The Truth.....

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You all are so full of SHI*

Quote: If they passing a gun ban/confiscation law then they are drawing a line in the sand...


Are you people stupid ??? Are you all blind ? They are already passing the laws , they have already brainwashed the public , they are day by day reaching a point where they will have your guns! You people are MORONS. Have any of you eyes with which to see. Just like Mao
you must first turn the people , THEY HAVE ALREADY DONE THIS !!!

Now they are turning the gov. day by day , law by law. The NRA , hah , hah , hah , they are a joke !!! Think about it they always lose the big fights , 1994 , 1998 , 1999 , year in and year out they make noise but what do they really do except give us a false sense of security.

By the very words POST-BAN , PRE-BAN , you have already given up your rights , your fight , your freedom !!
You are already being conditioned to a total gun ban. I mean COME ON open your sheep eyes , you say " hey it's just as good as a pre-ban , right ?? "
Hah , they got you !!!!!

C.A.N. , G.O.A. , NRA , Vet.
Thank you for that insightful post.

Now then, "Badman," instead of pissing and moaning about us not doing anything, what *do* you suggest? That we start shooting mailmen and dogcatchers? That we firebomb BATF offices? That we drag Dammit Janet out of her office and string her up?

Yeah, right.

Instead of blowing up at us, your ostensible allies, how about redirecting some of that energy? You know, indulge in a little civil disobedience. Get actively involved in pro-gun movements, like attacking buybacks and publicly daring your state's governor to come get your guns.

Just lose that f***in' attitude towards your fellows. It won't get you anywhere.

"The right of no person to keep and bear arms in defense of his home, person and property,
or in aid of the civil power when thereto legally summoned, shall be called into question.."
Article 11, Section 13, CO state constitution.
I'm insulted by your post. The people on TFL are not the problem, you are preaching to the choir. Most of us are as involved in RKBA as is possible.

The only thing your rant accomplishes is to mock the people who are on your side. If your only goal is to insult people, you picked the wrong board.
I checked your profile and see that you have been a member here for 13 days and have made exactly 2 posts. You hardly know us and yet you're ready to pass judgement. The truth is you are just like the people so eager to take our rights without hearing us out first.
If you have suggestions about how to continue the fight for RKBA, by all means speak up. Be specific as to what you think should be done. You'll find we are interested and willing to honestly discuss it.
However, if you just want to bitch and make veiled threats, go someplace else. Cause if you ain't part of the solution, you are part of the problem. We already got enough problems.
To all;
I have just recieved this email.Its long but well worth the reading;

WASHINGTON, DC (Tuesday, November 30, 1999) - The Second Amendment
Foundation (SAF), a firearms civil rights legal defense, research and
educational organization, has filed a federal lawsuit today in
DC against the U.S. Conference of Mayors (USCM) and certain individual
mayors for conspiracy to violate civil and constitution rights,
the First, Second and Ninth Amendments, as well as the creation of undue

burden on lawful interstate commerce.

"We warned both the USCM and individual mayors of our intent to defend
rights and those of millions of law-abiding Americans. We gave them
opportunity to cease and desist their warrantless attacks," stated Alan
Gottlieb, SAF founder. "Now, they are being sued; while their meritless
frivolous lawsuits are being dealt serious blows in thecourts."

The city of Cincinnati earned the dubious distinction of being the first

city to be derailed in their attack against firearm manufacturers,
distributors and trade associations. The Court firmly held that the
was both vague and unsupported by legal precedent. A large portion of
Atlanta lawsuit was also dismissed with serious doubts surrounding the
remaining portion of the suit. In addition, a ruling in the Bridgeport
lawsuit is expected in the next few weeks.

"As more and more of these city mayors' suits are dismissed, the more it

looks like these suits were only intended to financially injure gun
and the federally licensed producers and sellers of firearms," stated
Gottlieb. "In addition, the USCM readily admits that they are seeking
legislation in the courtrooms, which is a clear violation of the
of powers upon which our great country was founded. This is cause to
individual mayors and the USCM responsible for their conspiratorial and
unconstitutional assaults on law-abiding people."

The SAF lawsuit alleges three counts against the groups. Count 1 is for
violation of lawful interstate commerce. The mayor's legal challenges
already forced several gun makers to declare bankruptcy, severely
their product lines, and/or raise firearm prices, thus hurting consumers
including taxpayer-funded federal, state and local law enforcement
- all across the country. Count 2 is for violation of First Amendment
rights. The mayor's lawsuits have prevented the gun manufacturers from
educating consumers about their products out of fear of seeing ads in
courtrooms, not to mention that many of the mayor's lawsuits are trying
eliminate or severely curtail the ability of running ads on firearm
products in general. Count 3 is for violation of the Second and Ninth
Amendment rights. The Second Amendment is an individual right to keep
bears according to the recent United States v. Emerson, 46 F.Supp.2d 598

(N.D. Tex. 1999). The mayor's attempt to abridge the right to keep and
arms by putting gun makers out of business causes a violation of the
individual's means to self-defense which is recognized in every
and falls under the Ninth Amendment rights.

