The "ultimate" trunk rifle

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Not to disagree with anybody's choice, but to add: You might consider something like the Remington 740 or 742 semi-auto. .243, '06, or .308. While a 5-round magazine is standard, there are 10-rounders available.

I've seen them advertised in the SE U.S. for around $300, often with scope. It doesn't look like a para-military "bad gun", which fits your general scenario. In the same class is the Model 100 Winchester, but it has become somewhat of a collector's item and is overpriced.

My 742K in '06 will shoot inside of two inches, but not inside of one inch. However, for your intended purpose, that's plenty good.

Another vote for the .303 Enfield. I have a #4 Mk.1 with an Advanced Technologies 'zytel' stock that is earning my respect. As was mentioned elsewhere, it has a 10 rd. mag and is cheap. (About $150 total invested in mine.) The sights are good, accuracy adequate, profile low, and it will get the job done. Reloading with stripper clips is pretty quick once you have done it a few times. BTW, Gunslinger, what load do you use with that .44 Mag. Marlin? I have been trying to work up loads with 240 gr JHP but accuracy is not too impressive thus far...thanks.
I looked at some Rossi lever rifles this week. They make stainless .357 mag, .44 mag,
and .45 Colt models. Either 16 inch or 20 inch barrels. *Very* nice looking rifles.

OR, a folding stock 12 gauge pump shotgun. very compact.

For either gun, keep extra ammo and gear in a non-camo rabbit hunting type vest. Grab and go. The finishing "PC" touch.
If cost and size are of the most importance
you might go with a Sovent MN 91/59 I have one and it is very handy cost $80 or so and if you want to load you own you can do some neat stuff with it. And you can put a 'scout' mount of ok quality for $ 40 and then scope or red dot sight (scope is better no battries)

Or the French M-36 is a great shooter but once agin you will probably need to load your own but for $ 70 how far wrong can you go or for 125 you can get it in .308

If you want a Civilian type you cooud go with the Ruger model 96 lever actions 44 mag is $290 and the 22Mag is $210
4V50 Gary: I am familiar with this style of shooting. I call it the Lee Harvey Oswald method because it has been alleged (if one believes Oswald was a or the shooter) that, since he was left-handed, he sat with his knees pulled up to his body to support his right-handed Mannlicher-Carcano and quickly worked the bolt with the right hand as the left hand gripped the pistol grip and pulled the trigger. This method would help to explain how he managed to get off at least three shots as fast as he did.

[This message has been edited by Trevor (edited April 29, 1999).]
Gee, why won't anyone build a .223 levergun that takes AR-15 mags?

I really vote strongly for the .223 over the .30 carbine. But then again, I think ease of ammo obtainability includes picking some up from the LEO or military guy they greased just before you got there.

Totally self-contained on ammo? .30 carbine would be okay. I'd load it alternating HP rounds with FMJ. IIRC, the .30 carbine FMJ does pretty well on body armor.

Based on your criteria, I think it really comes down to a 9mm camp carbine type thing.

Let us never forget that the only legitimate source of government power is the citizens. If WE cannot exercise a certain power, we cannot grant it to the state.
Not to take credit for somebody else's idea, but I thought it would be pretty nifty to build an AR without the gas port hole in the barrel and simultaneoulsy omit the gas tube. Discard the charging handle and drill the bolt carrier to insert an op rod. Mill out a the ejection port to allow for rearward travel of the op rod and Voila! Straight pull rifle. I betcha you can even put a muzzle brake and bayonet mount on this non-semiautomatic rifle. On second thought, buy a DPMS southpaw receiver and mill out the left side for the op rod, that way you can use the left hand to work the action and keep the right hand on the pistol grip.

That Marlin 44mag in Gun List looks great! I am going to call on it.

Now if I could just find an FFL in SoCal or Arizona that would receive it without scrogging me on fees.

well, let me put in my 2 cents worth. i like the marlin camp carbine in 45acp(they will accept 1911 mags), lever action in either 30 30 or 44mag. any of these
have a non-assault look, ammo easy to get, but i wouldn't consider any of them a throw away. anyway, other than a shotgun, that's my version.

fiat justitia
DPMS makes a pump-action AR type rifle. Though it still could kill with it's evil "assault rifle" looks.
Could be an advantage the BG the weapon and they'll fall over dead without a shot being fired :D
I have lurked on this thread long enough. There are many good options presented. Well, I would never call a .22 rifle a trunk gun.

