The target for tonight

Old Stony

New member

Hogs have been a little scarce around here for the past few months, but are starting to pick up slowly again. This guy has been on a camera a few times lately and seems to be reluctant to get into a trap, so it looks like I have to go out and try to poke a hole in him tonight.
My buddy from Washington has been visiting with me for the past month, and we managed to scare up 14 smaller ones and trapped 19 coons while he was here, so not too boring anyway. I still need 11 more to total my target number of 500 hogs from this property. They may be a problem for others, but it's just entertainment for me.
nice looking piggy:) ive never tasted wild pig but when i grill pork chops i like to marinate them over night in zesty Italian dressing. i dont know much about those guys, how big do you think that one is? 75lbs?

wish you good luck on that hunt.:cool:

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3030...That pic is a little deceiving as to size. I have other pic's of him on the same camera card, and he will easily go 200 lbs.+
As far as I'm concerned, he is just coyote food, too big of a boar to eat. I don't keep any of the meat of the boars over about 100 lbs.
I kept at it until 12:30 last night and saw nothing but a bunch of deer coming in, so I might have to rest one night and try again. You just never know when they are going to show up again, they don't have any kind of regular schedule.
I looked at his general shape and can see that he's not one of those scrawny half starved zombie pigs that I'd run across occasionally.

I'd throw him to the coyotes as well. Keeps them away from domestic animals
I checked that feeder today to do some tweaking on my lights there. Sometime after I left there last night and the time I went to check the lights this morning, a bunch of them were there and rooted the heck out of the place. I don't think I'm up to another night of it tonight since I'm working on about 4 hrs. of sleep from last night, but maybe tomorrow night I'll have to give him another try.
I might have to get out tonight again and see if the big guy shows up by the bewitching hour. If not, I guess I'll have to start trying very early in the mornings. Those late nights are a little hard on my old carcass.
A friend of mine had a bunch of Mexican laborers working for him a couple years ago. I would give them large boars and they liked to cook them. They would bury them in hot coals with bunches of onions and fruits like limes, lemons and stuff like that. Sounds like a lot of work to me, but they really liked it.
I've given away several boars of late. It really is all about the preparation and cooking.

However, the Turkey Buzzard Preservation Society will appreciate the donations as well.
Mobuck...Coons have no regulations here, we are in TEXAS! Fortunately Texas holds on to a lot of values some of the other states have lost.
Driving through town today I noticed folks burning some limbs in their front yard. I remarked to my wife that would probably be a felony in California.
Still haven't gotten that big boar I was after. I got up and left my house at 1:30 this morning and staked out the stand where I last saw him...nothing but deer around there. After daylight I checked the traps around the property and only came up with one little boar about 50 lbs....I took off the rear legs and left the rest for the critters.
I still have 10 more to go before I get my 500 hogs off of that property.
Looks like the big black hog that has been so elusive bit the dust this AM. More to follow about Stonys nighttime vigil.

It took me longer than anticipated, but i finally nailed this guy down about 12:30 last night. I've passed up another group of smaller ones twice along the way hoping he would show up.
You might notice the small ring of corn around the bullet hole, I did this to bring attention to a point of discussion about the lack of blood out of one that has been shot. I'll post a couple shots of the hole up closer to give you a better idea of the size of the hole. I shot him with a .308 using a 150 gr. corelok bullet that I reload for this. The shot placement through the shoulder has proven to be my most successful place to anchor one in it's tracks. I never seem to need to track one this way and don't need more than one shot to take care of business.
Just 3 more now to make my 500 hogs off this property.

Here is the 308 hole with no blood coming out of it and the bullet did not exit the other side. No blood trails to follow....but no reason to have one under the right circumstances.

This is part of a bunch of Boy Scouts that are spending a few days on the property learning about outdoor stuff. I spent some time last night teaching them about starting fires using flint and steel....they are still wandering around making sparks this morning.
I drug this hog by their camp this morning to let them see one up close. I think a couple of them would have taken it home with them if they could have. Great age for kids and it's a pleasure teaching them about nature and history.
So cool, the patience and time documented you showed, well,done. Eagle Scout here, loved being involved with scouting, we had many hunts in Northern AZ. Lots of sleepless nights tree stand bow hunting...and stalking day and night for White Tail with a 270 ;)
In 4 yrs with scouts: 4 wild bore and 7 wtail--12 hunters
Me-1wtail no piggies :(
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