The wait is killing me!


New member
I sent in the paperwork for 2x suppressors in early late July/early Aug. I keep hearing "expect a year or more" from online talk. But the gun store I went through said, lately, ATF is being much faster. Maybe 6 months. Due to fewer people buying suppressors waiting for the HPA to pass and ATF (supposedly) hiring some more people to process Form 1s.
Has anybody else experienced that? Has anyone RECENTLY (Jan 2017 to present) sent in Form 1s and got them back?
I hope the gun store used a form 4... haven't heard any wait times lately, but 6 months would probably be a safe bet.
Form 4's are currently being received at just over the year mark. 1 year and a cpl weeks is the latest ive heard.

The expectation is that after BATF gets past the hump of submissions pre 41f, wait times may go back down to the 4-5 month area.

People held off submitting forms hoping for movement on the HPA. I think that hope has wained. I would expect folks to start submitting forms again.
"I sent in the paperwork for 2x suppressors in early late July/early Aug."

If you're already feeling antsy, the next 10-11 months are going to be HELL.
It really is a shame. A suppressor is a useful item in the sport of shooting.

I understand the anxiety. I go thru it each time I apply for pistol permits.

Try not to think about, or research suppressors until you get your paper back. Otherwise, you will torture yourself for a long time. This is how I cope. I intentionally switch my focus on something else that I can immerse myself into, that will not make me think of what I am waiting for.

Maybe try researching scopes. There is enough info out there and different products that you can easily occupy a year to do a thorough research.

Sorry I can't be better help. I can however appreciate your anxiety.

You can call ATF with the form in front of you and they can tell you current status. Generally they won't project a date, however :), one nice lady did say they ended up with a 1- 14 month backlog last july when the rules changed, and the number of submissions they have received since is very small. To wit as of a couple of weeks ago they were working on August 2017 submissions, and likely will start completing about a month's submissions in about 1-2 weeks. So there is hope on it speeding up but I wouldn't expect it this calendar year.
Machineguntony I love all the dealers who I do business with; however, having said that, they all tend to puff a bit when it comes to the wait time.
Under promise, over deliver is a good motto for any small business.

I tell NFA buyers to expect up to a year and that way they are delighted when the stamp arrives in ten months or less.

Dealers who tell buyers "ATF will approve your Form 4 in about six months" are either ignorant, an idiot or just really like fielding a lot of "Is my stamp back yet?" phone calls.
Looks like some of the processing times have dropped from a full year to 10 months.
Son forwarded me a headline that BATF has added more employees in 2018 with the expectation of dropping the wait time to 60-90 days.
If that turns out to be true, I question why they waited so long.
Mobuck Looks like some of the processing times have dropped from a full year to 10 months.
Only about 10% of the stamps I received from 2017 submissions have taken longer than eight months. Received one yesterday that was approved exactly a year since I signed it.

Son forwarded me a headline that BATF has added more employees in 2018
The can't add them until the new (2019) fiscal year....I believe that starts 10/1/18.

with the expectation of dropping the wait time to 60-90 days.
Wishful thinking.

If that turns out to be true, I question why they waited so long.
ATF doesn't approve its own budget, Congress does.
"Only about 10% of the stamps I received from 2017 submissions have taken longer than eight months."
In my case, 100% have taken more than 8 months.

"ATF doesn't approve its own budget, Congress does."
Maybe they should resell some of the Fast and Furious guns to gain some funds.

"ATF doesn't approve its own budget, Congress does."
Since you seem to know so much about BATF, please tell us if the agency has ever asked for more funding specifically for the processing of NFA stamps. If you can't show us that such funding was specifically refused your arguments are a bit thin.
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I heard the Dems are doing stuff to mess with approval times....not sure if it’s budget related or Hillary took some out to lunch. Just a rumor, but times have slowed a lot I believe.
"Only about 10% of the stamps I received from 2017 submissions have taken longer than eight months."
In my case, 100% have taken more than 8 months.
How many NFA transfers do you do a year?
I've received sixty six stamps so far this year.

"ATF doesn't approve its own budget, Congress does."
Maybe they should resell some of the Fast and Furious guns to gain some funds.
Do you really think government agencies get to keep the monies they seize, monies derived from fines or from their gun sales?:rolleyes:
I suppose you also believe ATF gets to keep the $200 derived from the tax stamp? If so you need to do five minutes of research on where the money goes.;)

"ATF doesn't approve its own budget, Congress does."
Since you seem to know so much about BATF, please tell us if the agency has ever asked for more funding specifically for the processing of NFA stamps. If you can't show us that such funding was specifically refused your arguments are a bit thin.
I know a bit about the ATF because it's in my best interest to know....I'm a gun dealer. I also know a bit about how the Congress budget process works because it was covered in high school and I read the newspaper. Why do you think every President begs for a line item veto power? Congress isn't about to let the President (whether Republican or Democrat) have that power. Congress worries about Congressmen.

I didn't claim that ATF had previous requests denied. In fact, it's only been within the last four years that processing times for NFA forms has taken more than a few months and that it became an issue. The volume of NFA form submissions for the first half of 2016 exceeded the total number of forms for all of 2008-2011.
You should know that.

I'm sure every Federal agency has a wish list of projects and programs that they wish to be funded. But they don't just submit a dollar amount and get it. You should know that.

You want to see an ATF request that has been denied by Congress?
Although Federal law provides a means for the relief of firearms disabilities (for prohibited persons), since October 1992, ATF’s annual appropriation has prohibited the expending of any funds to investigate or act upon applications for relief from Federal firearms disabilities submitted by individuals.
Your Congress at work.