The new .22 rifle selection is dismal,,,


New member
The new .22 rifle selection is dismal,,,
What I mean is I can't find a rifle that I want to buy.

Since October of last year I've been looking for a new high-end .22 rifle,,,
It is supposed to be my retirement (08 Jan 21) gift to myself.

So I've scoured every on-line seller,,,
And I've probably put 1,000 miles on my car visiting stores all across Oklahoma.

At first I was looking for "exotic" rifles,,,
Like .22 LR versions of "Sharps" style rifles.

Nada in stock.

Then I was looking for something to use in NRL .22 matches,,,
Lots of rifles fit the bill here but I can't find anything on the shelf.

The Savage B22 Precision caught my eye,,,
On paper it looks like the rifle for me,,,
But the reviews are very mixed.

Apparently if you get a good one out of the box,,,
The rifle will shoot very precise groups.

But I've also read way to many bad reviews,,,
Ammo gouging and ejection problems seem way too common.

I finally found a dealer in Muskogee who had one new in box,,,
I made the almost 2-hour drive to take a look at it.

Because of the ammo gouging/ejection problems I've read about,,,
I asked the dealer if I could load/cycle a ten round mag.

He was very reluctant to allow me to do so,,,
He kept saying "It's not safe to do that."

I laid the cash on the table and said I'll not buy it if I can't test it,,,
He still didn't want me to but finally agreed if I had the ammo.

It was a dang good thing I was adamant,,,
I could easily see how the mag was askew in the rifle,,,
We oiled the bolt copiously and it still drug badly and chewed up the ammo.

My friends,,,
I was very disappointed,,,
But relieved that I stuck to my guns (so to speak).

So even if one comes available from an on-line dealer,,,
I won't buy a Savage B22 Precision sight unseen.

So I switched gears and started looking at some other rifle brands,,,
I have had fantastic good fortune with all of my CZ rifles,,,
So I have been looking for a 457 Precision Varmint.

Same thing there,,,
None in stock anywhere in my state.

Buds does have one of the 16.5" barrel versions,,,
But I think that rifle is ugly as original sin,,,
And the 24" version is unwieldy.

There is always the Ruger Precision Rifle,,,
It has that fully adjustable modular stock I desire,,,
And it has been a decent performer at NRL matches I've attended.

It just doesn't hold any visual appeal for me,,,
I don't like that barrel hand-guard at all.

There is one Ruger rifle that did catch my eye,,,
It's the Ruger American: Rimfire Target with the laminated thumb-hole stock.

This rifle is very sexy,,,
A tad bit "gaudy" for my tastes but still,,,
I think I would smile big every time I opened it's case.

I can't find one of these either. :(

I started looking at Voodoo and Bergara rifles,,,
They are pricey as all heck,,,
But not out of reach.

Trouble is they also have none in stock,,,
And from what I've read there is a long waiting list.

It's funny I can find all the rifles I want in the 200-300 range,,,
But nothing at all in the higher end of the spectrum.

The only good thing about this is,,,
I have been setting aside $100.00 a month for almost 2 years,,,
It's been so long now that I could afford just about anything I may find out there.

If something that "twangs my chimes",,,
Would just show up in the local marketplace.

I know this is just another whine about the Covid marketplace,,,
But I'm a little bit bored and very much frustrated.

I have money to spend and nothing to spend it on. :confused:


I recently bought a CZ 457 jaguar--since you already like CZ I'd highly recommend ditching preconceptions about the barrel length and give it a try, I'd be willing to bet you'll be amazed at it's accuracy. The quality of the barrel is spectacular for a commercial production rifle IMO, when I get my next 22lr it'll likely be another jaguar.
I'd very much like to know what a "high end" .22 rifle can do when a comparatively high end scope is use with it and shot using high end ammo.

I was able to get sub MOA with my Ruger Charger and Mueller APV scope and CCI Standard Velocity.

When you can get a Charger that can put bullets into groups that small, there's no reason to get something that's more than $400.
I was searching all over for someone with anything CZ in stock with no luck (North Carolina). I ended up with a Christensen Arms Ranger.

After a very thorough cleaning and about 200 rounds initially my impression was great. A thousand rounds later I am still very happy with my purchase. The bolt was a bit stiff at first but it smoothed out with the cleaning and lots of cycling.
I just don't like long barreled rifles,,,

I just don't like long barreled rifles,,,
And the short 16" barrels leave me cold as well.

Personally, my preferred barrel length is minimum 18",,,
With the ideal length being 20".

I have no scientific reason for this,,,
I just like that look and feel.

I have a Vortex Diamondback 4-16x44...
Ready to mount on whatever I eventually end up getting,,,
Poor thing is just sitting all lonesome on a shelf in my man cave.

