The thing I like best about Palin...

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mostly a lot of PR with no performance behind her

Palin is a great Governor. Not becasue she is doing great things but because she managed to out Frank Merkowski in the election. That said you are talking about a women who was the mayor of a city of 8,000 and now a governor of a state with less than 700,000. Not exactly great credentials for a person who could easily become president.

Those who claim her experience out ways Obama are just not following the facts. The majority of the corruption issues she has dealt with were Federal charges and convictions in which the State of Alaska had little or no say. The other issues when she was on a commission and filed charges against her colleagues was a sign of her commitment to honesty in politics.

A governor she inherited a State with a royalty income that exceeded the budget by mega amounts. Palin has had to deal with how to operate with surplus income to the state and not how to make a budget work without having to find revenues to make it work.

It's absolutely ironic that McCain who touted the experience issue, military leadership and working knowledge of the DC front would chose a running mate who has little or no experience in all those aspects.

On the positive side she is a shooting fanatic, a hunter and loves Harleys. Sarah likes dog mushing and other outdoor activities. She be pro 2nd amendment. However as VP she only gets to vote on 2nd amendment issues if there is a tie in the Senate on a piece of legislation.

I've lived in Alaska for 35 years. I'll vote to keep her in the Governor's mansion for another term. But I can not support her as the potential leader of the free world should McCain die in office. I thought Obama made a bad choice in chosing Biden for a running mate. But McCain's selection of Palin is going to cost him the election.

I found one downside to the Palin nomination today. I use to be able to blend with the doom & gloom lib's out in public. I was in a checkout line today and the cashier noticed the ear to ear grin on my face...she said "you must be a conservative Palin supporter......

No blending anymore.:D:D
WE don't need experienced politicians. We have 8-9% approval right now for our 'experienced' congress. :barf:

I think McCain made a brilliant choice, and, it's time for a change, which, pretty much totally steals the only campaign issue Obama had going for him.

Plus, being raised by a woman, I have to say it's time the boys club that is the Congress, and both parties, was broken, and, a woman put in one of the high offices.

I think McCain will get nearly every woman voter now, or should.

As for her budget experience: The president, and the VP, usually prepose legislation like the budget. They start the ball rolling, then, they can veto.

Our government is a gorilla that's out of control, spending wise, and, I like the fact Palin actually gave the money back to the people that it was taken from in the first place.

That's NOT how our federal government works, most of the time.
My position is that all of a sudden she has brought life back into a campaign that was totally boring with that same old #### that it has been with the same old #### that they have been feeding us for decades. All of a sudden even the die hard I'm voting third party folks are taking notice. If nothing else it is a wake up call to Americans that there may be hope yet. Maybe the silent majority can now be heard over the noisy minority.
The Alaska State Trooper (Wooten) tasered his 10 year-old stepson, who is also Palin's nephew. He also poached a moose ("didn't know he couldn't"), and other stupid stuff.

I hope that kind of trooper would be fired here in Colorado as well...

I'm going to pick on your statements because you obviously have a well thought out opinion.

Palin is a great Governor. Not becasue she is doing great things but because she managed to out Frank Merkowski in the election. That said you are talking about a women who was the mayor of a city of 8,000 and now a governor of a state with less than 700,000. Not exactly great credentials for a person who could easily become president.

What was the population of America when George Washington became president? I keep seeing this same reasoning why Palin isn't "qualified" to be VP....not even president, VICE-president. So, what does population have anything to do with being qualified?

People are sooo concerned that McCain might kick the bucket when in fact he's basically healthy as a horse. When's the last time a president that was over 70 died and the VP took over?

The other issues when she was on a commission and filed charges against her colleagues was a sign of her commitment to honesty in politics.

So, what's the down side of this? Americans are complaining left and right over corruption in politics. This may be the one chance in a lifetime for someone that will do great things for the Republican party, citizens, and our country.

A governor she inherited a State with a royalty income that exceeded the budget by mega amounts. Palin has had to deal with how to operate with surplus income to the state and not how to make a budget work without having to find revenues to make it work.

How many states have you seen a governor have a surplus budget and flush it down the toilet in one term?

It's absolutely ironic that McCain who touted the experience issue, military leadership and working knowledge of the DC front would chose a running mate who has little or no experience in all those aspects.

I see nothing ironic. Obama is the one running for the presidency, not Palin. McCain's the one with all the experience needed. Apples to oranges.

