The most horrible crime I've ever heard of!

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New member
I need to rant on this one. Just when you thought you had heard it all. Just when you thought you had seen how low a human being could get. Some low life does something so shocking, you just sit there dumbfounded!

A Memphis couple has been arrested for first degree murder. It seems that back in June they took their 18 month old daughter to a remote wooded location in St. Francis county, Ark., dumped her out of the car and just left her there! She died of dehydration and exposure!
Three days later, they took their 3 year old son to another spot in the same area and dumped him too!
MY GOD!They were just babies! The grass was taller than they were! How could they do that?
To make it even worse, the crime was discovered when the father got drunk and started to BRAG about it!
Two tiny children left on their own in the woods. In June, where the average daily temperature is in the upper 90s.Insects and animals all around. Left to die frightened,lost and alone.
The body of the girl has been found. The coroner thinks she may have survived as long a three days. The boy's body has not been found.
The death penalty is too good for these monsters!
Shooting them would be a waste of a good bullets. Me thinks they should be skined alive, pour honey all over them and then bury them up to the kneck in a Texas red ant hill. I'll bring the knives, shovels and honey.

But then again this could be way to easy, painless and fast for them.
THese subhumans probably will get a light sentence. I cant remember where, but recently a woman who killed all her children didnt get the death penalty because the prosecuter wanted to study her and find out why she did it? Life doesnt rate much in this country as we see by the mild sentences for heinious crmes.
Ivan, that case, as I recall, was a situation where the crimes were decades old, and would have remained unsolved except for her cooperation. I don't agree with the sentence, but it wasn't directly comparable with the outrage Grayfox tells.

I always find it impossible to think too much about such crime - way too heartbreaking to consider in depth. Reminds me of the woman who drove her two boys into the lake. Of the selfish b*****d who intentionally infected his baby boy with Aids. I'm sure we could conjure up some other bad dreams. If we knew of every such case we would probably go mad with anguish.

But, this is why we believe in the right to self defense, and the obligation, if necessary, to defend our children with deadly force. You would defend mine, and I would defend yours, no doubt. Precisely because there are such monsters in our world. Someday, when the soccer moms figure out how to banish these creatures, and all such monsters who prey upon innocent men, women and children ... well then, perhaps we can discuss 'reasonable' gun control.

I'm not holding my breath. And the monsters in this world should always fear fine people ... such as those who post here on TFL.

Regards from AZ. And may those poor babies rest in eternal peace.

The woman you refer to started killing her kids in the early 50's and the last in the late 60's as I recall...4 or 5 total, I think. She is now in her 80's and the DA likley believed that it would be bad PR to gas an old lady. Her hubby (the father) was a milquetoast.

Then we have Susan Smith....sheesh

My son is 16 months old and I'd destroy the earth to keep him safe and happy. There is no need for torture as that prolongs the perversion. Just a quick and dispassionate erase...squash the bug.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
That's pretty bad, but we had something happen over here that might be worse. Sheriffs deputies entered a house in Norco on the advice of neighbors who were worried about the little 6 year old girl who lived there with her grandfather and mother. They entered the house, and found the girl chained to a bed post in an otherwise empty room, covered in her own feces, urine, and other filth, and unable to speak. Her arms were like sticks and her eyes were suken back into her head. She curled up into the fetal position and started moaning when the deputies entered. Doctors said a few more days and she would have died. Apparently, the mother and grandfather had kept her chained there for YEARS and only fed her occasionally, and abused her on a fairly regular basis. they never cleaned her or gave her the chance to clean herself. They had to call out a HAZMAT team to quarantine the house and shut the place up, it was so filthy. They felt it might be a danger to the community. I didn't think humans were capable of stuff like this, not to their own kids.If I were the arresting deputy, I think I'd have a hard time controlling myself.
As usual, I find myself agreeing with DC: <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>My son is 16 months old and I'd destroy the earth to keep him safe and happy. There is no need for torture as that prolongs the perversion. Just a quick and dispassionate erase...squash the bug.[/quote]

My daughter is a year a week ago. She's the only thing that matters, beyond my wife. I don't really think about it much, because it's just a thing that is; my family, especially my daughter, is my world. I can't even boggle much at the above story because I simply can't comprehend it.

When disposing of filth, it's best to touch it as little as possible. Quick, sanitary destruction of the "parents", and grieve for the kids.

