Two buddys are driving across the country, well they're speeding through Mississippi when a cop pulls them over. The cop walks up to the window and taps it with his flashlight, "License and registration please", the driver pauses a second and looks in the center consel when *WHAP* the cop hits him in the head with his flashlight and tells him "Here in Mississippi we have our driver licence and registration ready" the driver apologizes and contiues to look for it. The cop makes his way over to the passenger side of the car and taps on the window and right when the passenger rolls the window down *WHAP* the passenger rubs his head and say's "What the he** was that for!?!?", the cop says "I was makin your wish come true", "My WISH?!?"he asks, The cop says "Well if I would've let Ya'll leave without hitting you once I went down the road youd've told your buddy; Man I wish that cop would've pulled that sh** on me"