The use of blabla: You fight like you train. And you should train your decisions.

Nothing at all you covered all bases well, and I agree.

But others here feel training is mandatory for everyone to keep up with "The Professional Criminal" as put above, when in truth most are Punks. The professional criminal wants very little to do with an armed citizen, actually it's his worst fear. This thrd. is getting out of hand, I expressed my view (No thumping at all) that just happens to be based on fact and was taken to town. Maybe people should re-read my posts, I just reflected the building blocks of a great country and people can't deal with it. Thats sad.

kenny b
Thanks....and I hope for your sake that you are right

But a certain gentleman ( hero) in Texas found out the hard way that some bad guys are not afraid of anyone....that they are prepared and well armed.....and standing there trading shots with them ain't gonna cut it.

Extreme example ...sure...but those are the ones that make training worth every minute and $$