The Ultimate Carry Gun...

When I was a lot younger, I carried a full size 1911. Now, at nearly age 70, I carry a 4" 1911. Not really a major difference between the two except that most of my full size guns are steel and the 4" is some sort of lighter metal alloy. My left side gets two magazines in a dual pouch. I put my gun on in the morning right after my shower when putting on my pants. It comes off at night and goes onto my night stand.

Each and every gun I have has its own dedicated holster. I do not like the universal holsters. A good holster should fit your particular gun, cover the trigger and trigger guard, and be tight enough so that the gun does not go on its on vacation should you have to jog or dodge for cover yet it must be easy enough for one to draw it out without wrestling with the gun to get it out. Aside from duty guns worn outside a uniform, I believe that concealment holsters should never be a retention style holster.

I try to keep in good shape and I do go to the range 4 to 5 times a week, dependent upon the Gun Club and Student Schedule. I preach to my students that if they are going to carry, carry all the time. Just don't get in the habit of carrying different guns in different location on the body. When the going gets tough, tunnel vision takes over and muscle memory kicks in, unless of course, one is highly trained. Develop good habit patterns and keep them consistent. The last thing a person wants to be doing when they need their gun is thinking about what gun they have and where did they put it.

One of the worst experiences I ever had was being home when my home became victim to a home invasion. Three armed crooks entered with the intention of stealing my possessions. I lived in the penthouse of a high rise and thought this could never happen here. All my guns were in my safe. They cleaned out all my art work and expensive electronics but never got my guns. Unfortunately for me, they left me some bullet holes in my body. I vowed never to make that mistake ever again...and I haven't. Just because you may think it can't happen to you doesn't mean it will not.
Joe Pike said

"That's why I pocket carry. It's no more of a hassle than carrying a wallet. "

X 2

That is the reason that I pocket muss, no fuss.
i would like to hear how carrying a full-size gun is not any harder when working at a place with strict dress codes. i have to physically carry people in and out of houses all day, with a perfectly tucked polo shirt. it's great that some of you have a lifestyle that allows carrying a full-size pistol 24/7 realistic. but it is not an option for everyone.
The gun is only as inconvenient as you want to make it. Carrying a full size gun, is really no harder than carrying something like a Seecamp or Baby, which has been my point all along, you just have to want to do it.
It is far harder for me. I prefer carrying a 1911, and have now been carrying a 3" for over 12 years, as primary. I knew when I first decided to carry a 1911, it wouldn't be my beloved Mark IV. And, I had carried my Colt Delta for many years in the woods and knew it's size and weight was not what I wanted for the concrete jungle. And I still see people on here that refuse to carry "anything but full-sized." No idea how they do it. I nearly forget mine are there, couldn't stand even sitting on a log for a few minutes with the Delta.
I nearly forget mine are there......
I am the same way with my 17, as I was with my Commander, P229, P226, P220, etc. Its all what youre used to. I carried Colt GM's and Commanders for over 25 years, and longer than any other type of handgun, so Im pretty familiar with them. They arent any harder than anything else.

Ive carried every day of my life for the past 40+ years, in jeans under a tee shirt, in dress slacks under a shirt and tie, and pretty much everything in between, and 99% of that was with a full size handgun with its reloads, and more often than not, a back up.

All my work environments have been NPE's, as have quite a few of my non work environments. None of this is taken lightly or without a lot of thought. Nor has it been at all difficult, once I figured out how I was going to do it. Most of the time, it was just a simple IWB holster, and on occasion, things like undershirt holsters, belly bands, Smart Carry, ankle holsters, etc. You do what you have to and you make it work.
I can absolutely GUARANTEE that 1911s, Commanders, SIGs, and Glocks (even in your jock) are much harder to carry comfortably than my P 32.

No matter what I'm wearing, the P32 fits in the pocket. Same place, same gun, every time.

