The Ultimate Carry Gun...


...when facing a man whose pistol is in his truck is the pistol you are carrying at the time.

An instructive and amusing anecdote related by Kyle Lamb in the Lock, Stock & Barrel column of the August 2014 Guns & Ammo magazine.

He encountered a fellow at a local gun shop who was expounding to all present on the many advantages of what he considered to be the ideal carry gun. He then asked Kyle what his favorite carry gun was. Kyle replied that his favorite was whatever he was carrying at the time--a Bersa .380 on that particular occasion.

The "expert" was amused and let his amusement be known. Lamb asked him where his pistol was and the expert, no longer amused, admitted somewhat sheepishly that it was in his vehicle.

Lamb then made the comment that is paraphrased to title this post. His point, of course, was that carrying all the time is far more important than what you choose carry.
I couldn't agree more... my lil TCP is always on my belt... small, light, thin... I always have intentions of carrying something "better" ( I have many, many choices ) but the TCP always finds it's way to my belt... my "better" guns never seem to be there... if I were in a shoot out, there are "better" guns I should be carrying... but the TCP always goes bang ( I end up shooting more raccoons & such with my TCP, because it always seems to be there when I need it, so I know it works, & the ammo is not getting old... plus if I can hit a farm yard varmint, a larger man sized target should be no problem... plus I get quite familiar with drawing & shooting it )...

that lil TCP may just be the best gun ( for me ) to carry... because I know it'll likely be there... should I need it :)
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One time in my life have I needed to draw and be 100% ready to use my handgun.That incident has served as a life lesson.You MUST have a gun WITH you 24/7,a Browning .25ACP was with me that night! :Do
Agree wholeheartedly.

Sometimes my ultimate carry gun is my S&W 642.

Sometimes its my S&W Model 28 4" stoked with 125 grain Speer Gold Dot HP .357 Magnum.

Occasionally its both :p .
I bet I'm faster with this gun siting on my desk, and yet I'm not carrying it. Hmmm

I predict you're gonna go through a lot of holsters before you find one that makes carrying that desk comfortable. :D
This is my philosophy spot on! I always smile over the debates why a .22/.25/.380 are not good SD guns. Yet, I have never heard anyone say "thats just a little gun, go ahead and shoot me":eek: The best SD FA is the one you have with you when need it.
I too think caliber debate machismo is worthless when it comes to carry guns. Everybody is concerned about their gun doing enough damage, when they should be concerned with how likely that they will be to carry the thing. A full-sized 1911 or Glock does you no good as a carry piece, if it does not get used.

But, it is hard for an individual to realize how much of a pain-in-the-butt carrying a gun is until they have tried to do it. Sometimes my ~23 oz single stack 9mm gets left at home even, and here and there I find myself wanting to down gun or at least have another gun in my collection that is slightly lighter and thinner.
But, it is hard for an individual to realize how much of a pain-in-the-butt carrying a gun is until they have tried to do it.
Ive been doing it for 40 some odd years now, and normally with full sized guns "and" a back up, and its never been a problem, nor has it been hard.

If you really feel the need to carry something, why short yourself?
I have 5 pistols in my rotation
beretta 21a 22lr
seecamp 32
ruger s p 101
s w mp40c
h k p200sh 40 s w

Always one in my pocket .
Unfortunately, most CCW types don't carry religiously. A TX survey (old) found that 20% do. I have friends who talk the gun talk but hardly carry. The gun is wrapped in a towel in the glove compartment.

One hurt his dominant hand, so ditched carrying.

Most folks are not serious.
Unfortunately, most CCW types don't carry religiously.......

....Most folks are not serious.
That has been my experience as well.

I also think that the "not serious" part carries over to the practice/skills realm too, but in a way, it only makes sense, as if youre not into it, youre not likely to keep up on things.
Ive been doing it for 40 some odd years now, and normally with full sized guns "and" a back up, and its never been a problem, nor has it been hard.

If you really feel the need to carry something, why short yourself?

Most of the time I do carry full size. 4" S&W Model 19, 3" S&W Model 13, 5" 1911. With high quality belts and holsters, it is more doable than most people realize. Though sometimes, when my right hip is acting up or I messed up my lower back, a 642 in the pocket is just the ticket. Or when I'm tooling around the house in my PJs, doing heavy yard work, etc.
"Ive been doing it for 40 some odd years now, and normally with full sized guns "and" a back up, and its never been a problem, nor has it been hard.

If you really feel the need to carry something, why short yourself?"

If it doesn't bother you, then good for you. I have no beef with you, but it bothers me. Yes, I have a good belt; yes, I have a good holster. Maybe I have too many other things on my belt: phone, wallet, knife, lots of keys, cell phone. I do a lot of walking, too, between 4-7 miles a day for exercise and for my dogs, so I usually take my gun off when I get home because even a 23 oz, 0.9" thick gun, bothers my skin just from pulling on the belt more than an unburdened belt.

I have no problem carrying a bigger gun in a more comfortable way, like a shoulder holster or larger, dedicated gun belt, but for my concealed carry which is IWB means that the more comfortable ways of carry are limited to me. I don't feel unsafe because I carry a smaller gun. 9mm is fine enough for me, and quite frankly, I don't feel unsafe without a gun. I really only carry a firearm on principle, though I try to carry as much as I can.