The next PR war – important.

AZRedhawk Said:
Just sayin'. They've done a good job angering us louder firebrands.

You know it's funny the way the anti-gunners talk you'd think the NRA was the just the lobbying arm of the firarms industry with little or no support from the gun owning public. I think their heads would explode if they ever heard about the JPFO. Here in AZ though it seems that many gun owners see the NRA as a bunch of two faced compromising wimps and really only support them due to their political clout.
86 percent of all gun owners believe the country can “do more to stop criminals from getting guns while also protecting the rights of citizens to freely own them.
Good job pointing that bit out, Glenn. A few years ago, "the rights of citizens to freely own them" wouldn't have been mentioned in such surveys.

Your questions on sampling pools and methods are also spot-on.

Even the questions are skewed. I have an old article by Dave Kopel regarding Henigan's statement that a high percentage of Americans support revoking the Tiahrt amendment. The actual question was, "do you support giving law enforcement the tools they need to track illegal gun traffickers?"

Your Average Gun Owner will, out of instinct, answer "yes," so we had a "statistic" claiming that the majority of gun owners support revoking the Tiahrt amendment.

What if the question been phrased, "do you support the government maintaining a perpetual registry of all guns purchased in the country?" The "statistic" would read far differently.

At this point, we're winning in the courts and the legislature. I'm not saying the PR battle is over, but I'm not nearly as worried about this now as I would have been in 1995 or so.
The poll also doesn't reflect why respondents answered the way they do. For example:

86 percent of all gun owners believe the country can “do more to stop criminals from getting guns while also protecting the rights of citizens to freely own them.”

I can agree with that statement. The government could keep the criminals locked up in prison- you reduce their opportunity of getting a gun to almost zero while protecting the RKBA. Doesn't mean I support gun control at all.

One of the Brady Bunch could agree and have something entirely different in mind.
What worries me about that poll is how the MSM are going to spin it. We can be quite certain that the MSM will spin the poll results as NRA members favoring things like renewal of the AWB, magazine capacity limits, licenses to possess, and all of the other nutty ideas that the Brady Campaign and VPC can come up with. Furthermore, the MSM will ignore the most important part about not infringing further on our gun rights. Methinks that we need to be on the alert.