I don't need belly bands or underwear holsters or ankle holsters. That's the whole purpose of the P32 as the ultimate carry gun.
The gun is only as inconvenient as you want to make it. Carrying a full size gun, is really no harder than carrying something like a Seecamp or Baby

Yeah carrying it may not be harder, but concealing it is. I have carried everything from micro .380's all the way up to a Beretta M9 IWB and everything in between. Hands down a slim gun with a short grip conceals a whole lot easier than a full size no matter what holster you use. I refuse to wear shirts and pants a size bigger, call me vain, but I do care about my appearance, and my life does not revolve around concealed carry. With jeans and shirts that fit correctly, a full size gun prints like crazy, and bending over is a dead giveaway. Oversized jeans and shirts aren't a good look.
No matter what I'm wearing, the P32 fits in the pocket. Same place, same gun, every time.
99% of the time I do the same, only its not a P32, and it/they are not in my pocket.

You carry a back up as a primary, and one I consider a third line gun, I carry a primary, and a back up. I stopped carrying the third line guns awhile back.

I don't need belly bands or underwear holsters or ankle holsters.
Fine, dont use them. I use them, and Im glad I have them. For me, they are normally for the guns in the back up and deep concealment roles, and the guns I normally carry there, you would probably consider to big too.

I refuse to wear shirts and pants a size bigger, call me vain, but I do care about my appearance, and my life does not revolve around concealed carry. With jeans and shirts that fit correctly, a full size gun prints like crazy, and bending over is a dead giveaway. Oversized jeans and shirts aren't a good look.
I agree 100% with the looks part. The "my life does not revolve around concealed carry" is quite telling though. That tends to make me think you dont carry every waking minute, and its more about convenience than anything else.

I normally wear my normal size shirts and pants. Theres no need to go up a size, even with IWB (your normal size pants actually make it more comfortable, and hold the gun in place better, with little shifting). The only difference there for me was, I wore "full cut" dress shirts with the Confidant, instead of my normal "fitted" dress shirts.

If your gun is printing like crazy, youre doing something wrong. Bending over is no problem at all if done right. I carry AIWB, and bending over is actually a plus.

Ive been at this a good long while, and have tried probably everything you can think of, and a lot you probably havent. I also carry every waking minute of every day, and have done so my entire adult life. So it is a lifestyle, and not just a fashion or privilege statement, that it seems to be for many these days. If you dont want to carry the gun you shoot the best with, and that can handle "most" anything that might crop up, then dont, we all have to live with our choices. I choose not to compromise, unless absolutely necessary.
I agree 100% with the looks part. The "my life does not revolve around concealed carry" is quite telling though. That tends to make me think you dont carry every waking minute, and its more about convenience than anything else.

The only times I don't carry are places I legally cant, when I am drinking, or in my home since I will just place a handgun down next to me wherever I am in the house. So no I don't carry every waking minute, but I have carried a gun daily for going on 7 years now. Convenience does come into play though, it's far more convenient to carry my Shield around than my Glock. So like I said, my life does not revolve around concealed carry.

I normally wear my normal size shirts and pants. Theres no need to go up a size, even with IWB (your normal size pants actually make it more comfortable, and hold the gun in place better, with little shifting). The only difference there for me was, I wore "full cut" dress shirts with the Confidant, instead of my normal "fitted" dress shirts.

If your gun is printing like crazy, youre doing something wrong. Bending over is no problem at all if done right. I carry AIWB, and bending over is actually a plus.

As far as doing something wrong, I have tried holsters from Crossbreed to Raven for IWB with quality gun belts for full size guns and I just cant conceal them well enough to feel comfortable going throughout my day. I am barely pushing 5'9 and weigh about 200lbs, so I am relatively short and stocky and pretty muscular so I fill in my clothes pretty well, wearing a full size IWB just leaves a huge odd looking bulge on my already big hips, and any movement just makes it that much more noticeable. So even with well made proper holsters and belts they still print like crazy, and like I said especially when bending over.
I can absolutely GUARANTEE that 1911s, Commanders, SIGs, and Glocks (even in your jock) are much harder to carry comfortably than my P 32.

