The Truth.....

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The Firing Line was established to provide a forum for intelligent, civil discourse on firearms and firearms related topics. It has never been meant to be a barroom where one may freely mistreat others. Disagree with one another? Yes. That is healthy and stimulating to the intellectual process. Disrespect one another? Not at this website.

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
I do hope you know , my posts was not meant for anything but inforamtion purposes only. My response was only after I was attacked as an individual rather than on the merit of my post. As such , As an AMERICAN , I believe I am entitled to defend myself.
A troll is a troll, no matter what the intention or result.

CCW for Ohio action site.
Do what you C.A.N.
Now that I have had time to digest and meditate on your statements, Badman, let me reply to your reply:

In your reply to Coinneach (I see, unless I say it with hat in hand...)
No, but starting out by calling us "morons" and "stupid" isn't the way to get anything done.

Correria: (I wrote this to those who would feel its' teeth...). No sir, you did not. You wrote it in a post to the Forum, and you called the members of this Forum "morons" without using any qualifiers.

Grayfox: ( opinion only matters...amount of post). Nope. But if you'd have been around a little longer, you would have realized that your views are shared by the majority of this Forum. We simply know how to express ourselves in a constructive and mature manner.

Paul Revers: (...served my country, al.,) As have most of the members of this Forum.

Larry P.: (I also really liked your insult SPACE CADET...)That's nice. We DIDN'T like the insult "morons".

Futo Inu: (...trained Head-Doc with us...)Who needs a trained "Head-Doc"? You instituited a scathing attack on a pro-gun Forum based on attitudes that they do not have, and you insulted a group of strangers in their own house (so to speak). Based on that, it can be reasonably deduced that, you sir, have some issues.

Mort: (...take a remedial course in reading and writing...). May I suggest, sir, that you take it first? Then go back and ACTUALLY READ Morts' post.

If you have anything further, sir, take it to e-mail. My address is available.


[This message has been edited by LawDog (edited December 02, 1999).]
OK, so you apparently DON'T agree you have "issues". And I stated IF your work was NON-fiction.... Badman, I am reminded of the immortal words of "Chu-mon-ee-too-tonka-ee-wah-ta" (Dances with Wolves): "You are not worth speaking to" - in my opinion - at least not until a valium is administered and begins to take effect.

[This message has been edited by Futo Inu (edited December 02, 1999).]
Your original post was indeed constructed and delivered as an insult, consciously intended.
Your subsequent back-peddling protestations that you were not insulting are worthy of the best Washington speak ala His Billness.
You accomplished nothing other than annoy and anger the membership. You proposed nothing, offered nothing that could remotely help in the RKBA fight. An honorable person admits a mistake or mis-calculation and apologizes; said person does not parse and attempt to redefine. Its obvious that you merely want a soapbox and attention.

It ain't gonna happen here

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
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