The target for tonight

Mobuck...Coons have no regulations here, we are in TEXAS! Fortunately Texas holds on to a lot of values some of the other states have lost.

Driving through town today I noticed folks burning some limbs in their front yard. I remarked to my wife that would probably be a felony in California.

Still haven't gotten that big boar I was after. I got up and left my house at 1:30 this morning and staked out the stand where I last saw him...nothing but deer around there. After daylight I checked the traps around the property and only came up with one little boar about 50 lbs....I took off the rear legs and left the rest for the critters.

I still have 10 more to go before I get my 500 hogs off of that property.

Except for all those pesky 2a laws you Texans let the state take From you! Go Texas
Stony, Last count ( yesterday) was 498.....watcha' gonna do at 500? Retire? Will the hogs stop reproducing because you quit? Looks like you need to set new goals, 600 maybe?
Don't really know where to go from the 500 mark. I was in a mindset to try for 499 tonight, but it's hotter than the hubs of hell right now and mongo humidity also. Maybe I should only shoot left handed after the 500th hog just to make it more interesting, or maybe not take any unless the firearm is at least 100 yrs. old?