However as VP she only gets to vote on 2nd amendment issues if there is a tie in the Senate on a piece of legislation.

Actually, she gets to vote on all issues if there's a tie in the Senate. Just in case you don't know the Dems may have the majority. However, it's by a slim margin. There's actually a few Dems that got elected that aren't exactly an 'F' grade on the 2A. This makes it all the more important for having a strong 2A supporter as VP. Who do you think McCain should have picked? And what's his/her record on voting to preserve the Constitution and BOR?

I've lived in Alaska for 35 years. I'll vote to keep her in the Governor's mansion for another term. But I can not support her as the potential leader of the free world should McCain die in office. I thought Obama made a bad choice in chosing Biden for a running mate. But McCain's selection of Palin is going to cost him the election.

If you honestly think that Obama/Biden is the best choice, then I really don't think there's much else to say. I've read many of your posts in the past. Although I disagree with some what you've stated during your time here, I must say that at least it appears you do your homework, research, and form your own opinion. I can respect that....even though I wish we had your vote...
The executive branch preposes legislation, minor things, like the budget. They can, and I hope they do, fire the entire AG's office, and, put their own people in place.

They can prepose legislation to repeal 2A federal law that violates the 2A. They can file a budget that defunds the BATF. etc...
Palin has one job between now and November: Get ready for the debate with Biden. Biden's been in the Senate since McCain was tied up at the Hanoi Hilton and he's fairly smart. He'll know his stuff and he'll be striving to make Palin look like a tenderfoot (or worse). The only thing the Left can do with Palin is to try to turn her into Dan Quayle. She'd better not pull any blank looks when she's up against Biden.

Biden's a goofball, but an articulate and knowledgeable goofball. And he's a bit of a barracuda himself in a debate. He likes to set traps and to spring them on people.
I for one, don't care. Why would anyone think experience is an asset, with Congress having a 9% approval rating?

The only reason Obama is in the race is thanks to Jerry Ryan's husband wanting to have sex with her in public. They try to sell that by saying we need a change. We do, and, Palin
is way out of any of the Demos league, regardless of how they come out in debate...
Biden is an easy opponent for Palin to topple. She just needs to go after him mercilessly for all of the ridiculous crap liberalism pushes these days which he is at the front and center. It will be very easy for the real conservatives to crush the opposition once they stop being nicey nicey and call a spade a spade. Win on ideas with everything out in the open, demanding answers and not allowing weaseling.

I do appreciate your opinion for they are thought out and not simply a quick shot at someone who has an different view.

I due like S Palin for a lot of reasons. That does not mean I would chose her to go further in mastering the Peter Principle. Some time politics is being in the right place at the right time. In Sarah's case I believe that is the majority of the factors leading to her success in politics.

I do think the more people learn about her the more they will question her ability to be VP and first in line for the presidency. True the US population was far smaller when Washington was president. But just as true is that Washington had far few issues to deal with then that America deals with today. Levels of experiences is what dictates a persons ability to be a great executive. Having run a McDonald's is a distant connection to being an Executive Chef in a Michelin rated restaurant. Both might be serving food but one requires a considerable high knowledge level of experience than the other in order to do the job effectively.

I am truly appalled that McCain would throwout Palin's qualification's on the basis that she has been the Commander in Chief of the Alaska National Guard. If that is military leadership experience than being an Adult Leader of a scout troop must qualify you for the position of Supreme Commander of the troops in Iraq. Meanwhile those career military officers who have been promoted to the level of General or Admirals must be looking forward to her becoming thier Commander in Chief.

Palin has been a great governor for 17 months which is not two years as claimed by the McCain campaign. Again interesting how the politician's twist her time in office to be two years becasue she was installed as governor in 2006 and its now 2008. Meanwhile the standard applied to Obama is the number of days he has been present at formal secession. I'd bet if you applied the same standard to Sarah and to Obama, Sarah would be far less time in action than BHO.

No matter how you view the possability of Palin becoming President due to some catastrophe to McCain it is a real fact. The VP is first in line to become President. When Ted Stevens was third in line to be president most of America trembled in fear of that possibility. Now we are not suppose to be concerned with who is VP and could take over as president.

Bye the way there are a lot of Alaskans who think Palin is working at flushing down an eminence state surplus through excessive giveaways.

