The NRA Mess Explained

I always had an interest in the claim, "Your dues are not enough," with respect to where all the money is going in the first place, and this was enlightening.

But a problem we all face is if the NRA fractures sufficiently, the anti-gun left will win.

How can this all be fixed?
Could try supporting the other 2A the same level you have been supporting the NRA.

LaPierre has to have a chief of staff--yuk. I guess at 2+ million/year that is true and probably 4 or 5 secretaries.
The simple truth is that the NRA, for all its flaws and failings, is the face of gun rights in America. Letting it go under would weaken the defense of the Second Amendment enormously; I don't think it's hyperbole to say that without the NRA, we wouldn't HAVE gun rights in this country at this point.

What I don’t understand is why would the company be dismantled . Wouldn’t you just get rid of all the bad actors and get new ones . I don’t understand how you can get rid of an organization that has millions of members . Just because the top 20 30 40 members are corrupt doesn’t mean milions should suffer.
What I don’t understand is why would the company be dismantled . Wouldn’t you just get rid of all the bad actors and get new ones . I don’t understand how you can get rid of an organization that has millions of members . Just because the top 20 30 40 members are corrupt doesn’t mean milions should suffer.

Of course that's how it ought to be handled. But it's different when the Attorney General in the NY suit ran for office on a campaign promise to dismantle the NRA because it was a terrorist organization. She see's this as a chance to fulfill that promise.
If any of you are fans of the Atlanta Braves, you might remember a former 2nd baseman named Dan Uggla. He was a short guy with a very powerful dead pull swing. Could hit a ball as hard as anyone in MLB. The Braves locked him up to a huge, record setting contract, and as soon as the ink dried, he proceeded to strike out just about every at bat. Barely hit above .200 for the rest of his career, which was several seasons longer than it should have been, because the Braves couldn't afford to replace him or cut him.

That's about where we are now with the NRA. Ordinary members that have paid dues for decades have invested so much that its almost impossible to do the right thing and cut it free. And yet, every dollar that goes in now will only end up going to the NY AG's office, Cuomo's reelection fund or some other equally repugnant place.

Its up to the members to excise this cancer from our organization. Starve them out until the leadership is replaced. Its the only way.
the NRA under WLP has shown itself to be the Mitt Romney of the gun rights world. we need a Donald Trump like NRA.
Pretty disgusting what the NRA leadership has done. Back under Obama, as a single Dad, freshly divorced and left with lots of bills, I still managed to scrape enough together to buy my Lifetime membership. I purchased that card as a loyal American who thought the NRA leadership would be fighting for our Constitutional rights, not spending it on vacations, etc. Fire them all, clean house, rehire REAL leaders and start over!!!
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The NRA is a private club with club rules.
The Life members vote on who the executives are who actually run the organization.
Anytime we can get a large enough number of members to block vote, we can toss the executives out.

This was done back in the 80's in a member's revolt.

People always complain about the way the NRA is operated or about how they don't do enough fighting of the anti-gun laws to suit them.
They often recommend leaving the NRA and joining some other organization.
Most of those seem more interested in getting money then fighting for gun rights and you seldom ever hear about them accomplishing anything.

I tell people to do a little experiment......
Go out in the street and stop the first person you see.
Ask them about "the gun lobby".

99% of the time they'll say, "You mean the NRA"?.
They'll have never heard of any of the others.

When something critically important is malfunctioning, you don't throw it in the trash, you repair it.
Want to fix the NRA? Start talking to members and get something going.
Dfariswheel said:
Anytime we can get a large enough number of members to block vote, we can toss the executives out.

This was done back in the 80's in a member's revolt.

And a very few years ago LaPierre and Co. railroaded through a revision to the by-laws that makes it effectively impossible for a repeat performance of the members' revolt.
+1 to shurshot.

I've been an NRA supporter for decades, but about the time that LaPierre's quarter-million plus billing the NRA for suits and other clothing hit the books the scales dropped from my eyes. Most guys I know don't spend a quarter million on clothes in a lifetime. Clearly absolute power has corrupted LaPierre absolutely, and I resolved not to send the NRA another dime until LaPierre was no longer at the helm.

How he has held on this long throughout one crisis following another is a mystery.

When Wayne is gone I'll reconsider.

But it's tragic that during one of the most consequential elections in modern US history the NRA is basically sitting this one out - crippled by lack of funds and an absence of leadership.

There should be a constant series of fantastic television ads along the lines of the "I am the NRA" ads that came out some years back. They were easy for people to relate to, and they expounded the simple narrative that the NRA was ordinary Americans.

A few other ads noting why a vote for Trump would support 2nd Amendment rights for all Americans would go a long way towards the NRA providing a foundation for gun rights to build on for years to come.

But no.

All that isn't happening, because the NRA has become riven with in-fighting, lawsuits, corruption, and incompetence.

It's sad for the NRA -- and it's tragic for America's gun owners.
In 1960 i became a Lifetime Member of the NRA. For decades i contributed until it hurt. Fast forward to the present, i will not contribute one penny until WLP is gone. i also grabbed back a bequeath.

i've been following this stinky NRA dumpster fire very closely from it's first ember. Yeah, it is political: However, except for the corruption and thievery, these charges would have never been filed.

Letitia James deposed 90 present and former board members, whistle blowers, Oliver North, WLP and numerous others.

IMO: The scummiest thing that Wayne La Pierre and his minions did was the plundering of The NRA Foundation.

Every NRA member needs to read the entire New York summons:

The DC complaint against the NRA Foundation:

Good news: The IRS is going after WLP for tax fraud:
As previously mentioned, the bylaws have been changed to prevent any member revolts. The only option left is to starve them out.

A couple of months ago when I got the quarterly plea for funds, I sent them a nice letter explaining that what money I had for 2A advocacy was now going to FPC, atleast until such time that there was a change in leadership. I mailed it to them in the thoughtfully provided postage paid envelope, so that it would cost them 15 cents to read it. Petty, to be sure, but they need to know that the rank and file are upset. We demand better.
The NRA stopped doing their job years ago. If we don't have them we have nobody is a the same logic a battered wife uses to justify staying in the relationship.
The club is too corrupted to fix, even its bylaws. Time to start a new club with new rules and get something done.
Or purge Mr. Fancy Suit and all of the people Mr. Fancy Suit brought in. So many employees furloughed including the museum staff.