The thing I like best about Palin...

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...besides her strong support of the second amendment is the fact she actually took on corruption....IN HER OWN PARTY! We get all the finger pointing in Washington, and the partisan accusations of corruption, but she actually took it on and it was members of her own part!

But I also REALLY like the 2nd amendment thing :).
She took on corruption; however, she is under investigation for abuse of power.

I really like the second amendment thing too, but there's much more to a good candidate than that. I don't think it was an extremely strong choice.
Palin has just as much experience -- if not more experience -- than Barak Obama. I agree that she is willing to take on Republicans if it is the right thing to do, and I really like that about her. I don't see Obama or Biden ever challenging actions by liberal democrats.

I think that people are really going to like her. There's a lot of excitement for her selection by conservative Republicans, and I think lots of other people will really like her, especially women, who finally have a choice in this election.
She took on corruption; however, she is under investigation for abuse of power.

And she has been totally cooperative and ope in the investigation....methinks she did nothing wrong and it is simply spin....remember, "under investigation" doesn't mean she did it.
Homerun for McCain. Now we'll see who has the most homers in November.

Palin has been involved in politics at every level. She's a grass roots gal that people can identify with even if they do not agree on everything. She is of the people, not tainted.

As far as experience, nod goes to Palin over Obama. She's even been involved in operation of a small business - BIG PLUS. Heck, even Osama has more experience than Obama. Osama has been running his organization for how long??? YEARS! And does it from a cave.

Foreign policy? Alaska is but a few miles from Russia and is the state with the longest international boarder - although the Canadians are more like cousins than a 'foreign' country.

And she's not an 'insider'.

Gonna be interesting watching this unfold!
LOL, Servo! The demos in congress have been holding hearing after hearing after hearing of investigations in congress for the last two years, because investigating is a lot easier than actually passing legislation and getting things done. ;)
Just about fell out of my chair, this morning when they showed a clip of her shooting an AR with a red dot. I'll bet she can handle a gun better that Cheney. I'm sure the "Brady Bunch" took note and we surely will hear from them. I like this "Lady" !!!!

Be Safe !!!!
The day after

Now people are beginning to realize that Palin has actually brought about change and Obama has only made speeches about making change.

Ok...Ok, I would vote for her anyway after seeing her cut loose with an AR.:D

I'll bet she can handle a gun better that Cheney.

Having a VP that shoots...great

Having a VP that can actually hit what they are shooting at....priceless.:)
Shes the perfect choice. Bright, honest, courageous, does more than talk, and a real NRA life member. What's sad is that the media is so biased that most people will never hear about her pluses. Most will never hear about all of the good things that she's accomplished. All the major media (the propaganda arm of team Obama) will do is go into overdrive to paint her as evil and dumb. S.O.P.
The thing I like best about Palin...
...besides her strong support of the second amendment is the fact she actually took on corruption....IN HER OWN PARTY! We get all the finger pointing in Washington, and the partisan accusations of corruption, but she actually took it on and it was members of her own part!

But I also REALLY like the 2nd amendment thing .

Plus ONE and 2. I really like the fact that she's a woman, and conservative/libertarian. I think this move ices Obama out, and, I like people that stir some stuff up. Abuse of power? This was started by, and I can't believe
it ever got anywhere, when Bush fired the AG's. It has long been standard practice to fire everyone from a previous administration, and, hire people that are loyal to you, and your ideals. Palin has done that. God Bless her.

Her budget cuts in Alaska, and, her no nonsense approach, and practical solutions to Alaska's financial problems are a breath of fresh air. If we can apply such ideas to the rest of the United States, maybe we'll have our country back...
Yes, she seems more "conservative" (I hate the term "conservative" and "liberal") than McCain. She's pro-2nd Amendment and she did take on corruption in her own party. You've gotta love her for that and I do.

