The Other War

Yes, we have two wars. The war in Iraq and the war on our southern border. This is not new, it's just that it is now building to a point where it is finally taking public notice. I have lived on the border, so I know that the attached Glenn Beck report is no exaggeration. The sad part is Bush is perfectly willing to send 3000 plus soldiers to death in Iraq, but he will not even give the time of day to the police fighting our border wars. I guess this would go against his failed comprehensive immigration plan.

This is part reason why the base is split.

The "we are fight them there so they dont come here" line doesn't work.

We have no southern the hell do we know where they are???

Because they have not bomb us since 9/11 is not a reason to explain how wide open the back door is. no excuse period.

Out of all the GOP guys do you believe is serious about the border??
The border is just one reason why I broke away from Bush and moved to Ron Paul....just one

This IMHO is one issue that could make States leave the Union......but that is just my tinfoil talking
Out of all the GOP guys do you believe is serious about the border??
The border is just one reason why I broke away from Bush and moved to Ron Paul....just one

That's about where I am at. I am an ex-Bush supporter. I am not real happy with some of the GOP choices, but I still believe they are all better than Hillary/Obama.

38splfan. Don't worry, the racist card is just the tool the open border lobby uses to de-focus the real arguments. I always find it amusing for La Raza (Spanish for "The Race") to complain about bigots & racist. Since "The" in their name means the best or only leading race. I bet if they had it to do over again they would come up with a different name.;)

That's why Lindsey Graham (SC US Republican Senator) is not going to win re-election. He stood up in front of La Raza and said anyone that did not vote for Bush's immigration plan was a bigot. He has been back-peddling ever since.
The money types will make money on this until the civil war starts.

Then other money types will make money on that.

Only the most draconian, grass-roots action would stop what's already in play.
Only the most draconian, grass-roots action would stop what's already in play.

On that point. I know at my age I should be not be naive, but I guess I like to hope for what seems impossible. Maybe things will finally boil over nationwide as they recently did for Spitzer in NY. I think Spitzer was genuinely shocked to find that not only Republicans, but his own Democrats thought his illegal's drivers license deal was stupid. Middle America is slow to boil, but maybe the outrage of having our border cities controlled by the Mexican drug cartels will do the job.

The "we are fight them there so they don't come here" line doesn't work.

Agreed. The Iraq war will not stop terrorist with international capabilities...never would. It does give local terrorist in Iraq a target (US troops) that they would normally not have had.
please excuse me but i would like to air some of my opinions as well on this topic. i have also seen images of the U.S. flag flown in the manner described earlier on in this post except for one difference. our flag was flown upside-down. it was eye-opening to say the least.

there are some that would find some of the views and ideas expressed by myself and others as racially insensitive or driven but i would say to them that they are sorely mistaken. i have no ill will towards those that were not fortunate enough to have been born an American. i also do not believe myself to be superior to those not born an American. i was just more fortunate. i however will not stand for anyone to wish ill upon my country, my home, and my way of life. i would go further by saying that i am the son of an American and that i am his legacy. and as one of it's son, i am only coming to the defense of my nation as one against the slanderous actions being perpetrated by those who would invade it's borders and demand from us what we have only to repay this most gracious of nations with insults and displays of focused and directed attacks. they are the racists. they are the bigots.

i must state that i do not blame any person for seeing America for what it is....a true land of opportunity. America is a home to Americans and salvation for others.
It is a sad state of affairs! The illegals steal identity to look legit but never pay taxes. Here in the Florida Panhandle we are covered up by illegals... The county and local police pull over them all the time, they are arrested for driving with out a license most often... then they get turned back out. Why won't they get turned over to INS? SIMPLE... INS is too slow to function and the jail can't pay to feed them too long before taxes will have to increase.
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...i am only coming to the defense of my nation as one against the slanderous actions being perpetrated by those who would invade it's borders and demand from us what we have only to repay this most gracious of nations with insults and displays of focused and directed attacks.

Very good, dwc. Although I can hardly blame people who want to come here for a better life, I detest those of whom you speak - ALMOST as much as those within our own government that have and are allowing it to happen.
By using racial slurs, we allow the other side to change the direction of the debate, and declare the moral high ground. This problem is not about race or ethnicity, IMO. Can we keep it that way?
People who come for "a better life" and do not respect the life of the society that is already there deserve blame, not sympathy.
People who come for "a better life" and do not respect the life of the society that is already there deserve blame, not sympathy.

Here is the part I am still trying to figure out. I worked many years in Mexico. Not just the border area but also deep in Mexico. I know for sure that the illegals coming here to work are generally treated poorly in Mexico. Their health care options are next to zero. Their legal options if arrested for a crime are about the same. If they cross any member of a drug cartel their life is worthless, and/or their wife & daughters are raped and beaten. Yet they hold our country in disdain. Yes they work low echelon jobs here, just as I did when I was young....big deal! But they get free quality health care & schooling. Yet given a chance they fly the Mexican flag above the US flag. They bite the hand that feeds them and then they wonder why they don't get respect!

There is absolutely nothing wrong with maintaining traditions and respect for your home country when coming to the USA, but don't come and take from our system and then show disrespect for that same system that feeds & protects your family.

Didn't mean to get off subject in a thread I started, but I think this does relate to the whole border security issue.
one step in the right direction would be to build a true wall on the border. not a fence but a wall. some have argued that it would be a tremendous waste in tax money but i wouldn't think it so. not only would it serve as a physical barrier but it would also help to enable a psychological effect for us and them. think about it. you pass by a beautiful home daily and you wonder how it would be to live like that but there is a large wrought iron fence surrounding it with large, mean-looking dogs in the yard that have "loaded" teeth. would you care to try to cross the fence? i don't think you would. i think you would continue to wonder about that house as you pass it by.

our border patrol which is so strained by the flood of "crossers" and they cannot hope to stop this mass migration by means of physically patrolling the border alone. it is not their fault. there are simply not enough men/women employed to do it and besides, how do you stop flooding when there is no dam?

in retrospect, i think corporations should have invested more time in the industrialization of our southern neighbor by means of sending American jobs to Mexico instead of nations like Taiwan or China, etc. but i guess that is neither here nor there now. please do not think that i like the idea of American jobs sent overseas but we would all have been better served by helping our closest neighbors than our furthest ones.

fences keep good neighboors.