become when you get KILLED because you were not using COVER during your MOVEMENT! When you DIE, you will become micro-terrain for the rest of your squad to hide behind!!

Hmm...maybe that's not funny to anyone but me....LOL

You know full well that I found that damned hilarious.;)

Marine humor is not just humor, it has meaning and lessons which if one were smart, not only laughed at it but learned from it.

As it has been since 1775 and as it shall be forever if I know the men who follow our footsteps today sir.:)

Theres a lesson in that humor folks, perk up and take notes:eek:

Semper Fi--Do or die jarhead

Robin Brown
by situational awareness do you mean horse sense , yes for me it was God given but courage and valor I had to learn.
training and tactics are important tools for military and law enforcement, and that spills over in the civilian world. but I know the race car driver unwittenly uses situational awareness in his profession. but that does not imply that they would make ideal driver ed instructors, well maybe in the big cities. but anyway for me, it comes down to having the the ability to pull the trigger at the crucial moment if you can't you should'nt carry. as civilians we don't have a licence to kill so we need to be conscerned with the justification of the shoot and this could cause hesitation. threats are not always black and white, and no situation is the same. I think while s.a. is a important tool there are other issues of importance.
Then, my friend, I would submit that you have never had to rely on your S.A. to save your life.

Take a moment and re-read both the thread and the original post...the discussion is about identifying some key concepts (in order of magnitude) as relates to self-defense and firearms, especially CCW.

If you believe something to trump S.A. or any of the other areas we've identified thus far, feel free to elaborate in addition to simply playing devil's advocate.
"for me, it comes down to having the the ability to pull the trigger at the crucial moment.

Without situational awareness, you may never get the chance to find out if you can or not.

Robin Brown
I will talk to some of my friends and family in law enforcement about this S.A. thing I realize I have much to learn. instead of jibjab I should have gone for stupid red neck.
Good SA is basically intel.

The more intel you have, the sooner you have it, the better you should be able to formulate the decision to have to react and be ready to fire.

Just a thought.

Robin Brown
well that's all fine and dandy as long as you don't spend to much time assessing your situation. some times to much information can cause an over load. and that can lead to the end of story.
I also feel that situational awareness is important, but mindset is the number one for me. I've had to run for my life before, NOT FUN! I used to have to walk through some pretty rough areas as a kid in Massachusetts. The mindset is important in ANY self defense situation. My options as a kid were pretty limited, fist fighting, or running my ass off. Since I was a fast kid, but skinny and not much in a fight, I decided pretty early on to run my ass off if that option was available.

Here's where physical fitness comes into play. Fat kids who wouldn't fight were usually the targets of choice. They'd normally never fight back (lack of the will to win) and they didn't even really HAVE the option to run (lack of physical fitness due to hours in front of the TV).

If you think middle school and high school bullies are a different animal than your common thug bad guy, think again. They have many of the same motivations and tactics.

SA has kept me from several beatings. I had the ability to see high threat areas and potential ambushes and avoided them. In some cases, the difference between a beating and a cold stare was simply crossing the street at the right moment. Physical fitness ALSO kept me from a few beatings. The ability to play track star is a GREAT option to have. Options are nice to have, even if you never need them. Better to HAVE it and not need it than NEED it and not have it.

You also need to have the ability to be one mean dude. I got out of a crappy situation in which I was being robbed at knife point in 9th grade by telling the dude with the knife to f*** off in a mean voice. Bad guys don't typically like a target that fights back, especially when there are much easier targets lined up. This goes to mindset, as well as situational awareness. You need the SA to make a sound judgement call on when to do what, and the mindset to actually tell someone putting you in a bad situation where to stick it.

Another factor of SA is knowing things ahead of time, such as who resides in certain neighborhoods. I was able to avoid some nasty situations by simply being in good with the right people in the right neighborhoods. This may not be an option for most people, but it was certainly nice to be able to get along with people who resided in these neighborhoods and have people I knew there.

Now, I don't mean to come off as a badass or anything, but these are my experiences from before I escaped the People's Republic of Massachusetts.
many elements of training have to come together, but pressure, it changes everything, can you summon your training and tactical skills at a moments notice, can you focus, will you really have heart when it gets real. JMO