Several years ago I owned and really liked a CZ-452 Special Military Trainer,,,
If I recall correctly it had a 24" barrel on it,,,
I thought that was a bit long.

The dang thing performed very well for me,,,
But I sold it to a friend who liked it even better than I.

I used the money to buy a CZ-512 Semi-auto,,,
It is extremely pleasing to my senses.

With a Nikon 4-12x40 mounted on it,,,
It shoots very well indeed.

Honestly I have several rimfire rifles,,,
That have more inherent accuracy/precision,,,
Than my 69 year old eyes and body can effectively use.

Not the least is a Mauser es340b with a Leupold 3-9x40 on it,,,
Off a bench I regularly smack Coke cans at 200 yards.

It took a while to get her there,,,
But the old German gal is very satisfying.

The one style of rimfire that I don't have,,,
Is something with a fully adjustable modular stock.

It will probably be the last rifle I'll buy,,,
So it has to be aesthetically pleasing to my senses.

Honestly, that Savage B22 Precision rings all of my bells,,,
Maybe when Savage starts producing them again in the future,,,
They will have worked out the problems with the feed and ejection.

This post was mainly a whine instigated by my frustration,,,
I have money in my pocket and nothing to spend it on.

I've survived two separate ammo droughts,,,
Never thought I would have to endure a rifle shortage.


I did go to the Scheels website,,,
Lo and behold they have a B22 Precision in stock.

I'm going to call them later today,,,
See if they will ship to my local fiery-arm dealer,,,
And also ask them if it's possible for them to test the feed/ejection.


Can't go wrong with an Anschutz
CZs are good shooters
My personal favorite is the Ruger American
Brno are outstanding. If you come across one.

Happy hunting and good luck.

Planning my retirement, sometime between Nov 1, 2021 and March 1, 2023. With Nov 1 being the hard target.
Hello berettaprofessor,,,

"There are a crapload of CZ 457's on Gunbroker right now. "

It's funny you suggest that,,,
Just yesterday evening I discovered a CZ rifle,,,
That I had either overlooked or had never noticed at all.

CZ 457 Long Range Precision (LRP)

I like everything about this rifle,,,
The 20" barrel is my preferred length,,,
The stock is fully adjustable without looking "skeletal",,,
And it is specifically set-up for what they call "extreme distance accuracy".

I went to gunbroker and found one of these rifles NIB,,,
I have placed my bid and am the top bidder for now,,,
We'll see how it works out over the next 3 days.

Wish me luck!


If you are truly looking for a high-end 22lr, then you should consider the Cooper MDL 57. They come in a couple of versions. There is the wood stocked Jackson Squirrel rifle, which is a work of art. Then there is the MDL 57 in a target stock. The target version has won meets against the Fortner and Anshultz, and has set records against the best.

I own a Cooper MDL 22, a heavy varmint rifle, chambered in 6.5-284. It is by far the most accurate rifle I have ever fired. Much more accurate than me.

All this said, the Jackson Squirrel is about $2500.

All of the rimfire rifles come with a 1/2", 50yd guarantee.

Some folks strangle when they hear the price.

I don't understand why some people think that a high quality rimfire should be cheaper than a centerfire rifle. A rimfire rifle requires all the manufacturing steps as a centerfire rifle. Is it because the ammunition is less expensive than centerfire ammunition?

This Cooper rifle may not be what you are looking for, but it can't hurt to look. I would love to be able to afford a Jackson Squirrel rifle, but the funds aren't there for this rifle at this time
I'd very much like to know what a "high end" .22 rifle can do when a comparatively high end scope is use with it and shot using high end ammo.
The best accuracy these days for 22 rimfire rifles and ammo is almost half an inch at 50 yards extreme spread.

Prior to 1980, it was half that.
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The best accuracy these days for 22 rimfire rifles and ammo is almost half an inch at 50 yards extreme spread.

Thats funny. A few years ago I bought a Ruger 77/22 off GB that came with a cheap straight tube 4x Bushnell scope. IIRC the gun was made in 1986 and has never had any stock work or bedding done to it. I paid a total of $405.05 with shipping and everything else.

I only expected a gun with field grade accuracy. But what I have is a gun that will shoot 5/8" groups group after group with WM blue box Federal bulk ammo. And those are 10 shot groups. After all it came with a 10 shot magazine. And it still has the cheap Bushnell scope on it. I like the way it looks.

I never even tried any other ammo in it. I shot one 30 yard group that was 4 shots in a slightly oblong hole and of course pulled shot number 5 about a quarter inch out. I would have never guessed this gun would shoot so well from the internet reports I had read.
Were Stevens Ideal, 1915, Boy's Rifles, and all those similar style single shots really all that expensive to produce? It would be nice to see rolling and falling block .22's available again.