Your idea that somehow we all have to live with inequity may be right, but at the same time we have the responsibility to allow other people to live with their choices.
Don't speciously oversimply this into, "Well, they made their choice; it's their problem".
Did you read Eghad's post just before yours?
What is your response to XavierBreath? He saw it first hand.
How many trillions of dollars have we thrown at 'poverty' over the last 40 years to reduce its rate by 5%?
That's your excuse for throwing the baby out with the bath water during a certified National Disaster that makes 9/11 look like a training exercise? It's an excuse for dehumanizing whatever percent of NOLA victims are in "classes" you DO respect? Shopkeepers; dock workers; port employees; hotel workers; medical personnel; single mom's who happened to be down on their luck and receiving assistance this year?
No, the fact of the matter is that, had this happened to the Florida Keys, you and I wouldn't be having a debate about abandonment. Why? Because you'd see the "refugees" there as yourself, under different circumstances; you wouldn't count stolen TV sets at all. Just what percentage of "good people" in a City's population does it take for you to say, "Stop pointing your finger; Just Help Them" after a disaster?
How dare ANYONE, in the face of this kind of carnage and loss, sit behind a remote computer monitor and pontificate on who is "worthy" of help; all the while, telegraphing the message, "None of 'em".
Personally, I believe the operative issue from those who condemn an ENTIRE CITY, wholesale, is pure subconscious FEAR. If one is to engage in
honest compassion, one has to recognize that the forces of Man and Nature place each of us just one teeny twist of fate away from the residents of NOLA. And so you speak of it in third person, in order not to identify; you speak of an abstract type of compassion, which is really not compassion for the instant issue at all; rather, it's a Policy Statement: "If you're in trouble, you're basically on your own." Now, for myself, I've always known that; but for those less fortunate than me, as an American, I say, "I'll do whatever it takes." And, despite all my bravado, preparation and intellectual "understanding", I am not above chance that might cause me to end up on a highway overpass, frantically waving a T-Shirt for help for me or those around me.
Perhaps your days are as difficult as those described by XavierBreath and Eghad. In that case, I understand your willingness to label, dehumanize and point fingers. However, many of us feel just fortunate enough that we're not willing to flush tens of thousands simply because, among their numbers, we have seen film of some percentage of animals and marauders.
What percentage of "approved classes" is required to get you off this attack? 70? 80? 99.9999?