But it's been going on for a long time.
Ivan & DC: The woman in question killed all of her EIGHT children. She was given house arrest for five years because "she was too old for prison".

People like that should be sentenced to death by belt sander.
To all those people that think the death penalty costs too much.

I volunteer to pull the lever for free in cases like this!
I am with you Obiwan. And if the state does not want to pay for the electricity, I will bring my own pistol and ammo.
Stories like this always choke me up and make my eyes "sweat" a little.

My initial reaction is that quick and painless is too good for them. What they did to the children is cruel and inhumane treatment and should they deserve the same? But then again, one of these days, they won't be judged by man for what they did. They'll have to answer to a higher authority.

Gotta run, the bile is rising...


Detroit Area Chapter
Terra-Haute Torque & Recoil Scoiety

[This message has been edited by Ron L (edited September 09, 1999).]
The woman claims she went along with it because she feared for her own life. She has tried to leave the man several times and he has repeatedly threatened to kill her if she does. Sorry, she gets no sympathy from me. I would die before I let harm come to my kids.

The man is the really bad one. Seems he's had twelve children with six different women and has failed to support any of them. He also never married any of the women. One of his ex-girlfriends has a restraining order on him for repeated death threats against her and the children. He also has a long criminal record and many of the charges are for domestic violence. Neighbors say he used to brag about beating his girlfriends and children. This guy deserves to die.

The search for the boy's body has been called off. Local sheriff thinks the body was probably dragged off by animals, probably coyotes. BTW: the search was conducted completely by volenteers who gave up several days of their own time to look for the boy. Local farmers donated the use of heavy equiptment to drain a lake that the boy was reportedly thrown into. Thank God for good people.

I have to believe that there is a special place in hell for these parents. I hope they get there soon.

[This message has been edited by Grayfox (edited September 08, 1999).]
Note that these crimes are probably approved by Handgun Control and the White House because guns were not involved.

First a correction. Both the children were boys. I had mistakenly thought one was a girl. Sorry, my mistake.

The woman is now being painted as a victim. Too afraid for her own life to try and stop the murders. This doesn't wash with me. Would anyone here let their child die to save their own life? I doubt it. Also, she filed a missing persons report on the children shortly after the murders. Since she already knew they were dead, I think she was trying to cover her butt.
Interestingly enough it seems the man has been talking his head off giving police full details of the crime. The woman, however, has shut up and won't say a word about it.
They were araigned today in St. Frances county court. Seperate lawyers, they sat apart, didn't speak to each other and wouldn't even look at each other. Oh well, so much for true love.
Oh, this hits so many nerves I'd rather get a root canal on all my front teeth.

Susan Smith ripped my heart out when she killed those beautiful boys...
This story (and the one of the chained up child) are only more terrible because the children suffered longer.

I watched this thread grow and avoided it for a while because I really hate to read the bad stuff... so much negative crap in the world.. and then there are people like this.

There are many, many people who are incapable of emotional connection, even to their own children. This defect should be detected at birth and these people should be sterlizied! (extreme... I don't know... I'm just raw nerves right now) The father of my oldest child continues to torture him with endless court battles that everyone has begged him to stop because it is destroying this child's emotional heath (4 years, 4 hearings, 2 appeals, 60K and counting). Why? Because he cant stand to lose and he is forcing his child to suffer through the process.

A part of me dies every time my child has to go through more crap, and I would triple mortgage anything I have to, or go without legal representation (as we are now) to keep this bastard from hurting him more. Reading about these sickos only make my situation *seem* less dire...

Emotionally defunct people should not breed.
(new bumper sticker I'll print up... who wants one?)

Geri <--now reaching for a beer

BlackHawk Authorized Dealer (BAD) - "Better than catalog" prices & free shipping
Well folks, I'm afraid some animal in Los Angeles just upped the ante. I caught a news report halfway through about a young girl who was chained to the floor in a house in LA for several years. She was extremely malnourished, slept in her own excrement, apparently for years. The sherrif said her arms were about the size of a quarter. I didn't catch how old she was, but they implied she was around 7 or so. She couldn't speak, could only moan. When anyone came in the room, she would curl up in the fetal position.

A neighbor became suspicious for some reason, and reported they thought something wrong was going on in the house. The sherrif said she probably wouldn't have lived much longer. I'm sure her mind has been gone for years.

If there is anything good to say about stories where a parent kills their children, at least the children usually don't suffer too long. Then something like this comes along. We will never understand what causes mans inhumanity to man.
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