The rest of the story !

Even if he did not threaten the rape. I am guessing that the young male probably said somehting about the gun not being real, and the woman fired it into the ground showing not only was it real, that she also meant buisness.

Sounds to me more like dicharge of a fire arm in city limits. A misdemenor. As far as the other chages I doubt they stick.

Remeber she is an attorney. I am sure she will have a very good attorney to represent her, and the case will either be a pla for a misdemenor, or dropped.
I am really surprised at some of the responses here. First of all it was never stated that she fired into gun ground. She said she fired to the right of him towards the ground and god only knows where the shot landed. She has kids in the house. She should not have gone outside to accost him them. She should have called 911 and kept her gun ready behind locked doors. It was an irresponsible act that just the gives the anti gun crowd more ammunition.
Im sorry but idiots like this give us responsible gun owners a bad image also people on anti-depressants and anti-anxiety meds should not be allowed two own or posses a firearm of any kind due to lack of judgement as seen in the new york post above
anti depressant meds and no gun? well if you do anti depressant meds then you need to do all the other meds to be fair, high blood pressure, and next will be vitamins, herbs and just keeps going. Why do you just say they need to take all guns from law abiding citizens and leave the others alone because thats where this would go.
While I think comparing psychotropic drugs to vitamins and high blood pressure meds is silly, I think a policy arbitrarily forbidding anyone who uses some form of mild mood enhancing drug from owning guns is a very dangerous and slippery slope. Based on usage, it is a good bet that there are many TFL members in that category.
I think a policy arbitrarily forbidding anyone who uses some form of mild mood enhancing drug from owning guns is a very dangerous and slippery slope. Based on usage, it is a good bet that there are many TFL members in that category.

Hope you're not drinking Pepsi, coffee, or tea, else you're taking a mood-enhancing drug, caffeine!
Another problem with drugs..

My oldest daughter has ADHD. She was taking Stratera and then a combination of Stratera and Ritalin, and then her doctor recomended adding Prozac. I was shocked I said "Prozac is for depression!" Her doctor said it wasn't just to treat depression and that it would probably help her in school.

She's now on Stratera, Adderal and Prozac and she's doing fairly well in school - she is 11, in advanced math and took the ACT last month and got a remarkable score on it.

She's also learning to shoot.

I hope someday that she enjoys shooting as much as I do, I do worry that if they instituted questions on a FOID or CWL "Have you ever taken or been prescribed any of the following drugs: ___________ " I'm sure Prozac would be at the top of the list, and I'd hate for her to be denied the right to buy firearms because she once took a small dose of Prozac for ADHD.
Betterdays , i got alot to say about that stupid comment
but I'll choose to keep them to myself for once. I know if I said what I'm thinking I'll have an admin wanting to boot me off here (again). Just to prove a point about human intelligence go back and reread two comments and you'll see how some people think and then you'll know that with ones like this no wonder our country in going in the direction it is.
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Bottom line is that a gun is not a tool of universal application. Lethal force may justifiably be used only in a fairly narrow range of circumstances.

It appears that this woman got her gun and fired it when she had no reason recognized as good under the applicable law. If that's the case, she's going to be in a bunch of legal trouble.

The thing is, how well do you understand when you may lawfully use lethal force?
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Now if there was a paper bag and if it was indeed on fire.......

How would some others say they would've handled it any differently?

I would not fire upon someone was ringing the doorbell. Is this some new form of threat now?

I would have turned the dogs loose. Oops sorry bout that, shouldnt have been on the porch.....