Attorney Richard Gardiner, a well-known Washington, D.C. firearms civil
rights attorney, is the lead attorney working this case against the
In addition to Cincinnati, Atlanta, and Bridgeport, the cities affected
the lawsuit are Boston, Los Angeles, Miami, Newark, New Orleans,
Cleveland, Detroit, San Francisco, Berkeley, Sacramento, Oakland, East
Alto, Compton, West Hollywood, Inglewood, Camden, Wilmington, Gary, and

"The mayors are on notice that their lawsuits will not be free," said
Gottlieb. "The Second Amendment Foundation and gun owners across the
country will make them accountable for attempting to steal in the
branch what they have failed to rob in the legislative branch."

The Second Amendment Foundation is a tax-exempt education, legal defense

and publishing organization founded in 1974 and has over 600,000
citizen supporters nationwide. It previously has funded successful
firearms-related suits against the cities of Los Angeles, New Haven, CT,

and San Francisco on behalf of American gun owners.
My point is , simply :

People seems to be waiting for , what ??? Some declaration of war from the gov. that has already happened. People seem to be waiting for what ???? the actual appeal of the 2nd amedmment , it is already in progress.

I simply want people to understand there will be no " line in the sand "
The opposition is far to smart for that. Liberty is taken a little at a time. What I want is ' NOT ' to upset fellow Americans but to let them see with open eyes , what it is they face.
Do not miss the forest for the trees. I promise you they won't.
Badman: Just talking on several issues nor attacks any sector of the Government by words is too easy to do by a certain individual. But we do not know how sincere that individual of what he is talking about.

I'll give you a concrete example: I myself, penetrate a certain organization and trying to picture myself as one of them, sometimes I do some illegal acts to show that I am really sincere to what I am talking or portraying. When I was in that particular organization, I found out that what the group is fighting for is not worth dying. Mostly the leaders of militant organization are not true people fighting for a cause but they are deep penetrators just to know the people they want to pick up.

Just like you, you might talk things like these, to agitate people but do you really fight for the cause of pro-guns.

There are good words of choice, rather than talking like you know everything. Like the others said, recommend and suggest a solution not in a way that "We the TFlers or perhaps members in this forum are that dumb to received such sarcastic words" from any one as we might be all professionals irrespective of nationality.

I still believe that diplomacy is more dangerous than the point of a gun. If a current government has an anti gun agenda or do confiscate legitimate guns from owners, for sure that policy will not take long. Thus it would be better to show and convince the authority that owning guns is as good to owning other tools. Not that, you seems invite the gun owners to be lawless.

Correct me if I am wrong but I am only expressing the tip of my intelligence.


[This message has been edited by stdalire (edited December 01, 1999).]

"Literature is the only weapon I possess"????

Expose the Demons to light? So you come on here and make a mockery out of the many TFL'rs that are on the front lines of freedom fighting in this Nation, and what do you accomplish?

Gun Control is merely a philosophy my friend. It is born of Communist dictates, and has found its way into many leaders' agendas to control people. Leftist philosophers in Washington D.C. politics are using this measure, as well as many, many others to expand government's control over its citizens. But be real, threats are merely that. This apathetic Nation we call home will not be pressed into a corner without a fight.

Should you roam far enough away from your literature, you will taste the patriotism that is suppressed in this Nation, and I suggest that you do so immediately. And while you're out there, imagine the logistics of carrying out the gun confiscation scheme which is ultimately a finality of this agenda. Imagining this, is the moment I am comfortable again with my security in America. Confiscation on a National scale would be logistically impossible.

Each time I hear another gun control blurb, I refresh my familiarity with the second amendment, which clearly gives me a RIGHT, which shall not be infringed.
General harassment accomplishes nothing. I hear pseudo-violent rabble-rouser rants like this regularly, and all it tells me is that the writer is a space cadet. We need to get behind court actions and pro-defense political candidates. A thinly veiled proposal that "it is time to ACT" is a position of the lunatic fringe. They egg each other on forever with louder and more threatening words, and if push ever comes to shove you'll find them still right there at the old computer, trying to start another fight, because they just don't have the time or money to put their asses in the street for the fight they helped start.

If action is required right now, as previously suggested, then show us the way, oh savior, by refusing to comply with gun laws PUBLICLY, and defy anyone to prosecute you. If you won't do that, then I certainly will not expect to see you beside me if the time ever comes. All mouth.
Ditto what Jeff Thomas said....check it out, guys.

Badman, I think you'd agree you have "issues" and probably don't represent the mainsteam of law-abiding gun owners. If your body of online work is not fiction, then you are a god, which makes you unique here on TFL. With such an entity we may not be prepared to adequately deal. However, god or not, your opinion should be heard, SUBJECT TO the rules of TFL. Please review them, as I believe your post may have violated them. Your directness I appreciate; insults, not. Even for those of us TFLers who may come down on the radical-declare-war side, we are for the most part still waiting for legal channels to work (e.g. a Supreme Court case). However, I would have to say we're near the precipice (sp?) in the grand scheme of things (within 20 years), if things don't change - rephrase - if we don't change things.

