The Politically correct ”Assault Rifle”

Scott Evans

Staff Alumnus
just a thought that hit me.

It appears that restrictions on our right to keep and bare arms (ones that would be effective in standing against a govt. run amuck in particular) will continue to be restricted before we can effectively turn it around (if ever).

This being the case my mind went a wander’en as to what weapons are most politically correct in both looks and description of function while at the same time (not apparent to the average anti…) adequate to the task.

I settled on the M-1 Grand …

Mild in appearance; no detachable magazine; capacity of less then 10 rounds; a popular sporting caliber; usable for target shooting…. And I most certainly would not want to face a Battalion of skilled men carrying them.

to locate, close with and …
Scott..I picked one of these up a few weeks ago. A DCM rifle, with a early December 1941 SA receiver! Barrel is SA 1950's. I picked it up for reasons of nostalgia(my dads a WWII marine vet) but also to shoot. I had the same thoughts exactly in terms of unobtrusiveness. Simple looking as you state, but it has certainly proved it's worth.

Scott - this is a very gentle correction. The rifle is a Garand not Grand. It was named after it's developer, John C. Garand who didn't get enough recognition in his own time, might as well give him a little now.
I'm afraid you're deluding yourself if you think there's a "PC" firearm. Look at the way the English abolished their firearms rights. Certainly "the greatest battle implement ever devised" would be high on any ban list. After all, it has that nasty bayonet lug! The prohibitionists have no problem screaming about the semi-auto, fixed-magazine SKS as an "assault rifle", just imagine what they will think when they put a .30-06 round next to a 7.62X39mm! The latest phrase I heard on the local media was "semi assault pistol"!
PC is kind of a concern for me as well, mostly for the neighbors. The M-1 was too big and bulky for me, so decided on the Mini-14. On paper it sounded good until I heard some design concerns about it. This might not be the right place to ask, but what are your opinions and experiences with the Mini-14, particularly the ranch model? Is it worth the money or should I just bite the bullet and settle on a good AR?

[This message has been edited by SB (edited May 26, 1999).]
Personally, I always felt that the PC assault rifle would be a short barreled lever action chambered for a handgun round such as the Winchester 94 Trapper. Think about it. It's short, light, quick handling, effective at combat ranges and most of all it has a politically correct appearance. With just a little practice it can be very fast and accurate.
Especially if ya modify the lever to that big ol ring like Lucas McCain :)

The mini-14 and the AR are two entirely different creatures. I would bite the bullet estend your wallet and get an AR if you can find one. You'll get a much more accurate weapon with many many add-ons to tinker with and parts are readily availible.

The mini is great for informal or "PC" use, but the bbl is rather whippy and brass on the ranch model tend to get dinged to the point where you cannot reload spent cases safely.

Actually, do yourself a favor and get both....That's the only way to be really happy. :)
First thing to jump into my my mind was
Shotgun. I'm suprised it hadn't been
brought up before this post. It's so PC
that our very own President will allow himself to be photographed holding one--on
a supposed hunting trip a few years ago--really a lame effort at trying to look "moderate". One needn't be a really good shot, they're fast, and above all else they
have the potential to really rip the crap out of the bad guys. If in some future time we have a government run amock, I wouldn't want to be one of the stormtroopers sent out to disarm the public only to confront a gunowner racking a 12 guage.
Sorry. As I went back to the index I noticed this thread was on "Assault Rifles" and in my post I went off on shotguns.

As for the so-called "Assault Rifles" I own a few and by far and away the most PC looking of the bunch is the Mini 14. Also, they're great for vermin.

By vermin, I do mean prairie dogs.
I liked M1 carbine and got the mini14 for the same reasons and for the same purpose: short-range fighting with capability to defeat vests.

