The Republican Debates and Alan Keyes.

G-Freeman, sorry to take so long getting back to you, but I just now returned to this thread.

I've only been watching the foxnews channel for about two weeks as we just started getting it (and I was out deer hunting ;)) so my familiarity with Hannity and Colmes is limited. It seems that Keyes essentially called the liberal Colmes a racist a few weeks ago on the show, so there is some tension between Keyes and H&C. And they did persist in that line of questioning of Keyes after the debate, instead of focusing on what he had to say on the issues.

Also, the Republican strategist who was a guest on H&C after the debates sickened me with his dismissal of Keyes for his "radical" views, you know, crazy ideas like a return to governing as the Constitution allows. I used to expect that sort of nonsense from the liberal side of the Democrats, but now...

At first when I heard Keyes was calling the media racist I thought he was overstepping, now I'm convinced that he is correct. They will not let him air his platform without engaging him on race. His campaign is not about race, it's about bringing America back to its intended path. The media is fixated on race, as they can't seem to understand a black man who will not be enslaved or patronized. Talk about racism.

Alan Keyes handily wins the polls, easily dominates the debates and has positions on issues that are consistent with the constitution, yet he "can't win", even amongst Republicans. WTF? Who's calling the shots here, the people or the pundits?

"In many ways we are treated quite like men." Erich Maria Remarque
It would seem that even within the Republican wing of the Party there are good candidates who are not, um, "viable". ;)
Keyes is the Man! Vote your conscience and sleep at night. Screw the media. They won't report on him because they're scared of him. He threatens their socialist mentality.
Keyes is the one I'll support. It is too bad that the best he'll get is VP. Although VP would put him in a good position for the '04 or '08 presidential campaign. (He is a closet Libertarian, BTW.)
Thanks for the response Ipecac. I just read Maureen Dowd's Dec. 5th hack piece in the NY Times on Keyes. She states "His (Keyes) campain is $82,794 in debt.." This was pointed out to me by someone else, but the FEC web page shows that as of Sept 30, 1999, Keyes had "Debts Owed by Campaign" of $82,793. It also shows "Latest Cash on Hand" of $134,114. That represents a surplus of $51,321. Dowd either cannot balance her own checkbook or lies. FWIW, the numbers on the page show LaRouche, Quayle, Buchanan, and Forbes as being in debt on that date.

[This message has been edited by G-Freeman (edited December 08, 1999).]
Vote for who you like in the primary election, but never forget that the next President will appoint 4, not 3 Supreme Court Justices, and my friends it may

decide the course of the good ol USA.
Whoever gets the nod had better unite his fellow candidates and hold onto a Republican Congress.
If Bush gets in we need to raise a furor to let him know not to be a Democrat in Republicans clothing.

From my cold dead hands.
I guess I'm somehow confused here. Can someone explain just why Keyes is "unelectable" or "not viable"? He and I do not see eye to eye on several issues, but I recognize that many other people would in fact applaud his positions on those issues while I applaud his positions on others.

If a candidate holds no positions you disagree with, you probably want to look closer and try to discover if he holds any positions at all!

Keyes comes across as honest, honorable, intelligent, and courageous, with a really great ability to express himself and think on his feet. I don't know if I would vote for him in a general election, but I would certainly never refer to him as "unelectable", either!!!
Larry, I truely appreciate your veiwpoint. I think what will ultimately make Keyes "viable" or not will be a few bucks. Think about it this way: if he will actually be successful he will have to buy 15 min. blocks on national tv. Perot did this in 92 and made a party. At least 1 million actual Keyes supporters exist on the net. More if he can get the exposure. 25 bucks allows him to compete with the big boys. We all give much more towards hopeful constitutional endeavors annually. If you know of a single candidate who will vote your conscience keep it in your pocket. If you don't and give it up, I doubt it will be wasted. How many dollars are taken each week from you that you are certain are wasted? If anyone here (including moderators) can inform me of another candidate at this time who takes a stronger stance on the value of the constitution and all our goals of freedom, please do so and delete this post. If the cost of one lunch can change the world, lets' buy lunch for the world. My first and only plea.