The proper term is 'Silencer', not 'Suppressor'

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I agree with Theo, and I emphasize my prior point.

Technically, all terms are correct. I just hate it when gun guys or 'enthusiats' get all high and mighty over how 'a silencer is such an incorrect term, and suppressor is technically correct.

It wouldn't have bothered me except the guy got all burly in front of my girlfriend, who I'm trying to ease into the shooting sports.

I go into this gun shop a lot, and I know the guys and their politics. These are the same guys who get upset over the term, 'African American', Native American, Physically Challenged, etc.

Btw, suppressor isn't technically very descriptive either. The actual and technical term would be 'Muzzle Blast Reducer'. There are five categories of sounds that a gun makes: action noise to ignite, Muzzle blast, Sonic signature, Discharge action, projectile impact noise. The MBR only reduces muzzle blast and does nothing for the other four categories. So a suppressor is not very technically descriptive.

So enthusiasts can go suck it! Lol

From now on, we must all call it a Muzzle Blast Reducer, but I'll accept MBR.
Machineguntony posted
From now on, we must all call it a Muzzle Blast Reducer, but I'll accept MBR.
Ha, I love it! But come on, everyone knows it's technically a "MBRBPE": Muzzle Blast Reducer and Back-Pressure Enhancer; all us suppressed DI AR-15 guys are very familiar with the extra gas to the face!

FWIW, the gadget on a car was originally called a "silencer" and I believe may still be called that in England and some other places. But, no, that does not mean your car has to be registered with BATFE.

Here is a pipeline blowdown silencer.

To keep pipelines silent just like in the movies.

Some people are set on what things are to be called. I'm sure the guy knew what you were talking about. The same is true with Mags and Clips. Maybe it's a generation gap thing or something else. I still see online retailers today advertising 8-10-15 round clips for sale.Either way I know what they are.
But come on, everyone knows it's technically a "MBRBPE": Muzzle Blast Reducer and Back-Pressure Enhancer
I love it! I'm going to start using it to shut down the know-it-alls.

"So, you want a silencer?"

"It's a suppressor, and you don't know anything."

"Well, they were called silencers by their inventor, and they're referenced as such in the relevant laws."

"Whatever. Tactical Ninja Quarterly calls them suppressors. I know, because I have very tactical pants. Look at all the pockets."

"So...a can?"

"Suppressor! Look at all the pockets! I can carry so many spare magazines!"

"OK. Boom stick quietener?"

"That's not even a real thing!"

"OK. Muzzle Blast Reducer and Back-Pressure Enhancer?"


"It's even got an acronym. You guys love your acronyms!"

"Well, I do detest any product or practice without an acronym..."

"Try 'MBRBPE'."

" Let's never fight again!"

...and lo, there was peace at the gun shop counter.
Priceless! I'm gonna call Silencerco on Monday and insist they change their name to "MBRBPEco"! (And while I'm at it, I should see if they'll send me another employee can; I think I want a Sparrow.)
Yea... I'm sticking to suppressor. Regardless what it is called it suppresses not silences. The Hollywood types call it a silencer and the tacticool types call it a suppressor so if both have bad terms then I'll call it based on the function it performs.

I mean you call a driveway a driveway yet you park on it and a Parkway that you drive on. I'm sure there are plenty of things that perform a different function than their name.
I'm not going to tell anybody what the "correct" term to use is, BUT...consider this...

back when Maxim designed his version, he wasn't the only one working on them. In general, they were called "mufflers" in those days. Maxim got his design patented, and called it a "silencer". Silencer was the product name.

Silencer came be represent all sound reducing devices in casual conversation, the same way "Kleenex" means tissue, or BandAid means adhesive bandage. They were originally (and still are) product names, but in regular conversation, are used as generic terms these days.

Since the law uses the term "silencer" it is a valid term, describing a specific class of item. Just as (the hated) term "assault weapon" describes, in legal terms a certain specific class of item (semi autos with certain features).

So, anyone who tells you that you are wrong using the term silencer is wrong themselves. Refer them to the NFA 34 for legal definitions.

A more correct way to refer to them (ignoring the NFA using the term silencer) is to call Maxim's product by its name (Silencer) and other brands "suppressors". However, our govt use of the term silencer, in law makes it correct to refer to all such devices as silencers.

"Can" is slang, and while fine within the shooting community, is totally lost on anyone outside of the "in" crowd. Can is what my soup comes in. Also my spray paint and shaving cream....

(And while I'm at it, I should see if they'll send me another employee can;
employee that just a less fancy version of the executive washroom?;)
The word silencer is a noun, not an adjective or verb. There is no reason why a person should object to calling a can a silencer just because it doesn't make a gun totally silent. Perhaps this is an indictment of the American education system? :)

too damned expensive for me.
I spent about $275 (including the tax) for my last 30 cal silencer for my AR-10. I spend lots more than that on ammo.
What is in a name!

"What's in a name? That which we call a rose
by any other name would smell as sweet".

For the romantic who values his auditory system - "Extraneous Metal
Overhang Wrist Strainer Muffler"

For the aficionado of WW II War movies - "Alan Ladd OSS Issue Sentry Retirement Tool"

For the guys at the range - "Don't You Wish You Had This Sexy Ear Saver"

For your 'financial adviser' - "Oh No! Not Another One To Buy!"


I will Suppress the Muffled laughter and Can further drivel in Silencer,.

Oh, as for the new that is being announced ....
"Silencer" was originally a brand name (trademark) of the Maxim Company. Lots of words that used to be trademarks have become generic over time. Examples include escalator, dry ice, trampoline, linoleum, kerosene and aspirin. When people start thinking of a word as describing a type of product, rather than a brand of product, it becomes generic. Nothing accelerates genericism like a law using the word in a generic sense, especially when that law either mandates or severely restricts the market for that product.
Silencer is misleading and in our current environment damaging to legislative efforts IMO. Personally, I will stick with suppressor. I also try to use words other than "gun" and dress in at least jeans and polo when attending any political event(no more camo than hat and only if hunting is directly involved).
Sometimes I wish everyone who opens their mouth about guns could take a one day presentation from a lobbying organization about image and staying on message.
Silencer is misleading and in our current environment damaging to legislative efforts IMO.
How does using the proper legal terminology damage legislative efforts? The only people who have lectured me on the proper words to use were arogant and smug people who wanted to preach. Politicians I have spoken to on gun control matters haven't objected or cringed when I used the word silencer.
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