The Political Compass

Juan? In my version of FireFox it's a single click of the mouse to show the source code or Ctrl-U.

Here is where I used to sit, about 4 years ago:


It wasn't until I actually began studying and understanding Law, that I became more libertarian... If that's what you call it! :D
Juan? In my version of FireFox it's a single click of the mouse to show the source code or Ctrl-U.

Here is where I used to sit, about 4 years ago:

It wasn't until I actually began studying and understanding Law, that I became more libertarian... If that's what you call it! :D

That would be one way, but it shows entire page source and subs in real HTML code for the BBCode. I just click on the individual post (using the post number link in the upper right), get the "real" post number from the URL (from the "p=#" field, 7 digits), then click post reply...edit URL of the reply page by plopping the other post number in, and change the "noquote=1" to "noquote=0"

Hit enter, and you've got their entire post (with tags) in your reply.

Basically it's a way of replying to a post with the previous post already quoted in in its entirety...including BBCode like image tags and what not that were used. I used it on your last post, though it wasn't strictly necessary to do both steps since yours would be the one (being most recent in the thead) replied to by default...all I'd have to do then is simply change the "noquote" value.

Not worth the trouble for run-of-the-mill replies (unless for whatever reason you want their formatting and images quoted in), but helpful in this case to help somebody with their tags. Obviously not necessary for you, either, since you can just go in and edit our posts like the authoritarian you used to be four years ago. ;)

EDIT: Also, I'll go ahead and edit your quoted post away in a few minutes, since it's both large (with the image) and not particularly topical. Just thought it made a good demo. Also note that the little arrow next to your name in my quote will take the viewer to the original post quoted, even if it's on another page (or even another thread). Pretty spiffy.

Edited the image out for obnoxiousness, left the rest so you could see what I was talking about. Note that one difference between this and some other forums I frequent is that here quotes are automatically italicized...which will affect some formatting. Oh, and it won't hurt my feelings if you nuke this entire post, since it's entirely off-topic...I'm just not sure it would have worked properly in PM.
The folks that contrived this "compass" have a very inaccurate view of History. Putting Hitler on the right hand side of the political spectrum is one example.

Hitler was a committed leftist. He was an early member of the German Communist party, ultimately leaving it due to the presence of Jews in its leadership.

Hitler was a mainstream European Socialist in his day, and was well accepted as such. He doesn't belong in the right hand side of any political ledger.
I was quite surprised by my score on both tests.

My politics run 'strict constructionist' on individual rights, I am laissez-faire in business, and as for the "hand of government" I believe they should spend more time fixing roads than trying to fix society. I see a need for the military (and I am strongly for the care of our veterans) and I can see a need for the draft under extreme circumstances.

I believe that the average citizen should just be left alone.

So I was a bit startled to find that my beliefs place me on the left side in the first quiz, and as a centrist on the second quiz.

Yikes, do you have to be Darth Vader to appear on the right side of the aisle?

The Political Compass

Economic Left/Right: 5.25
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: 3.28
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I went far right, Libertarian. No surprise there. I don't see anybody else so far who is as far right though several are more libertarian than I. I was two down from the X axis and 9 over from the Y axis.