The presidents new helicopter

If you really want to stop massive spending, then please research why half of our budget is for "social programs"

Yes, because two wrongs make a right?

It doesn't matter one bit what other areas of fiscal stupidity the government engages in - one wrong doesn't justify another. Just because there's wasteful social programs doesn't mean the president needs to burn even more cash to fly in greater luxury while guys on the ground in Iraq go without necessary equipment. Yes, we all know there's wasteful social programs, but waste is still waste, regardless of whether its wasted on idiotic social programs or the presidents "flying circus".
If you really want to stop massive spending, then please research why half of our budget is for "social programs" (welfare, hud, section 8, food stamps, heating assistance, etc). That will get your blood boiling. But, I figure you wont do that, because you just want to trash Bush. I am sure, the very minute he leaves office, things in this nation will get better.

Stop for a moment and think about what would happen if these assistance type programs were removed. While you may be of the mindset, everyone for him or herself, what about our elderly that have been paying taxes into the system for a long time? What do you think would happen to the crime rate if people didn't even get their paltry welfare checks to feed their families? Maybe your solution would be to just let them die off so there will be enough for the rest of us. :rolleyes::barf:

This is not about Bush bashing. This is about RESPONSIBLE SPENDING! If you can't understand the difference between the two, then I'm just wasting my time responding. We are talking about
$10 BILLION, thats with a B in case you missed it. Don't you think a few souped up Black Hawks could do the trick? Don't you think that money could be more wisely spent on programs that will actually BETTER AMERICA??? Its my tax money. Don't I have a voice to say it should be spent wisely, or are we no longer a Democratic nation? Since when does that amount to Bush Bashing? Hell, I blame the congressmen who agreed to pass the stupid measure too if that makes you feel any better.
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This is not about Bush bashing

I agree considering
Lockheed’s ability to meet the 2015 delivery deadline
they are not even supposed to be in use until 2015 at the earliest if that is what I gather.

So Bush has no bearing on this argument other than his branch was the one who pushed it through, he is not going to receive a benefit of this while President, possibly after he leaves office and is a former President.
Don't you think a few souped up Black Hawks could do the trick?

No, not by time they put the COMM suite, IRCM, ECM, replace the web seats with something appropriate, it will be over grossed, NG, EGT and speed limited. They need a true medium lift helicopter. The H60 started as a medium lift and is still classified as a medium lift, but so much has been bolted to them that they are in reality an expensive light lift. An A model is a true medium lift, but then again it has no defensive systems and limited comm gear.

Edit: I don't agree with their choice or price, but I do think they need a new helicopter for support.
Focus, people.

Nothing hurts like the truth:

"When will the subjects of the American monarch catch on that projects like the VH-71 are simply expressions of a superfluous and ruinously expensive ruling class’s contempt for them?"
Government spending has alway been a bit crazy, but do you think it would be any different if Bush wasn't in office? And depression? What depression? There hasn't been a depression in this country for over 70 years.
If everybody Hates bush so much then Why was he voted in twice. If your are embarrassed about the face representing the nation then you have no one to blame but yourself.
Had we voted in Gore or Karrey what freedoms do you think we would have now. Everything would be run by the goverment. Now talk about your tax dollars.
AKAIR, Tony Blair, and all UK Prime Ministers, fly commercial on British Airways when they travel overseas.

You don't recall correctly. Blair and his predecessors (and probably his successor as well) used government resources for travel, including going on holiday. There was a fuss made about it a couple years back when he used RAF helicopters to do an election stop.
You don't recall correctly. Blair and his predecessors (and probably his successor as well) used government resources for travel, including going on holiday. There was a fuss made about it a couple years back when he used RAF helicopters to do an election stop

My memory is fine. the British PM flies on a chartered British Airways 747 when on an overseas visit of any length. I never said he didn't have access to ancillary small UK Government aircraft. Plans for a UK version of the POTUS 747 have been scrapped last I heard.
If everybody Hates bush so much then Why was he voted in twice.
Because people are gullible. But Americans have been at least partially waking up to the fact that they've been had, which is why both Bush and Congress have such terrible approval ratings.

If your are embarrassed about the face representing the nation then you have no one to blame but yourself.
I didn't vote for Bush in 2004. I did vote for him in 2000, but I'm willing to admit my mistake. I should have voted for a third-party candidate.

Had we voted in Gore or Karrey what freedoms do you think we would have now. Everything would be run by the goverment. Now talk about your tax dollars.
I would have hated either one of them, too. But I find it hard to imagine that either of them could have been more mendacious, reckless about foreign policy, or hostile to the Constitution than the Commander-In-Chimp.

On the gun issue alone, Bush said that he would sign the AWB renewal if it got to his desk. And just recently he filed an amicus curiae brief with the Supreme Court advocating a watered-down interpretation of the Second Amendment. Yet some here still seem to think Bush is God's gift to freedom.
Why does anyone approve of the imperial trappings of the presidency?

A helicopter is unquestionably an imperial trapping because it brings to mind all the helicopter borne emperors of antiquity, right?
wonder if the toilet seat cost 650$$

I worked for Grumman back then.
I'm proud to say that I helped design the $1000 ashtray for the A6E.
Youre not allowed to smoke on the A6E!!

about the helicopters;
only the first production run will be 500 mil per. second production will probably only cost 300 mil per......
Sorry to bring boring ole' reality to this froathing and foot stomping festival but you all do realize the democrat led CONGRESS bought this helicopter FOR the President right.

The President has zero dollars to spend and zero ability to spend dollars.

C'mon. Imperial trappings? Seriously.