No matter what I'm wearing, the P32 fits in the pocket. Same place, same gun, every time.
I'm with you, Bill. Though normally, my P32 is BUG to primary, whenever I decline or neglect to don a primary, the P32 is always there in the back pocket, and therefore serves as primary as well. It is without a doubt my "everything gun."
Its all about trade-offs.

A larger gun is easier to shoot well at speed, will generally hold more ammo, but is harder to carry/conceal everywhere/everyday.

The smaller gun will conceal where a bigger one would not, BUT you give up Power and shootability.

Choose the correct tool for the job. If carrying in a NPE then the .32 carried deeply concealed might be a better choice.

When Winter comes a larger gun is easy to conceal.

Me, personally...G19 AIWB 80% of the time. Tank top and shorts...G43 AIWB. I dont have the need to go smaller/deeper then that.
The "my life does not revolve around concealed carry" is quite telling though. That tends to make me think you dont carry every waking minute, and its more about convenience than anything else.
Anytime I'm dressed, I'm carrying if it's legal to do so. That doesn't mean my life revolves around concealed carry though.

My carry gun is not a god that I serve. My carry gun is there to serve me, not the other way around. That means I decide how much convenience/discomfort/appearance I'm willing to trade away in return for having a firearm always at hand.
ak103k said:
Theres no need to go up a size, even with IWB (your normal size pants actually make it more comfortable, and hold the gun in place better, with little shifting).

LMAO!! The style police are here! There is NO WAY an IWB even fits in my normal pants size, much less comfortably. Of course, I've never been accused of being style-conscious, if I wore my pants the modern way I'm sure that you'd be correct:


I've seen many people struggling to get their normal sized pants over their hips and zipped. You can't slide a piece of paper between their hips and pants, much less a gun.
I agree with TimSr that a conceal carry should always be on the defender...not in his/her vehicle. Sure a .389 is a mini-9mm, and my LC9S can give me 7+1 rounds of Hornady Critical Duty. But it is on me unless I'm showering or sleeping...and is near by in case I need to scare an intruder one way or another! Your assailant will be between 7 to 10 feet and coming toward you fast. If your conceal carry is in your truck, you'd better know close contact self defense, Dude!
There is NO WAY an IWB even fits in my normal pants size, much less comfortably.....

.....I've seen many people struggling to get their normal sized pants over their hips and zipped. You can't slide a piece of paper between their hips and pants, much less a gun.
Then they arent the proper size. Then again these days, no one wants to admit they are fat, and will tell you they wear pant 3 sizes smaller, so you think they arent fat. :rolleyes: I guess thats whats going on here.

Ive carried fat, skinny, and in between over my lifetime. I always wore/wear pants that fit, and didnt try to squeeze my belly into something that was to tight. Whats the point? Wearing pants that are to small, is just as bad as wearing them to big, neither fit and neither look right.

These days, I wear a 32 waist (my measured size), and even with my 17 and a reload stuffed in there, I still have a little room, and they are plenty comfortable. When you wear your normal size, they are slightly snug when you first get dressed, but in a minute or two, the material gives a little, and your body remembers, and they are fine. The big plus is, they hold the gun in place better, with very little movement, and if you decide not to wear your gun, or go to an OWB holster, etc, your pants still fit right.

IWB is very comfortable (and concealable) once you get used to it. It only takes a little time for your body to adjust, but its not more than a week or so, in real time. If you are only doing it here and there, it probably will take longer, if you figure it out at all.
If your conceal carry is in your truck, you'd better know close contact self defense, Dude!
Thats a whole other subject that a lot of "gun" people dont want to get into. The have a gun, and it will get them out of everything, no need to be in shape, or have other skills. :rolleyes: