The revolver reliability drop test...


It would appear that I am just in one pisser of a bad mood tonight...

I like it..."

Mike, even when you're in a good mood it sometimes seems like a pisser. :D

When and if you do a drop test on a semi-auto, are you going to use a Les Baer or a Makarov?

About a year ago I did the drop test with a full .45 ACP magazine, of course by accident at the range, from slightly above belt height. I bobbled the reload.

Needless to say, the magazine landed on the feedl lips, and was COMPLETELY non functional. I couldn't even get the rounds out of the magazine until I pried the one lip out with a screwdriver.

I tried rebending the feed lips with padded pliers, but never could get them to where the mag. would feed reliably.

I ended up tossing the mag.

As for posting, I'll fully admit that I can be a REAL hardcore SOB on issues that really mean a lot to me. Other times I can get going for no reason at all.

The one reason that I REALLY like TFL is people CAN get strident about their views, but the group that gathers here doesn't generally resort to the kind of personal invective & puerile cursing and attacks that seems to be the standard mode of discussion for other boards.

Yeah, I can curse with the best of them, but resorting to a vitriolic profanity-laden personal attack for attack's sake is usually the sign that someone has NO basis for an argument, and in fact has absolutely nothing to say on the subject at hand.

Here on TFL, though, even if the other person is absolutely and completely WRONG, they've usually got a decently thought-out rgument to back up their clueless posts. :D

Oh yeah, I'm still in a pisser, aren't I? :p