The next Pennsylvania Gathering in June

Probable not for my gatherings.

If P95Carry has one it'll be alot closer for you.

Unless you want to drive that far.

3Gun drove from Ohio to a NJ shoot so you won't win any long distance traveler records if you come to the PA gatherings. ;)

Make a vacation out of it.
I'm pretty sure I can do either weekend.....I had a GREAT time hanging with you guys at the last shoot. Now that I have the STG58a I feel like I have something worthwhile to share in addition to the Garand
Hmmm, June 11th...

... has a NRA Action on the schedule, but that's for 9AM. I could do the Action shoot and then head on over to the Gathering(where ever it may be this time around?).

Jamie, keep us posted on when and where.
We're on for Saturday June 11th at Water and Wings. They finally got back to me and said they will close the range for us.

More details in a few...........

Spread the word.

IT IS ON!!!!!!!!!!

Any suggestions for a theme?
Jamie - thx for date conf' - it does look like this one may well not be a go'er for me - pity, as I have much enjoyed the last two.

Time will tell tho and if as time draws nearer it would still be OK to ''turn up'' then I'll hopefully do just that!!

I do have a shoot planned for near here May 28 - just in case you are interested let me know or peek HERE

I'm allowed to go out once a month (according to the boss) and I already have a road trip to South Carolina in May. I'll be hanging out with the guys from I don't think I can make it to the SW shoot.

I really want to get out there sometime.
So where is this range at? Not sure if I can make it yet, but, if it's close, then I will have a greater chance. I live in York Pa.
The 11th is still blocked out on my calendar. Something about turning money into noise on that day or something......... :p
Any theme?
Are they planning on fixing the clays course, ever?
Range will be open 9am-5pm.

The only rules for bringing the 50bmg are these:

1)You have to let me shoot it. :D

2)No tracers.

June 11th is still a long ways away but I'll keep this thread going for a little while until things get a little closer. Then I'll post more info.

Feel free to email or PM me if you have any questions.

All Patriotic gun owners are welcome!!