The Ultimate Bear Gun

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I'm still puzzled. If it's faster with a stock then why not just add another 1 1/4 inches to the barrel and have a rifle you don't need a class III license to buy?

I know, you could call it the co-pilot!

Oh yeah, and take that electronic thingy off of there!
I do know one thing for certain if batteries are included it ain't going to be on my dangerous game rig.

As far as the sawed off look,are we trying to attract more bloods and crips into the wilds of Alaska? I mean shoot, gang bangers got the right to hunt too!! This looks like the perfect drive by Moose rig.;)
Yeah a 16" legal barrel, a stock so you can use some real sights:ghost ring or express, then you can defend against REAL bears.;)
If'n yer gonna shoot this silly thing from the hip, using the laser, why do you have a sight on it? If you are gonna use the sight, I fear you may well eat it when you touch it off. Looks pretty dumb to me. :)
Why not add a few inches to the barrel so you dont need a Class 3 license?


Because! :)

And the next one is gonna be threaded for a suppressor.....


Because.....we can :)

And I hear there is a 12 inch mares leg style in the works....:)


Just because!

By the way the sights are usable when you shoot it off hand...

Get a grip guys this stuff is supposed to be fun!
And like WildAlaska stated, you have to be reeeel close to legaly shoot a bear in defense. Most times they false charge and stop just a few yards away while you wait with sweat dripping off you and your sphincter squeezed hard enough to crush diamonds, hoping and praying she turns around.
Well IF I ever go to Alaska and IF I get charged by a bear and IF there is an F&G guy there with a tape measure and video camera gathering evidence I just might take a step behind him before I decide whether or not to shoot the bear. :p
Today I had to do it and stopped in and seen this beast. Even though I havent shot it and I'm not into pistol grip guns, the stocked version is nice. I was impressed. As soon as the suppressed version is done I'm definitly gonna check it out. It just so happens I do have a stock 1895SS in my safe. After seeing it it might be worth the money and paperwork.
Get a grip guys this stuff is supposed to be fun!

Oh my mistake. I thought you were actually trying to come up with a firearm to sell. It seems you're just foolin' around. Well in that case, why don't you rechamber the bugger for .50BMG and decrease of the grip even further. Wow!!! That would be lot's of fun!!! Wait...... Why don't we just drop an anvil on our head, a la, Wylie Coyote. HEY!!! Even more fun!!!!

Sorry WildAlaska, you come up with an actual viable firearm concept, and I'll show a bit more enthusiasm.
Gee Marine Tech, thanks for enlightening me that SBRs arent viable.

Had a couple of LEs who grabbed it and thought otherwise....

But I guess they are wrong too....

And theres a 50AK in the works....

Hope to continue this on the new Board
Christmas Eve. Christmas. Merry, merry and Ho, ho, ho. That means it's time for this thread to either regain sanity, courtesy and politeness or see it disappear into the never-never land of the magic Delete key.

Be nice. Go hug a bear. Listen to Lyle Lovett.

:D, Art

New site. New link.
Seems to me that controllability in a high-speed threat situation would be a problem, with this rig. Small movements of the left hand make large misdirection of the muzzle. A shoulder-mounted rifle can be cycled almost as quickly, and initially brought to point of aim far more quickly.

A conventional rifle should be faster as to the first aimed shot--which is usually the most important shot of all.

However, comparative testing on targets beats the heck out armchair opinions. For instance, trying this rig against a conventional rifle for the time to the first hit at a 10-yard target would be a start. I suggest as a target, a 55-gallon drum being rolled toward the shooter, with the "kill zone" being a 4" strip painted around it.

Wrap a rope around the barrel, with the Puller standing behind the Shooter. Shooter starts with eyes closed, and goes into action upon a signal of whatever sort. The stopwatch starts with the signal.

The real-world problem is that of readiness for an unexpected attack. Few are ready, regardless of the style of weapon. Or, they're so ready that there is little point to being there in the first place.

:D, Art
Art, that would take the "fun" out of it! :D

Though I bet Randy Weaver has a different idea of how much "fun" it is to get the FBI's attention on a weapons charge.

Know what dude?

The New Yorker really comes out in you sometimes!!!!

So why don't you take your little toy to NYC where it may have some use as a crack house protector.

But in the mean time you can take your attitude and your wild west guns and go jump in the north pacific and cool off a bit. I know it's tough this time of the year just try and find a crack in ice.

The times that I've been in shop you just as hot headed and rude as you are online.

Merry Christmas.
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