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The Thread that Runs So True

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Brent? I thought I said that way back when you and I had those neat little PM's flying back and forth.... Did ya miss it?
I have no intention of leaving. As I've said, I enjoy the forums and will continue to post here. However, I feel compelled to point out my greivances with this or that. I cannot make any changes, if I could we wouldn't be having this discussion, I can only make suggestions as the title of this forum says. One last note however, I used to be a regular at another forum that was extremely popular in the diesel world. It isn't anymore. Moderators were directly responsible. Be careful that you don't go too far...

That's all folks.
Everything will seek its own purpose.

As a relatively new poster, but a long time reader, I find that the people running this site are generally well intentioned but often burned out on this or that issue.

Most of the regular readers are too. What is the best this, what is the best that. Revolver or semi, you know what I mean. It’s a tough balance to make between the new thread poster and the grizzled BTDT crowd.

When a person first comes to this site they don’t get the culture, the people in it, or even how to quote people for that matter. There is a learning curve. The same goes for the forbidden topics. I think the militant selection on verboten topics is total bullfeathers but I don’t run the site. I don’t put up the money and time to run it, but I don’t have to like it either.

In my view, a strongly second amendment site has to avoid any appearance of squashing the first. When threads are forbidden or closed because the staff has already btdt and it worked out bad, the newcomer isn’t going to care and some of the old users are going to bridle. I don’t see why it is an issue. The answer is what it has always been. Let the market decide. There is a Rifle section, a Handgun Section, etc. Just make a Kookville section and clearly label it as such. Place strict usage or quoting rules on it and let people see what its like when there is little or no moderation.

This site is not our own and we cant expect it to suite our own individual needs but at the same time, there are competitors looking to grab that top google spot. If none are evident, just like anything, someone will find the niche. Put yourself in their position. It’s not easy to run a public site. Most of us have a hard time keeping a thread topical. Imagine what the moderators go through keeping the site out of a place where it makes us all look like nutjobs.

There will always be a few truths about the internet. One of them is that there must be a reason to put up a site for public use. The content will always be driven toward whatever that is regardless of what the site is about. Usually these ends are commercial or political. Some are more slyly hidden than others but the reasons the site exists and is maintained will always steer the content. Like it or not, that is what the internet is. A bunch of sites put up by people who had a reason and the assets to do so.

I dont envy the staff for the task before them but I don’t condemn the audience, new or old, because they don’t like how restrictive it is. You cant please everyone but you can give everyone a place to say what they want to. The site will never be without this issue. Best to deal with it inclusively rather than exclusively.

My 2c
One last note however, I used to be a regular at another forum that was extremely popular in the diesel world. It isn't anymore. Moderators were directly responsible. Be careful that you don't go too far...

TFL has been moderated this way for quite some time and its popularity is not waning. Why? Because the moderators are good at what they do.

So what diesel forum used to be so popular that isn't anymore because of the moderators?
So what diesel forum used to be so popular that isn't anymore because of the moderators?

It was called Ford Diesel Forum or something like that. I haven't been there in years, I'm not sure it still exists. I well remember the mass exodus once the heavy handed moderation started though. Probably the largest one around now that I'm aware of is Competition Diesel, at least for guys in the South or Midwest.
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Discussing firearms, ammunition, hunting, firearms history, gun law, etc is fun and entertaining, at least to me.

This site is not like most of the others, in that it has higher standards of language, decorum, posting style, and content of those posts. Bad spelling and grammar, personal attacks on other members, and not following the content guidelines, among other things, are not tolerated.

This is the way the owner of this site wants it, to set a higher standard of discourse and to present an image of gun owners and the RKBA in the most positive light possible. Arguing about the jackbooted thugs of the UN invading the country to institute the New World order runs very much contrary to that goal.

Speaking only for myself, I take pride in trying to make my posts as courteous, well written and filled with factual and verifiable information as I possibly can. When people new to firearms google for information, TFL is usually one of the top results and that is because it is one of the very best places to have firearms questions thoughtfully and accurately answered.

I am sure you can see how presenting a polite, sane, and reasonable image of gun owners here at TFL, is important in promoting the idea that polite, sane and reasonable people own firearms.
OK, complaints have been aired and explanations have been given for why TFL is moderated the way it is.

Those explanations have been rejected as "lacking."

The only conclusion that I can draw from that is that the only explanation that will be acceptable is "We'll do it exactly the way you want us to do it."

Unless Rich agrees, that ain't going to happen.

So I see absolutely no reason for this thread to remain open.
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