The way we decide to carry

Major factor in concealment carry....Try to stay trim and in decent weight for your height. Overweight people encounter difficult options in trying to conceal a firearm.
The Pancake design, leather hip holster is the best option for all size handgun frames. Semi auto or revolver.
I like the Bianchi 'Shadow' for my Beretta 92.... and the Galco 'Fletch' for my compact Glock 23
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graysmoke said:
Major factor in concealment carry....Try to stay trim and in decent weight for your height. Overweight people encounter difficult options in trying to conceal a firearm....
First, this is off topic -- see post 26.

Second, I'm fat and have no trouble concealing a Commander size 1911 (I carry whenever I legally can). My trick is to buy my trousers the correct size (or a little larger to accommodate an IWB holster). Some full figure guys tend to buy pants too small.

Yes, I shouldn't be fat and I'd prefer not to be (and work at trying to keep things from getting out of control). But that's another story.

Okay, this thread hijack is over. Let's get back on topic -- deciding when and where to carry.
Hey kingabby,,,i havent read one of your posts in awhile....i agree with you,,how do you know what situation you might find yourself always a glock 22 small of my back ...16 rounds jhp,,,,same gun same placement on my body always
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To each his own. I do not live my life either in fear or build it around guns and SD. I don't go to bad areas, don't go to bars, and live in a nice neighborhood. Sure there will be the Charles Mansons as long as mankind exists, but I don't bother with worrying about them. Can you imagine that I do no carry at home or in the shower??

Somehow I have managed to live a relatively long life, and all my friends also, without a violent encounter. I am glad I did not build it around worrying about the Mansons or any other thug.

Mostly I now carry a P3AT, and am not concerned about whether or not it is enough on any given day.

Weather does and should make a difference. Try quick drawing from an IWB when you got a parka and a heavy sweater on.:D

Pocket carry in a heavy winter coat just makes sense.

Having worked and lived in several "bad parts of town" in several cities, I just don't see the threat as much greater than the regular parts of town.
I do use diffferent guns depending on a variety of factors ... EDC is a pocket- or paddle-holstered Kahr PM9 ... but if I'm just running errands in my one-stoplight town, I might have an NAA Pug aboard ... in cooler weather, when I can cover it, I love carrying my Kimber UCII ... I practice with all of them and am confident I won't forget which one I'm carrying ...