The Supremes: Fleeing from Police Grounds for Search

TAZ, in this case there are circumstances that should be remembered. First, the LEOs were there responding to multiple complaints of an open air drug mart. They knew the area was a "high drug area". They knew that in these areas, where there are drugs there are guns. They were not on "routine" patrol in some nice neighborhood. They were there to make a dent in the drug trade. This guy in question saw them and ran. How could they excuse not giving chase?

I agree with you that most Americans don't know their rights and therefore don't exercise them. I also agree that there will be abuses of this decision. There are always some LEOs who try to take advantage of people. THEY ARE NOT THE NORM. I don't think you appreciate some bleeding heart liberal calling you a gun nut just because you own and use firearms, but, they aquaint you with these nuts shooting up offices and schools. Don't put all LEOs in the same pile here either. Just as I asume you have the common sense to use your weapons responcibly, you should at least give LEOs the benefit of the doubt when it comes to common sense application of this rulling. You sound as if it is an "us aginst them" thing with LEOs. It is not, at least not with the rank and file officers. We are all on the same side here.

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The Masao