The Republican Debates and Alan Keyes.


New member
I cought the debates last night-if they can even be called debates- and from my perspective, Alan Keyes stood out as the person I would most probably vote for.

Was anyone else as impressed with Keyes as I was?
Missed the part with Alan Keyes, but based on his previous performances, he comes off quite well.

I noticed the reporters commenting on the courtly ballet between Bush and McCain, both saying nice things about each other. That led the repoters to speculate that they were maneuvering for a Bush/McCain ticket.

I writing the Bush campaign people to drop that idea. If anybody, run Keyes for VP.
They're at

The New World Order has a Third Reich odor.
You can catch Keyes on Hannity and Colmes, Fox News Network tonight at 9:15 EST. I missed last nights debate (tv shot) but am not suprised to hear he stood out among his opponents. He does every time. Unfortunately, at work this morning I caught NBC's report on the debates which snubbed him again. I truly cannot imagine them doing the same to a black democratic candidate. As a supporter, I keep up with his campaign via e-mail from his site. If you like him I encourage you to sign on to his newsletter updates (not a constant plea for cash like some). Even if you don't like him, it is a useful documented history of an American candidate who stands for much the mainstream media hates(like gun control) and is therefore treated as if he does not exist. Word from grass roots efforts at debate locations is that audiences swarm to campaign tables after hearing Keyes talk. Alan Keyes is the PC version of the "Invisible Man".
I watched the whole thing, and honestly, I can't figure out why Bush is the frontrunner. He came accross to me as arrogantly knowing he is a shoe-in and therefore doesn't have to impress anyone. His pat answer to so many questions was "I'm the governor of the 2nd largest state. If it were a country it would be the 11th biggest economy in the world" I can't remember how many times he repeated this. All the rest, except Keyes was 'same old politics as usual'. Keyes, on the other hand, impressed the heck out of me. I think my mind may already be made up....
Dear Friends,

Anyone listening to the "debate" last night got more education on American Constitutional governmnet from listening to 8 minutes of Alan Keys than from 12-16 years of public "education."

I heard he won by 2-1 over GWB in the poll.


Nehemiah 4:18 " ... and each of the builders wore his sword at his side as he worked."
Last night's Hannity and Colmes analysis of the debate basically dismissed Keyes in the debates, with even the Republican strategist calling Keyes' call for the repeal of the 16th amendment unrealistic and foolish.

Keyes wants to return to government as allowed by the Constitution, funded by tariffs, duties and excise taxes as allowed by the Constitution. Therefore, he is called a radical by the Republicans and will be ignored by the party even as the people stampede his campaign.

On the other hand, The Annointed One bragged about slowing the growth of government in Texas to its lowest levels in 40 years. A minimalist socialist, just what we need, and just what we will get.

"In many ways we are treated quite like men." Erich Maria Remarque
Ipecac, If you are familiar with the show, please post your analysis of both Keyes performance tonight and how he is treated in person. I get most of my "news" here anyway. I would value your impression.
I watched the debate twice. Keyes was the run away winner, he spoke like a man and not some politically correct wimp. Bush was a dork, Hatch and Bauer are both a waste of time. McCain is a nice guy and war hero but still too PC. Forbes is intelligent and has great ideas but has no charisma.

Forbes answer about the Microsoft case went completely over the heads of the moderators. He even said he would fire Alan Greenspan.

Keyes' best moment was when he replied to the moderators comment about his calling the press racist. He made sense and his courage won over many people. He referred to the press as "Phony People"(Yeah!). His comment "when I was third in the polls you (the press) declared it a two man race" had me cheering him on.

Bush stumbled, fumbled and bumbled his way through the debate. Ok, so Texas is the second largest state in the union, so what! What the hell do soccer moms see in him? At least McCain acted like a gentleman when asked the tough question about his temper, he smiled and said "it makes me mad".

Keys hasn't a chance due to the bias of the media, too bad, he talks like a leader. Forbes has as much appeal as a potato, too bad , because his ideas are exactly what we need.

Geoff Ross
I attended the appearance at Arizona State University by Hatch, McCain, Forbes, and Keyes.

Keyes is the real-deal for gun owners and Constitutionalists. I do not have to agree with him 100% to support him.

As well, though Keyes stomped 'em, the news media reverted to their "horse race" template by saying who came in first (Keyes) but adding that what really mattered was that #2 Forbes, and #3 McCain did not hurt each other since Keyes is not electable.

This is like saying that it did not matter that a dark-horse won that Kentucky Derby since he could not possibly win the Triple Crown. Maybe not. But I am glad Keyes is in there to speak. The rest of them are boring as hell.


"Congress have no power to disarm the militia. Their swords, and every other terrible implement of the soldier, are the birth-right of an American." Tench Coxe 2/20/1788
Rick, As a horseman myself, I know what you mean. I also know that major races have been won by animals that the popular voices ignored. I bet horses every day. Keyes is a good horse. At worst he may be a good progenitor of values. He may produce many educated voters in his process. Not bad, if that's all you want. I think he will be around for a long time regardless.
I've been listening to Keyes for 4 years,since the last election, and I've yet to hear the man say anything that would make me thing twice about not voting for him.

I am going to vote for him in the primaries and if he doesn't pull through there, then I'll have to think real hard about the others.

I believe that McCain has stated in the past, that he would be for more gun control.(someone correct me if I'm wrong)
At the moment I would have to rule him out.

K80Geoff, I would have to agree with you on Forbes, but I think that if Keyes gains some support in the polls, the media is going to have to start taking him seriously.

I'm going to give what moneys I usually give to the leading Rep. to Keyes. As a dark horse, he is too good to pass up.

BTW, I usually bet the Bills when they're in the Super Bowl.

I've forwarded my opinion on the matter to HQ, but I wish Keyes would now put his message to the cyber constituency. His base is here among us.
Dear Dennis, I want you to know that despite your efforts to persuade me to ignore libertarian thinking.... :) Actually you have had a profound influence on my position. I cannot support (even as a republican) GWB, in good concience. Alan Keyes is my man. Now. I will enthusiasticaly vote for Harry Browne if presented with a limited field. My only two candidates. It is tough to be pure ain't it Dennis? If you knew my reading habits, you could get me kicked out of the republican party for sure!
Alan Keyes is a man...a man defined as our fathers and grandfathers defined a man. You can take his word and/or his handshake to the bank. I will vote for Alan Keyes in March....

I won't accept the sovereignty of any socialist...anyone who would seek to control my child's life and his children.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
I am extremely impressed with Alan Keyes. The only other Republican candidate that I believe won't sell out our 2nd Amendment rights is Gary Bauer. When the topic of school shootings came about he stated matter of factly that the problem is not one of guns but of a lost of morality. I would bet that none of the remaining candidates would be bold enough to take that stand.
Hi, folks,

Being from Maryland, I have been impressed with Alan Keyes for years. Unfortunately, he will not be elected because of racism, both the open kind of the right wing and the hidden kind of the left.

The liberals pretend to support black and female candidates, but they really mean only those candidates who toe the leftist party line. They can't handle the idea of a black or a woman conservative. "Traitor to his race" would be the mildest attack phrase.
