in the unofficial polls, it shows that in pinellas county, gore is still up 417 votes, while bush lost 61 - weren't they the county that claimed a ballot worker forgot to count a box, released these figures, then recanted and said that a box wasn't counted and the vote would have to be redone? if this a box was NOT counted, and the total votes increased by 400 votes for gore, it seems to indicate that the total number of ballots miscounted in that county must be in the thousands, wouldn't it - the recounted votes being the original number of ballots plus the additional votes for gore, plus the missing ballot box.
second, in most counties, the recount vote differences only differ from the original by a few votes, at most. palm beach, pinellas, and polk some how managed to come up with much more than that for gore, and martin for bush, suggesting that something irregular may have happend, either in the original or the recount.
either way, this isn't over yet by far