The NEXT volly to fire.......CARRY

Jim you did not answer the question. As usual. So I will ask again.
If sit ins and open carrys result in LE and business owners insisting that every business post no guns allowed signs, then what good will your permit do?
They can do it. They will do it. And if you carry after a sign has been posted you are in deep dung. Effectively it will kill ANY KIND OF CARRY.

Ohio is the only state I know of where very widespread business "no packing" signs went up, and even then a lot came down.

First point is that the signs didn't happen when the mass OCing went on, they went up when the CCW law was passed.

Second, the reason for the signs is that the Ohio state police went around to businesses handing out the signs and claiming they were mandatory. That stunt didn't last long and a lot of the signs came down later.

As it stands now, Ohio's rate of private no-packing signs is slightly high but not all that bad from what I hear. I know of no linkages between OC and high rates of no-guns signs.
LE cannot get involved on a no guns sign campaign because that's now a civil rights violation and they can be sued.
Yet they can carry out a harassing gun owners campaign, maybe get sued every now and then, and keep on doing it with impunity. Even if they get sued they won't stop doing it.
You are exactly right, the signs in Ohio started after concealed carry. HOWEVER, how worse will it be for a state like CA where it is much more antigun when there are open carry sit ins?

Check out this article for your future. Also Do a random google of how LE encourages businesses to post anti gun notices. Bottom line, keep up the stunts and You will not be allowed to carry anywhere, in any form. Either the populace is behind you or they are not. Forcing stunts encouraging people to open carry will only make it worse.

Good luck. You won't see any carry in my lifetime. All of CA is looney tunes, from the anti gunners to the pro gunners strapping on the M16's to make a point at walmart. Nothing in moderation in that state.
Moderation--which on the part of gun owners is more properly called submission--is what got CA the way it is in the first place.