The worlds gone to hell and you can only have one rifle.......

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These "What If" survivalist questions make me wonder if Fred Fed is trying to gauge what, if any, resistance their likely to encounter in some fascist gun crab. What, where, with what, and to whom I'll do it to do if we have a "War In The Ashes" is for me to know ...
Into the hills.... lightwieght.. sturdy.. all round rifle.. many would say AK47. (and I'd agree) Only 300 rounds?? you won't need spare parts, but a spare firing pin and broken shell extractor are good ideas.

ANY scoped Bolt rifle with few moving parts and iron sights would work too. Cal 308 or above.

And yeah... i doubt I'd be going alone. (Hell i'd be looking for tank girl for the bug out.)

As for not being good with snares, rocks, spears, etc... I guess you were never a boy scout??

Be prepared!


[This message has been edited by Dr.Rob (edited March 30, 2000).]
While certainly there was plenty of response. Dr. Rob, my question was formulated to restrict the endless possibility of answers that could come about if one had to many variables to contend with. Perhaps it was shortsighted. As it so happens, I'm an avid bowhunter and quite capable of making a usable bow in the wilderness if it becomes necessary, lets hope it doesn't. As for my pick, I had it in my mind to grab one of the two .303 Enfields that currently reside in our gunrack. I would probably also strip the trigger mechanisim from the second and keep it as a spare, along with the magazine. Simple and dependable, these Enfields have always been one of my favorite "ugly" rifles. Probably, although I didn't ask for it to be considered, I would add a .40 S&W Browining HP to the list. Less any of you think I'm unstable, please believe that I'm a relatively normal 24 year old college student, who's real life dilemas center around passing classes, drinking beer, and getting dates. The end of the world question was simply a means of diverting attention from my studies. Thanks for all the responses.

Alex Johnson
NRA Life Member

...any mans death diminishes me, because I am involved in Mankinde; And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; It tolls for thee. John Donne
For one person alone, noise is the major enemy. You want to call minimal attention to your food-gathering, since that backpack is good only for a short time. You go to killing game with any "real" rifle, and you'll be heard from a long way off.

Fire-fight? Forget it! Survival means avoiding, because you can't win. Or you might get away from fire-fight #1, but then your general location is known--and it's just a matter of time until you lose.

Many a Texas trophy-sized buck was sold to a "hunter" for $5 per point. The buck usually had a .22 hole between the eyes, collected by a wetback sitting near a trail to water...

Just some points to ponder, Art
I would bring my BM shorty and a 7.62x39 upper, since the the gov't only counts the lower a firearm. I take primarily 7.62 ammo, although load a 2 20 rd mag with .223 In this area, 223 is plentiful. There are several national guard units under 15miles from where I spend most of my time. My pack is big, from my days as a boy scout. And there is a lot of space in the pack from the second upper. The 7.62 upper is used for hunting, and the .223 shorty upper is used for defense. Likelihood of people is low, so I don't plan on need to use the .223, but some ammo is always good.

That is if I'm travelling alone, but chance are I have friends with me. In which case, We bring a shotgun probably a Mossberg 590, something in 308, I would go bolt action like rem. 700 or savage tactical. something in 223, my BM shorty, cuz I know this rifle well. I will stip the 2 AR other lowers that I currently and then stash the lowers and the upper underground somewhere probably next to my hamsters grave, and then make the spot with my GPS reciever..

Alex. What school you go to? I am a 22 year old college student whose life problems are passing class, finding ammo money and getting dates in that order.

It ain't mah fault. did I do dat?
Sig 551-2 in 5.56mm, I'm anew convert from the M4A1.

Food wouldn't be a problem for a long time, but people would, also you can take down most game with enough shots of anything. It may not be clean but we're talking survival here, heard tell of someone taking a moose once, with a .22LR.....

Mike H
Ahhh, my favorite discussion topic...
Remington Modl 7 (light) in 223, with a 4 power Burris compact and see thru scope mounts. New, so no parts (like the extractor) are worn. It should be good for the 1200 rounds of 223 55 grainers I have stashed. In lots of 1200 55 grain is 8400 grains lighter than 62 grain, that's about a pound lighter.
Of course I would have a very light weight 22 auto pistol and 500 rounds of stingers. It would be the compact, alloy frame version made by that company who's name we can't say anymore, begins with an s.
I'd be wearing my all goretex cammys and boots from Cabellas.
I'm with Dr. Rob on this one. My AK of choice would be the SLR-95. A 5rd clip for hunting, a 30rd clip for scouting, and a 75rd clip for firefights/self-defense. It'll take just about any unintentional abuse and keep spittin' the ammo. Definately don't forget an extra firing pin or two.

