sarge and unclenick,i have to disagree with both of you.if you think the military is not aware of what its choice can do,including it's limitations,then you are truly fooling yourselves. perhaps you should both lend your expertise to them,so they can benefit from your tribologic wizardry.
"this fight in DOD has become very personal between a high ranking command staff person who loves CLP and Defence Logistics." <---can you prove this? can you give us a link so we may study the matter? were you involved,and if you somehow were,do you think we should believe you more or believe you less? do you have a stake in the matter or with militec of the choices you have made?
while i believe there is truth that a do-all product will not perform as good overall as separating the three fuctions of cleaning,lubing and protecting,that is mostly based on my needs as a non-combatant. however,if you think one single product can not do this,it shows greatly your lack of knowledge and understanding how this works.
guess what? if you have been using a good quality motor oil in your car,that is exactly what has been going on in it's engine. a good quality motor oil can,#1-suspend and disperse contaminants and build-up from both the type and qualities of the base stock used and/or from the additive packedge applied to it. #2-form a bond with the metal by using electrostatic forces(and many other terms used) to bond low friction molecules to stressed metal surfaces to create low friction and retention that can be there even before oil pressure has build,protecting your engine at start-up. these characteristics can come from the additive package or from the base stock oils used depending on it's qualities. #3-motor oils can have high protective qualities too,both by either having added corrosion inhibiting chemicals and by film strength which offer surface and parts rust and wear protection,including not allowing acids to form....again, and/or through the additive package or the base stock. sometimes,on the higher quality ones,ester oils are added to the base stock PAO synthetic oil,to improve its capabilities because they have higher natural abilities for cleaning,film strength and surface protection,especially polyo-esters.(which is used in turbojet engines)...not to mention a myriad of chemicals that can also be added.
not all motor oils are the same though regardless if some people think they are.
furthermore,if you think that for a soldier hauling around three separate bottles and having to perform three separate jobs to maintain his weapon functioning reliably is wiser,then i also have to disagree with that.
the point of applying tefon to the bore is irrelavent and not the arguement,not to mention certain military weapons having chrome-linned barrels.
again,your just justifying militecs' arguement that our military is up to no good or naferious in some way and killing our people simply because they didn't get what they wanted. that is simply NOT TRUE.
will they find something even better in the future? i'm sure they will,they test when something else comes along and when something works good they add it to there inventory chain....but it has to meet there criteria not yours or mines.
you did read the part were they tested militec-1 in live fire and other tests,right?
as far as certain soldier/s complaining about,..whatever,that's what soldiers do.they also complain when they shoot and hit the enemy and the enemy doesn't instantly drop like a load of bricks or disintegrate into a million pieces. soldiers are also just that,soldiers....and tend to be real good at what they do,killing the enemy,but it doesn't make them experts in all fields. i can think of about a hundrend different reasons why a soldier will complain about a product there given,get something else,and believe it works better,not realising they have done something different that was the main contributor.
like i said before,militec-1 is a fine fact,it started out life as an oil additive and remains just's main purpose was to increase the capabilities of motor oil,probably mineral based oil moreso,but they apparently wanted to define it as more than that somewhere along the line.i'm sure it has lots of uses,including a weapon lubricant(for which i have actually tried it) but as a stand-alone product for the military,i think it leaves alot to be desired.