The Post-Election Anti-Panic Thread

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Ok Ok finding a job might be a stretch but they have to at least realize that we need to get to work to pay for their government "entitlements"..:D. Back to the topic, I like your predictions Carguy, I hope they come to light.
Vancouver here, they are staying on the other side of the river... still eerie with hoards roaming the streets for the second night so close. They are promising to do it for four years or until trump is removed.
Just goes to prove the leeching idiots they are. They don't want to work and are upset that "mamma Clinton" lost and they won't be able to get the free ride they were promised by her. If they worked and handled their lives like responsible people do they wouldn't have time to run around disrupting other peoples lives,
Portland police upgraded the situation from protest to felony riot. They are bashing car windows and setting fires.
They are allowing them the chance to disperse but now expect police confrontations.
That would be true if they were just marching and chanting and waving signs.
Break windows, set fires, and redistribute merchandise and it becomes a riot.
"Looters will be shot." used to apply.
The mayor of LA said that 25 people getting arrested in his city during protests "was a beautiful expression of democracy",

Wow!!!! Maybe L.A. and Cali should request to recede from the union. I am aware that the laws are written, which prevents this, but their views are so far left that they skew our country and create a divide.

I realize if they recede, and become a separate nation, they are a opening at the Mexican border, and the Pacific ocean. However, without low cost desalination plants, they would still be 90+% reliant on the main land for water, so they would behave.

This election proves out the genius of the electoral college. It was actually a full blown stress test. It prevented a few huge pockets of liberal votes from imposing their will on the vast majority of states. Look at the numbers and results and you will see it is amazing.
I didn't protest when Barak Obama won. I thought he was a bright man, but with views very different than mine. I looked to the future with hope, and accepted him as my leader. I never thought to go out and riot over the results of the election.

As stated earlier, if the protesters had a job, they would be too busy to protest for days. If they want to leave to VC, then by all means, let them go.

Simply too many people expect the government to take care of them, as opposed to good old hard work and effort.

Sad and disturbing.
the thing is that the dem's that are anti gun and anti violence are the ones doing all the violence now...........
as someone else said they are afraid of loosing all their free hand outs.

As far as ammo and gun prices i feel the same as most of you guys, prices may come down some but it will still take some time to happen. I am going to a gun show tomorrow and will see if anything is different or not.
I will have to admit that I went on a buying spree in the last 30 days. A large ammo purchase and a few guns.

My panic purchase was the 80% lowers.

The cool thing is this..... my two sons and my son-in-law also purchased lowers and complete uppers. Over Thanksgiving we are going to spend some good father son time, milling and building these 'Ghost Guns' to completion.

This wasn't a panic, waste of money, because none of us own AR's....and we have wanted them for the past several years.

And as for the ammo.....I needed it anyway and I got it at a great price with no tax and no shipping fees.
Just goes to prove the leeching idiots they are. They don't want to work and are upset that "mamma Clinton" lost and they won't be able to get the free ride they were promised by her. If they worked and handled their lives like responsible people do they wouldn't have time to run around disrupting other peoples lives,

I'll risk being run out of TFL by answering this. I think this kind of post (and it is only one example) is irresponsible and does not serve the cause of gun rights. Denigrating opponents with such broad labels shows disregard of real issues.

I will use my daughter as an example. She joined a protest in New York City, where she lives.

She is not a gun control advocate - she owns a pistol, resents not being allowed to keep one in her Brooklyn apartment and having to house it with me, and looks forward to going shooting with me when she visits.

She is not an idiot - she is bright, well read, and has a master's degree from a major university.

She is not unemployed or a leech or expecting a free ride - she is a structural engineer, very good at her job, and compensated proportionally.

She handles her life pretty darn well, all in all. She went to a protest after she completed her work for the day because she wanted the president elect to know that she does not agree with the portions of his rhetoric that led the Klan to endorse him, or his repeated and ongoing objectification of women. She didn't hurt anyone, or burn anything, or steal anything, or even use profanity. She participated in democracy by exercising rights of free speech and assembly that are on the same page as the right to keep and bear arms.

Politics are usually off limits at TFL, but these insults to the character of people who disagree with political activities having nothing to do with guns have been left up. If this is my last post on TFL, so be it. I am proud of my daughter for taking a stand against bigotry.
Politics are usually off limits at TFL, but these insults to the character of people who disagree with political activities having nothing to do with guns have been left up. If this is my last post on TFL, so be it. I am proud of my daughter for taking a stand against bigotry.

You are not alone in your position TailGator. As I said in another similar post, this type of language just helps perpetuate the stereotype of gun advocates as louts. There are millions of hard working Americans who are scared to death of what this election means. This is a nation divided, and name calling doesn't help.
Sorry about bringing up the riot, it was not a peaceful protest in Portland. Lots of damage, assaults, arson and so on. It was ugly, police had to go across state lines to provide assistance, they finally brought it to an end somewhere after 2:00am. The police did a fine job, they protected the rights of the peaceful protesters and instructed them to separate themselves to another location.

I can't feel confident in the 2nd amendment if the goal is to remove and invalidate our election process.

In the spirit of the thread, this is the anti panic thread... there's bigger problems out there now.
Read what the protesters promise: no peace and bigger riots more violence if trump stays.
Politics are usually off limits at TFL, but these insults to the character of people who disagree with political activities having nothing to do with guns have been left up. If this is my last post on TFL, so be it. I am proud of my daughter for taking a stand against bigotry.
It's a good rebuttal, but folks, broad politics are outside the scope of this forum. Let's avoid them.
Read what the protesters promise: no peace and bigger riots more violence if trump stays.

So what? Seriously,what are they going to do?

Peaceful protests have been going on for decades. Trump isn't going any where. What are they going to do? If they get violent again, they will go to jail. If they remain peaceful, they'll get bored and move on. They have to accept the fact that their protests will not cause Trump to step down. They have to get over it.
My knee-jerk reaction is to feel the same way about rioters as Gringo, however I've read tons of Facebook posts about how all trump voters are racist, biggoted, white trash rednecks and that ticks me off. Probably in a similar Manner to Gator getting ticked off at the generalization of the protestors. I don't personally agree with them, but its only a pretty small percentage who are motivated to protest because of fear of handouts being cut off. Many of them are good people, and more importantly Americans, who just have different political views. The same way tha t only a small percentage of trump supporters are the high school drop out, white trash, three teeth to go around for the whole family types that the media portrays. Its also to remember that these voter profile statistics being reported on are from data received from polling. Look at how well the polls called the election...

Back on topic, Im a little worried at just how pro 2a trump will actually be. I would still accumulate guns on your bucket list as soon as you can. We should have 4 years free from consumer induced panic, at least... knock on wood.
We should have 4 years free from consumer induced panic, at least... knock on wood.

This would be nice. I have to say, I walked through Cabelas today and this is the first time since I can remember that I didn't feel the need to pick up a couple of boxes of rounds for my range supply. I have a bit of confidence now (I hope it isn't false) that I can just pick up a box or two when I head out to the range like I use to do almost a decade ago.
Tom Servo said:
...folks, broad politics are outside the scope of this forum. Let's avoid them.
Since the next two posts completely ignored this, it seems this thread has nowhere to go but down. Enough.
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