If long-range is your game, get an AR15, better accuracy (though mine is pretty good), better sights and magazines are easier to come by, still.
Sorry guys but I really don't think that any gun can be considered politically correct now. Maybe a handgun that fired "happy" bullets. If it was painted pink and fired daisy petals, and had a picture of Minnie Mouse on the side, and had a trigger lock that would take 45 minutes and a locksmith to open, that maybe just maybe would be politically correct. (sorry my sarcasm is coming out today).
Seriously my main rifle is a Bushmaster Dissipator, having compared it with many mini-14's I would have to say that it is a much nicer rifle. However it does have that "evil" black plastic look. For overall political correctness I would have to side with Lucas and say that a regular old shotgun would be the least offensive weapon to namby pamby people.
In the meantime, I guess that I'm just going to have to wait for remington to release their tactical daisy petal hollow point.
What about evil black plastic shotguns?

I got a pistol-grip forend for my Mossberg 500 last night. Didn't look right with the wood stock, so I removed that and installed a pistol-grip at the rear end as well.

Tell ya what: if I was on the wrong end of that thing, I'd probably drop dead without a shot being fired, just from sheer fright. :)

Next up: heat shield, 24" slug barrel, and fiber optic rifle sights...

How does it become a man to behave toward this American government to-day?
I answer, that he cannot without disgrace be associated with it.
--Thoreau, "Civil Disobedience"
Isnt that dissapator the one with the full length sighting radius and handguards on a 16" barrel?.........Im considering another ar and was looking at this one over the carbine style flatop.........what do ya think of and are there any problems with heating up that barrel or is that even an issue?.......fubsy.
Fubsy, I the dissipator is the one with the full length handguards and sight radius. I have never had a problem with it heating up too much. I once tried to see how fast I could put three 30 round mags through it just for fun and it got a little hot. But no more than any other gun that I have tried that with. It has been a good gun, never had a jam in about 1000 rounds, but I keep it really clean. Since I am only a mediocre shot with any rifle I can't tell you how it groups or anything, especially since I just have open sights on it. All in all I really like it.
NOT PC, but the Dissipator really works.

It has its name because of the full handguard protection and retention of design features that allow it to dissipate the heat from the barrel (handguard vents, etc.).

Some of the aluminum-tube fore-end ARs will get really hot.

Having dropped steel-frame semiautos on the tailgate because they got too hot just sitting in the sun, I'm not too keen on having a metal fore-end to burn my fingers BEFORE I've even taken a shot!

"Who needs a plastic gun?" See above.

Anyway, a more PC assault rifle would be either a Mini-14 with fixed magazine, or a detach-mag version modified to be pump-action. The combination of detach mag and evilEVIL semi-auto action is the most disapproved these days.
I don't mean to pop anybody's balloon, but back in '89/'90, the Berlin Wall came down and the Baltic States were trying to get loose from Russia, remember? I saw a news clip from Riga (as I recall) about the sequestering of civilian "armaments".

These armaments consisted almost wholly of Browning-type O/U shotguns, and Olympic-type Free Rifles, appearing to be .22s...

The Antis' goal is total disarmament of civilians of each gun, every gun, and all guns. Period. They've even admitted to an incremental process, but there is only one goal. There is NO, repeat, NO "PC" gun acceptable to the Anti-gunners.

Sadly, Art
I'm still waiting for a response from the Bland Firearms Co as to whether they are still proceeding with their idea of adapting the M1 Garand to accept the 20 round BAR magazine.

OK, I concede that you can't get very low in a prone position with loop sling. But I'm thinking of a M84 scoped Garand with a Nigerian pistol grip stock. Old gun with new evil features. Naturally, I'd have to get a beater to build this with.
I am new in this forum, jumping right in. Gray Fox has the right idea, IMO. The pistol caliber lever action (mine is a Marlin 1894C) comes closest to being an effective and yet PC CIVILIAN defensive rifle. A semi-auto is not needed, and may even be tactically inferior with its appetite for ammo and its slow to load and top up detachable magazines or clips. Civilian defensive deployment of the rifle is quite different from military use. The civilian is not required to advance against enemy fire, face large numbers of adversaries, lay down volumes of suppressive fire, or hold a position at all cost. For civilian use, almost any rifle, even a single shot, might serve to keep adversaries at bay or drive them off in search of more vulnerable targets.I am convinced that except in the case of an ultimate Armageddon scenario, an ordinary lever action will do all that is required. And in the meantime, it is both useful and politically acceptable for sport.