[This message has been edited by Futo Inu (edited December 01, 1999).]
Please ! Understand I am not in any way insulting anyone.

I simply want to state that which is true. It seems so often that people ( not exactly those on this board or , or any other board ) have way to much confidence in others to somehow fix this downhill slide of the constutition. Ex. the S.A.F. lawsuit , I hear a lot of thatnk God ! , not Oh , we already doing that.


In your endovers to retain the rights set forth by or Founding-Fathers.

I knew I would be insulted , yelled at , HEll , even the thing I vaule most , my literature made fun of and not understood , BUT as those men before me who have set pen to paper , in hopes that they could rose their country men to action , I to will willing stand apart and speak what I hold to be true.

As for those who ask well... what are you doing for the cause. With clarity I say this , any man who informs the enemy of his actions on a public board , is well doing nothing but cutting his own throat. However I again SUPPORT any and all of those who fight either in the light OR in the shadows.
Badman, please tell me how the heck you can come back and say that when the very first words you uttered were, "You all are so full of SHI*"?

BTW, you spelled it wrong, it's "S#|T".
Badman, if it's so important to you, go to prison.

I'm serious. If you openly defy senseless gun laws and go to prison, I will support you with all the resources I have available to me. You'll be a hero.

Seriously: Things are happening. It's easy to get frustrated, yes, but we are on the move.
I actually agree with Badman 100%. Blunt but to the point.

All we do is DELAY the rate at which our rights are taken from us.
I have had time to think of how my declaration has been meet. I would like to respond.

Coinneach wrote:
Just lose that f***in' attitude towards your fellows.

Badman response:
I see , unless I say it with hat in hand , with a polite smile , unless I some how conform to YOUR feelings on this issue then somehow I am offensive. kind of conformist don't you think...

Correia wrote:
The only thing your rant accomplishes is to mock the people who are on your side.

Badman response:
I wrote this to those who would feel it's teeth. If this does not apply to you then it should not offend you...

Grayfox wrote:
I checked your profile and see that you have been a member here for 13 days and have made exactly 2 posts.

Badman response:
I see , my opinion only matters in referance to the amount of posts and the number of days I have been a member. Kinda of like Congress and the laws they pass based on the amount of money I have to donate. So what you are saying is the importance of my statment is in direct relation to the amount of time I have tried to say it.

Jeff Thomas wrote:
Before we continue this conversation further, I suggest TFLer's check out Badman's web site

Badman response:
Hmmm...Because I am a fiction writer , I am not allowed to have an opinion. I'm sorry which narrowly focused race/ethnic/religion/sex/ group am I supposed to belong to for my opinion to matter ????

Paul Revere wrote:
Should you roam far enough away from your literature, you will taste the patriotism that is suppressed in this Nation, and
I suggest that you do so immediately.

Badman response:
Excuse me SIR , I have served my country , I am a reserve LEO , I also work at a private security firm which protects clients who cannot protect themselves , I also belong to a church which goes into the projects , to feed , pray with , and counsel , those poorer of than I.
My family has served in the Army for 5 generations SIR. My grandfather was wounded in WWII , My uncle in Vietnam. My family including myself has shed blood for this country during service.

Larry P. wrote:
General harassment accomplishes nothing. I hear pseudo-violent rabble-rouser rants like this regularly, and all it tells me is
that the writer is a space cadet.

Badman response:
I sorry at not time did I mention violence. At no time did I say or imply that any action at all should be taken. My statement was only on that , which has , and is happening. I guess your right , prehaps all that is written here should be placed in a SPOON FED , SWEET TASTING , EASY TO DIGEST , NON-OFFENSIVE ,
format. I also really like your insult SPACE-CADET , I guess anyone who is different , anyone who is not like you should be shunned. RIGHT ????

Futo Inu wrote:
Badman, I think you'd agree you have "issues" and probably don't represent the mainsteam of law-abiding gun owners.

Badman response:
How nice of you to tell me what I think , And Oh my, we have a trained Head-Doc with us. Please SIR I would love to know , HOW ? , based on a work of fiction you were able to deduce anything about the underlying personality. You SIR are amazing !!! not only can you read minds , you know exactly what the MAINSTREAM gunowners will and will not stand for.

Mort wrote:
I'm serious. If you openly defy senseless gun laws and go to prison, I will support you with all the resources I have available to me. You'll be a hero.

Badman response:
Again , at no time did I state , laws should be broken , nor did I state that i would break laws. I would sugguest that prehaps you re-register and take a remedial course in reading and writting.

To CassidyGT who wrote:
I actually agree with Badman 100%. Blunt but to the point.

Badman wrote:
Thank you , that's all I was trying to do , simply state the facts. NOT judge , NOT accuse , NOT imply , NOT piss on anyone ,
Just simply state the facts.

I really don't care if you agree , or like me. You can say anything you want about my liteature , my posts , me as a person , it will not change the facts.
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