The panic has hit the cheap 54r surplus too!

Does anybody else remember about one or two years ago when several ammo distributors told their friends that higher gas etc prices would force ammo prices up by about 30% in April/May? They wanted to create an upward spiral of anxiety. More mass anxiety = more $.
This never happened that spring.

Some of the "the sky is falling" talk right now (but not all) must be coming from those same distributors-and any other retail sellers-who want to earn nice profits. Now it is a dream come true, provided they are not paying an equally larger fraction for their wholesale ammo.
jim, scott, and ignition have good points

The nra seems to be doing nothing but fanning the flames to induce panic buying and price increases.

A lot of the arguments for the NSA phone tapping of American citizens were "if you arn't doing anything wrong, you have nothing to worry about" if you buy a ton of ammo and are growing pot in the back room, you might need to quit growing pot.

we have a "no fly list" a "convicted fellon list" why not a "mentally incompetent to own firearms list"

instead of looking for real solutions and engaging and controling the discussion the nra is simply crying "buy,buy,buy" and "it's the media! it's the media!", and "it's the video games! it's the movies!"

when in reality it's the mentaly disturbed

I am done with paying attention to this subject, I am doing nothing against any law, I am not affraid of some zombie appocolypse.

if I feared an economic collapse I would get solar panels for my airconditioner and freezer. I heat with a wood stove. I don't need anything else.

My comments are not meant to make anyone angry or discount anyone's personal views and comments, they are just my own views.

hopefully this will not get me kicked off the forum as I have a number of other firearm related questions in the future.
Panic hasn't hit CAST BULLETS, and I doubt it will.

Lots of good cheap shooting can be had by casting bullets, you can still get gas checks (if you need them), lead is reasonable. The type powders used in cast bullet shooting (Trail Boss & 5744) are available just about anywhere that sells powder.
Panic hasn't hit CAST BULLETS, and I doubt it will.
not true at all, I don't know about Wyoming but Lead prices here skyrocket every time a state outlaws, lead shot, lead batteries, lead this, lead that. last year when Colorado's elected retards started saying that hard cast bullets were to blame for all of their wildfire troubles Lead went up significantly.

and that isn't at the gun counter, that's scrap lead prices.
Junior Member

The nra seems to be doing nothing but fanning the flames to induce panic buying and price increases.

instead of looking for real solutions and engaging and controling the discussion the nra is simply crying "buy,buy,buy" and "it's the media! it's the media!", and "it's the video games! it's the movies!"

when in reality it's the mentaly disturbed

The NRA is the one organization in this country with the clout in membership and money to effectively fight for gun owners in Congress. Even if you have issues with the NRA, every gun owner should be a member, especially now.

Notice, by the way, how the president's response to the Newtown includes putting more cops in schools. When NRA prez Wayne LaPierre proposed that very thing, he was condemned and derided. And never mind that it was another Democratic prez -- Bill Clinton -- who first put more police in schools back in the 1990s.

All gun owners also should be visiting the Ruger site and the NRAILA website once a week to use their easy email-generating message systems to let the prez and our lawmakers know that we oppose more gun control. Don't leave the fight to someone else. Get involved. Ruger has generated more than 500,000 messages to Congress and the president. It should be 90 million messages.
The local shop here sells the surplus stuff for $.30 a round, or $7.00 for a 20 round bundle. I still have 2 spam cans unopened, and half of one thar is opened. Most of what I shoot are hand loads.
it all depends on where you live for 54r surplus. where i live, i have a gunstore,big chain mind you, that bought 3 cans of 1954 milsurp 54r. they sell individual packets for 6 dollars each. not tooooo bad but. if you want an entire spam can, you pay 63 cents per round plus tax.

and theres a real gunstore that will order anything 54r for you. provided you pay a dollar a round, even if you want to get that 99 dollar spam can from aim surplus. even new production ammo is the same. buck a round plus a special order fee thats never defined.
Even if the judge did sign off on the warrant, any resulting conviction would eventually be tossed out on appeal -

That would be of little comfort to the individual who's life was wrecked in the meantime ..... and was lucky enough to not have been found to have violated some other law along the way, considering that the huge volume of laws out there.

If a search warrant is thrown out, would not then any evidence obtained with said warrant also become inadmissable? Also, if the police were to illegally search your home and "ruin your life" when there was no evidence that a crime was comitted, couldn't you sue afterward to recoup at least some of your losses?
I received 880 rounds of Bulgarian last week from AIM. Cost me a little over $150.



7.62X54R ammo

I was in a small shop in rural Pa. today. They had spam cans of 7.62X54R for sale. It was $199.00 for 440 rounds. Outrageous!

And, of course, you have the "tin foil hat" crowd claiming that government is buying up all the ammo for an impending declaration of martial law, along with FEMA "relocation camps," etc.