"The people have the right to bear arms for their defense and security"
Ohio Constitution, Article I, Section 4 Concealed Carry is illegal in Ohio.
Ohioans for Concealed Carry Website
Hi Chink, I'm attending college at the University of North Dakota (UND) home of the fighting Sioux (theirs a lot of people in this neck of the woods that think that name is horribly degrading to the Native Americans). Anyway I'm finishing up here in Industrial Technology this year and will than be starting my masters program. What's your major?
Either a semi-auto AUG (rugged scope, difficult to break the rifle, or
I'd take a scoped SIG 550, and probably also a silencer. Here, 5.6mm
ammo is quite plentiful, and light-weight. However, our army won't go
hunting for their own citiziens - Militia armys have some
Israeli K98 in .308 w/1-4x Leupold Vari-X II.

I'm a real basic kinda guy. And a survivor.

[This message has been edited by sensop (edited April 01, 2000).]
Damn, you're lucky Mussi. I've never even *seen* a Sig 550 in person.

As for the question. I'd probably choose an M1A.

HK91 with 6X scope in claw mount. Spare parts kit for the bolt and a second trigger pack. It's heavy, but it gets the job done.

Guns cause crime like spoons cause Rosie O'Donnell to be fat!

I hunt, therefore I am.
I'd take the Mauser in 30/06 that I have owned since I was 16 years old. Just out of pure sentiment. I gives nothing but good memories and confidence.
You really DO need two rifles.

Most of your food is going to come from small game. You won't be able to count on big game especially in a period of unrest where people are potting them all over the place.
I'd take a drilling of the .22/20 gauge persuasion - I think Savage currently makes one.
After that, though I don't own one currently (stupidly sold it in a weak moment) I'd get a Browning BLR in .308 with a scout scope setup.
Failing that, any bolt rifle in a reasonable caliber would suffice. .30/06 or .308 would be ideal since you have the best chance of restocking ammo with those more common calibers.

I own a book about local plant lore here in this part of Alaska. It details every edible and useful plant to be found, complete with native recipes and advice on rendering them palatable. Even in midwinter, there are many roots and tubers to be found if you can recognize the plant above ground.
I think such a book would be just as valuable as a rifle.

The Bears and Bear Maulings Page:
I'm surprised there haven't been MORE votes for the .30-'06. I thought it would be the hands-down winner for sure. I must be getting old.

My first (and only) choice, if we're talking about centerfire rifles, would be a good bolt action .30-06 with a Leupold scope and a portable cleaning kit. A very close second choice would be a reliable .22 or .22 magnum rifle.

A map to Rosie's house might come in handy also. She won't be armed(?), and I'm sure she'll have plenty of junk food socked away.

Reading "Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal," by Ayn Rand, should be required of every politician and in every high school.

[This message has been edited by DAL (edited April 02, 2000).]
E&E's the word here, not pitched battles with biker gangs and Doomsday cults. The 10/22 I got for the kids would be the pick, for Wife or Daughter. Me, I'd be toting an 870 with enough ammo for a few weeks. 12 ga and 22 ammo would be easy to find,and a semi auto battle rifle can be picked up from a corpse PDQ.

Hide much, move little, and wait out the situation. After the various factions shoot it out with each other, then is the time to stick one's head out.
Only a couple of 870 replies, I'm surprised. I would take the 870 Express Magnum my Dad got me for my 16th. Good memories, very reliable, and 2 barrels. One for slugs/shot (hunting and self defense) and the other just the shot barrel for hunting. I could eat turkey forever! As far as a firefight goes, I guess I would just have to hide a little more cause I sure couldn't take any long shots. Oh did I mention that since I have the 2 barrels that I also get to carry 300 rounds of slugs AND shot :D

Until the antis put a sign in their front yard that says they don't own guns, they are riding on the shirt-tail of the safety that we provide by owning them.
Winchester M70 CSS in 30-06. It can do everything I could hope for, and much more than I am capable of.
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