Theory of Self Defense-What do you think?


New member
I have a theory about firearm based self defense, and I would like to hear what this forum thinks of it. I belive the keys to successful firearms based self defense are as follows:
1) Disposition (Those that have the will to win can. It has been posted on this forum that the psychological implications of being shot often affect the outcome of a conflict. The man who remains calm and keeps his wits about him has the advantage. No matter how good you are on the range doesn't matter if you react slowly and poorly on the street)
2) Marksmanship (if you can't hit the target, can't control your fire, etc. you're doomed)
3) Tactics (training with and learning from a qualified professional is key!It teaches you what to expect and how to expect the unexpected!)
4) Capacity (better have enough ammo. Running dry is not good!)
5) Caliber ( use the caliber you are most comfortable with. These last two go hand in hand, and are a balance I believe)

I am prepared for flames, but am curious as to what the forum thinks!:)
+1 for the Situational Awareness. It will keep you out of more badly developing scenarios than all the other 'characteristics' combined.

Also, IMHO caliber doesn't rate a spot as one of the "Keys" to success. Caliber is not a consistent crucial factor in the outcome of your SD situation.

I would suggest the following, in order of magnitude:

  1. Situational Awareness
  2. Training / Preparedness
  3. Mindset / Disposition
  4. Tactics

Maybe throw in Capacity towards the end. Not sure if that's really a consistent factor, either... I mean, lots of people CC their 6-shot revolvers w/no additional speedloader.
After all, it's an SD weapon not an assault weapon :D

I like the thought process, though. A+
2nd the others response. I think situational awareness should be #1 on the list.I am 100% positive that my awareness has saved me the trouble of having to present a weapon with intent to do serious damage.

I got a funny feeling outside a convienence store one night. At first my brain said "you're crazy, quite being a sissy and go on in". Then I decided to give it a few seconds and see what happens. Sure enough a smash and grab insued. The store clerk protested and got a pistol in the face for his effort. It was over in 15 seconds. I would have been standing in between BG and the exit had I entered the store. Bad place to be. Ended up being a pellet gun and 300 dollars but I have no doubt I would have drilled the guy had I been in the store and seen a weapon.

Cops caught him about a 1/4 mile away stopped on the side of the road counting out his winnings. True genius!
Right on to situational awareness. Also, physical fitness has always been a priority for me, and has served me well. I like picpockets order. Makes sense.
I've already been accused of not getting my happy nap today, . . . so I can be the meany for a while.

I would make mindset the number one priority. Without the will to do what needs to be done, . . . all the training, equipment, ammo, and awareness won't do squat for you.

Ask anyone who has been in hot shooting situations, they'll tell you about the guys in their squad, platoon, team, etc. that just froze, . . . could not do it, . . . just didn't have the mind set. Most of them never get that mind set either. Some will simply hesitate on what to do, . . . some cry, . . . some run away screaming, . . . some just get that 1000 yard stare in a 10 foot room, . . . but they don't pull the trigger.

Yes, training can make a difference some of the time, . . . but I really believe that the willingness (not eagerness, . . . just willingness) to take another's life to preserve one's own life is something that some people simply don't have.

It needs to be the first question decided by anyone doing CCW.

Just my thoughts based on 17 years in Uncle Sam's military.

May God bless,

This probably falls under the "tactics" category, but...

* being able to accurately shoot and move and take cover.
* ability to manipulate weapon under stress with weak & dominant hands.

Shooting IDPA recently has put a whole new pespective on shooting for myself. Being able to make small groups on a static range is very easy, but shooting a realistic course of fire while moving, reloading, IDing targets, counting shots, and taking cover will humble the tight groups you get on a static range.

It's also awesome to watch seasoned shooters and learn from their techniques. I feel anyone who carries should try it. It really is humbling.
I'm with Dwight having the will to fight is going to be the tie breaker in many if not most engagements. Having the will to fight begins with having the tools to fight with

Situational awareness would be second but I would also lump that in with tactics. Knowing how to avoid a fight is as important as knowing how to finish one

Training comes next. You can be aware of the fact that you are about to get your ass handed to you, but it does you no good if you don't have the knowledge of how to deal with the situation
Situational awareness is less about knowing what's going to happen than it is you always being aware of everything around you to the point that the little hairs standing up and the voice inside your head tells you: "Hey man, something ain't right...step lightly."

