The rest of the story !

I cant believe that a prosecutor could be that stupid. where does she think that bullet might end up? They should give her the Maximum.
Wow.......stupid stupid stupid.

If you can't sleep, there's a pill for that
If you don't like the way you look, there's a surgery for that
If you don't like the way your gun fits, there's a new holster for that
If you're stupid........well you're stuck, good luck with that one.
According to the report, she's 37 and was an ADA 1989-94.
Now, I know I'm getting older and ADA's are looking younger and younger, but a 14yr old ADA?
If the reporter got THAT wrong, imagine what else she got wrong.

Underage drinking, pink gun, harmless (though annoying) pranks, firing a gun with no intent to destroy, etc, etc.. So many stupid things going on in that neighborhood. Glad I don't live there!
How would some others say they would've handled it any differently? C'mon I don't see that really too bad myself! What I'f she shot into the ground?
Might make those who have pink or purple guns rethink a bit... I'd love to have seen the look on his face though. In a way I understand what she did, no matter how stupid it was (especially in NY).
Unfortunately, there are cases where the pranking kids have been killed. I know one where a teenage boy went up to the door to apologize for such and got his head blown off with a twelve gauge (that just went off by itself). Homeowner got some kind of misdemeanor killing a person deal.
Released without bail?
For violent gun crimes?
Ain't Long Gi-land under NYC gun laws?
Pretty serious discrimination and poor use of discretion...

How would some others say they would've handled it any differently? C'mon I don't see that really too bad myself! What I'f she shot into the ground?

I personally saw a windshield blown out from someone who thought they were safely shooting into the ground. The bullet ricocheted off a small rock. There was no reason for firing that shot.
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farmerboy this is the kind of stupid and reckless conduct that gives all gun owners a black eye. Being angry and frustrated is not justification for using a weapon. I am not saying she should be given life in the electric chair, but a verbal reprimand by the responding officer would not be a reasonable response.
Let me see what my mind comes up with here.

(Lady is upset after several times ding dong gone is pulled on her. She wathces the door. and an athleticly built teen rings the bell and attempts to run. Woman opens door and conversation and action occour.)

(Woman) "Stop or I will shoot you little punk! I am tired of this crap you keep doing. Leave my effing house alone."

(Teen aged male) "Yo F*#@ you B*&$#! that a'itn even a real gun ho! Oh I will come over there and rape you while your kids watch. You ain't gonna do squat."

(Woman) Points gun at ground pulls trigger, and gun goes boom, and brings it up to level.

Seems like a likely scenario to me

Rember the teen had been drinking beer with neighbors, and was probably trying to look tough in front of everyone on the block.
Well, "Hell hath no fury".

Somehow I don't like seeing the punk getting off easier than the woman he ticked off. Blew her cool? Yes. But firing the gun into the ground after being threatened with rape and the murder of her family, while extreme, does show some restraint.

In that leberal bastion of the country, a 5 yr. old girl can get suspended for bringing a little pink squirt gun to school because a bureaucratic gas bag administrator has to send a message. Too bad a message can't be sent to the little punks who started it all.
Even with florida's castle and stand your ground leanings, detaining with lethal weapons isn't allowed in cases of ding dong ditch as it isn't exactly a violent felony by definition... What went down after premature display, imho, is akin to the consequences in other situations where excessive or premature use of force makes matters not as clear when the threat level escalates (often due to the premature use or display of force) up to where the use of that force would have been likely justified.

The kids didn't actually say they were going to rape and kill anyone, she made that up. Read the article. She changed her story.