Thumbs up to her.
Seems that everything conservatives don't find in McCain we do find in Palin. I knew little about her until yesterday, but everything I've been reading(and seeing)about her is very appealing. In my opinion McCain may have just won the election. Seems like not only does she talk the talk, but walks the walk, also. She felt so strongly in her feelings regarding abortion that she refused to have one even when she found her child was going to be born with Downs syndrome. Seems all her positions will make conservatives happy and could definitely be a player in a future presidential election. Very easy on the eyes, too. Got that naughty librarian, Ashley Banfield look. Very cute and obviously very smart. I find that extremely attractive. Let's see how she does in debates with Biden. Should have all the ammo she needs with that creep.
What i like best about her is that as i read the blogs she is as to combine others opinions Ronald Regan in a skirt and at the same time a Heinlein character come to life. She hunts , she fishes , she has a better energy policy as a guv than we have seen since before carter . She ( and her ol man ) made a choice to have and love a downs baby, and at the same time her first action as the guvencuda basically recognized civil unions for gay couples . Folks what more can we ask for ? She is pro 2nd to the point she mentions " bear arms " in her opinion , and wants to both limit government and stay to hell out of anyones bedroom .

BTW I did not post this yesterday because i spent the day doing my 27th anniversary and some of it even with my bride of that many years .

Palin imho is what we need , If i have to hold my nose and vote for McCain to get her well so be it . I have reservations that his health will allow a full term anyway , and the campaign just got interesting .

...and at the same time her first action as the guvencuda basically recognized civil unions for gay couples .

Apparently because it violated the Alaska Constitution, not because she agreed with it or SSM. Athough this went against her Christian world view, which I share, she knew that she needed to support the state constitution. I believe that many would see this as a solid, strong public leader.

You had me worried there for a minute! :)
Actually, Palin's gender, supporter of the 2A, looks, and office positions held didn't really seal the deal for me to vote for the McCain ticket.

What did win me over was that she took out the garbage in her own party. If a politian actually exists that has priciples, she's gotta be it. This provides strong evidence that she may sway McCain into downsizing the federal government in a big way.

Besides voting for whom would appoint supreme court justices that would uphold the Constitution and BOR, getting our federal government down to the size it was intended to be was one of my biggest issues.

I'm not predicting a complete downsize in McCain's predidency. However, a start in the right direction is better than ballooning it even larger (enter Universal Health Care).

Palin would be the "Change" America needs....change back to preserving it.
Next to a Palin/Nugent ticket what more could any red blooded American ask for? But there still time for that in 2012. :D
she is under investigation for abuse of power.

The alleged abuse of power regards firing the State Commissioner after he wouldn't fire a State Trooper. She offered the Commissioner a position at a lower agency, but he declined. She also stated he wasn't cooperating in reducing their budgets (she lowered the governor's salary when she took office btw).

The State Trooper was divorcing her sister, so it "looks" like she is taking revenge. She claims the incident that made her want the Trooper gone was over a domestic violence call the trooper went to where he ended up tazing an 11 year old boy and hitting either the mother or someone else with a baton. Trooper acted way out of line and she wanted him punished, and it just so happens he's divorcing her sister. Take all that for what it's worth, I think the allegations are crap and I still believe she's the best thing McCain could've done.

Plus, she got my girlfriend to get off the Obama train, gotta love that! :D
She took on corruption; however, she is under investigation for abuse of power.
This is the big risk of taking on political corruption - the corrupt people in government are experts at using the mechanisms of government to take revenge against you and make you sorry you ever crossed them, since the method of doing so isn't much different than using the mechanisms of government to enrich and protect themselves and their friends.

Likewise, I'm sure there's at least one person on this forum who's been slapped with a bogus restraining order or a false police report by a bitter, angry, and vindictive person who knows how cops treat gun owners.
I like what I've seen of Palin so far (how many Presidential candidates have a picture of them shooting a flattop AR carbine with red dot?). Not real excited about McCain; but that's politics.
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