Situational awareness is being peripherally aware of everything around you, how every thing is interacting with every other thing, and disruptions in the normal rhythms of your environment. Don't know any other way to explain it, and it takes tons of practice.

If you have a "flight" mindset, having highly developed SA will often preclude your needing to react or being put in a position where you may have to act against your natural tendency to freeze up.

One thing to keep in mind, everything on the list EXCEPT mindset/disposition can be taught.
I'd also throw physical fitness in the equation

Speaking as the fat boy in the room... fitness means NOTHING in a SD situation. If it did, it wouldnt matter if women were CCW or not... they would always lose. After all, that is in fact the reason the majority of them carry to begin with. And fat people like me? Yeah, we would be doomed too.
For the LEO or civilian carrying CC, Situational Awareness goes hand in hand with Tactics and Mindset. These three elements are all part of the concept of Thinking Tactically, not separate skills.

Weapons Proficency comes next.

Least important are weapon choice, caliber, and capacity...
Chris Phelps said:
Speaking as the fat boy in the room... fitness means NOTHING in a SD situation. .

Hmmmmm....What about moving to cover? Well-trained folks are always "scoping out" potential cover spots...So if you're a couch potato who gets winded getting up from the dinner table, that may handicap ya if ya have to seek cover QUICKLY...Not to mention large, slow-moving targets draw fire and are engaged quite easily...


Chris Phelps said:
If it did, it wouldnt matter if women were CCW or not... they would always lose.

Different strokes for different folks...

Seems there are 14,237 different scenarios discussed in this forum, and it seems like most of the folks who mention tactics and situational awareness have it...

Like I said, fitness can save you're life...When the time comes, it helps to be able to move fast

Chris Phelps said:
And fat people like me? Yeah, we would be doomed too.

Maybe...Maybe not, but a slow-moving, large target...

Sorry if I offended, but just my little old .02

Sorry if I misunderstood. Fitness, to me, has nothing to do with speed. I am fat, but I move extremely fast... especially when a situation like this arrises. I will definitly agree with the fact that the ability to move fast could save your life, but I am the perfect example that just because you are fast doesnt mean you are fit, and vice versa.
Not only that...

But I'm here to tell you that I've seen some pretty fat people move pretty damn quick once you send a couple of hot ones in their direction.

Just my observation :)
"But I'm here to tell you that I've seen some pretty fat people move pretty damn quick once you send a couple of hot ones"

Isn't that the truth:D LMAO

Robin Brown
fitness interpreted

Funny, I look at physical fitness more in terms of strength and speed and not just speed. A few months back I was working one night and this crazy drunk comes behind the counter and into the back room where I am. He pushes me, then puts both of his hands on my neck, trying to strangle me. I brought my left arm up and over his arms while his hands were on my neck so that my left croseed over the top of both of his arms (I hope I am describing this correctly, its easier to show than to write), then elbowed him in the jaw, knocking him back while simulatneously and effectively loosening his grip on me. If what I am writing seems confusing, martial arts guys who studied jiu jitsu will recognize this as the stopping a strangle hold technique they teach early on in training. I grabbed the guy by the shirt and literally dragged him out of the store. I never considered pulling out the S&W 340PD snubbie I had in my pocket. Good thing too. I didn't think my life was in danger because I was confidant I had the strength and ability to toss him. I think fitness definitely has a place in SD.
I teach little old ladies and men SD who live in gated communities as snowbirds in the winter months pretty regularly.

They find very quickly that strength does not enter the equation as much as techniques that use leverage and pressure points, or soft body targets.

The only problem I have is keeping the wives from beating the crap out of their husbands after they are in class.:D

They feel empowered. You'd be surprised how many are walking around here with a wooden dowel thats 6 inches long and 3/8" diameter. ;)

I take a beating every class, and I do mean a beating. My throat is so sore for days after that if I don't stop I'm afraid there will be permanent repercussions from it. And that no crap, they beat the hell out of me. I get them mad, then they are dangerous.

Robin Brown