I don't expect to have you change your vote in November. But I'd sure like you to honestly look at the person and their ability to lead before you cast that vote.
Biden is an easy opponent for Palin to topple. She just needs to go after him mercilessly for all of the ridiculous crap liberalism pushes these days which he is at the front and center. It will be very easy for the real conservatives to crush the opposition once they stop being nicey nicey and call a spade a spade. Win on ideas with everything out in the open, demanding answers and not allowing weaseling.
Yellowfin, That racist comment is uncalled for!!! We don't call a spade a spade any more! :D That is like the pot callin the kettle BLACK:rolleyes:
toybox99615 - "I don't expect to have you change your vote in November. But I'd sure like you to honestly look at the person and their ability to lead before you cast that vote".

The same certainly could be said about Obama, and he 's at the top of the ticket. But then if we want a socialist as president he's by far the best.....
to each his own choice

and I guess that's why politics gets so complicated JWT. You can believe what you want even in the face of reality and facts. In the end its the actual ballots cast that make the difference. If you liked the last eight years your free to continue the trend with McCain.
I am often regarded as more cynical than your average bear, but someone remind me why they believe she is so supportive of the 2nd Amendment?

Shortly after she was announced to be the VP, I looked at her homepage and under the "Gun Rights and Hunting" block, it gives the all too typical dodgy politician answer about supporting hunting, fishing, and sporting. There are few here who know that the 2A is not about any of the above. The fact that she is a NRA life member really doesn't mean that much to me. It certainly doesn't mean enough to me to want to vote for McCain as something I support and believe in other than simply he is the lesser of two evils.
Might sound dumb, but Palin is the kind of woman I would and did marry.
Yep, suits me just fine.
What's not to like??
She must love children and be a good mother--she did have 5.
She doesn't appear to be a hypocrite---she doesn't believe in abortion and carried her downs syndrome son to full term and gave birth to him and loves him.
Again, not a hypocrite, HER son is in the Army and will be fighting in Iraq---she believes in it enough to let her son go and serve---and when talking about it, she shows REAL emotion and pride--no fake tears like others have used on the campaign trail.
Fights corruption in her own party.
Fiscally responsible with THE PEOPLE'S money.
Can actually talk about things she has DONE--along with things she WILL do.
NRA lifetime member, A LADY that shoots!!:)
Married a man that gets his hands dirty and works for a living AND he is a world class snow mobile racer---fellow hunter and gear head.
Plays hockey and basketball and coaches.
Has actually been in a grocery store in the last 5 years and knows what stuff costs.
Has a fresh face and enthusiasm --- she seems full of life.
And, she is " easy on the eyes"!!
She just seems like someone I could have fun with and would like to talk to.
She's different.

Now we are not suppose to be concerned with who is VP and could take over as president.

I'm not saying to not be concerned. I just don't think it should be a focal point of concern. I think there's very few faults that the opposition can find in her being VP and they're running with it like the wind.

But just as true is that Washington had far few issues to deal with then that America deals with today. Levels of experiences is what dictates a persons ability to be a great executive. Having run a McDonald's is a distant connection to being an Executive Chef in a Michelin rated restaurant. Both might be serving food but one requires a considerable high knowledge level of experience than the other in order to do the job effectively.

Fair enough. But, in my line of work I've seen guys still wet behind the ears performing sheetmetal repairs on aircraft that look like works of art compared to an "experienced" one hacking it up.

My point is after all these years of the same garbage that gets elected for federal office, I'm willing to take a chance on voting for a VP that might provide influence and results for a long time coming. She appears to be intelligent enough to surround herself with individuals that are experienced in order to get the job done.

Meanwhile the standard applied to Obama is the number of days he has been present at formal secession. I'd bet if you applied the same standard to Sarah and to Obama, Sarah would be far less time in action than BHO.

And, what has Obama really done during his tenure? Absolutely nothing AT ALL. What has Palin done during her time in office? Just because you show up for class doesn't mean you'll learn.

Bye the way there are a lot of Alaskans who think Palin is working at flushing down an eminence state surplus through excessive giveaways.

With her given approval rating in her state, I think there are a lot of Alaskans that would disagree. Using the surplus as needed may be construed as wasting for others...

I don't expect to have you change your vote in November. But I'd sure like you to honestly look at the person and their ability to lead before you cast that vote.

Well, to be honest, I haven't made up my mind. I'm really excited that Palin has been chosen, but I'm still sitting on the fence. And to go back to the Washington analagy: He failed many times leading his men into battle. That isn't very common knowledge being taught in school these days (I don't think anyway
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