The lever action rifles are a great choice - in .30-30 even, would be great.

The AR-15 is still my number one choice - if black was too scary - check out the wood thumhole stock available via Bushmaster - - that with a flat top - would not look very scary - especially with a short 10 or 20 round mag. that would be my choice.

I don't think that any AR-15 would fulfill the "cheap" requirement. I know I sure wouldn't want any AR-15 to get stolen and used by the thief.

My vote is for something along the Mosin Nagant carbine in 7.62x54 (of course) line. It's cheap ($50-$100), rugged (it's Russian), and it doesn't look awfully evil, particularly if you remove the bayonet. Someone also makes a "scout" style scope mount for it. If someone stole it, they'd probably not use it, as it's "just a crappy old bolt action". You could remove the bolt and leave it right next to the gun (most jokers wouldn't figure it out and just give up).
My behind the seat rifle is the SKS. If the SKS "offends" you good. If it's stolen you won't be heartbroken. The SKS fits all your other requirments.
1.Cheap. lots of used ones around.
2.mucho firepower. stripper clips load fast and are easy to carry.
3.INNOCENT looking. maybe not? ugly yes,evil looking no.
4.COMMON AMMO. $120/1000 is cheap.

with a synthetic stock they give fair accuracy.

as far easy to find ammo:HELL, everybody knowns all terrorist use ak-47.Bag you one and take his ammo. and maybe his gun too.

My .02
thaddeus, i forget how much i gave for the
marlin. i know it wasn't too bad or i'd remember it.(tightwad)yes, it'll accept 1911
mags, i even have 3 15 round mags that work good in it. i know it's very accurate at 50 yards(don't know how many meters that is). i have shot it 100 yards, but can't remember
exactly how well it did. i know it got there,
but i don't think you could call it a moa rifle. i reckon i really need to go shoot it again so i'll know these kind of things. if it didn't happen yesterday, i done fergot! ;)

i have to agree w/ gundog about the sks w/ stripper clips. ammos cheap, accurate enough,
if it gets stolen you're out less than $200.00. and thaddeus, right now the ammo availability is no problem.

by the way thaddeus, what kind of safe thing
you got in your jeep. i just got a jeep & put
a tuffy console in it, but am always looking for more ways to lock up my junk.
fiat justitia

[This message has been edited by longhair (edited May 01, 1999).]
The main reason I hate the SKS is this:
Some years ago, up in Idaho, a certain hardware store had a couple cases of these bad boys for sale. You pick out your gun - $60. Yup. 60 BUCKS each! I could have bought both cases... I have seen SKS rifles sell for as high as 190! Talk about a return on the investment!

I could have bought stock in Sun Microsystems too some years back... Had I invested just 1000 dollars... I would be filthy stinking rich now...

No, I never learn...

My current favorite el cheapo is the #4 MK1 and MKII Enfield.
They are very inexpensive. I have yet to pay over $100.00 for one.
Ten round box magazines, stripper clips, and very accurate. Also very reliable.
As far as power, it has exterior ballistics similar to a .308, and all of those dead Russians in Afghanistan can't be wrong...
There are tons of aftermarket goodies for them, but mine are all stock weapons, except for dumping the top wood, and redoing the forend in a bull nose or a little schnabel if I am feeling artistic.
Ammo is cheap and easy to get.

They look like a "sporter", but they are a full up battle rifle.
Mad dog has a good point,the Enfields are a great deal. I have one in .308 that`s mildly sporterized,it set me back a whole $95. Last week it handily out shot my buddy`s $600 FAL. That`s a lot of bang for the buck! :) Marcus
I have an Enfield, but that thing is friggin monsterous. It cost me $70. It must be 4 feet long and 30 pounds. (or something like that ;) ). Do they make smaller ones....or do you cut them down?

I like my Winchester '94 with see-through mounts and a 4x scope. Light, compact, and hits with as much authority as the 7.62X39.
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