the mommies are coming, the mommies are coming!

The MMM, or Million Moron March, is just so silly I can't imagine being reduced to taking it seriously. If this is the forum where my rights are being debated or decided then I most certainly am living in a strange land indeed. The Constitution protects us from this "mob rule" mentality, or so I thought. The polititians need to be reminded of this. Let the feable minded "bitch brigade" have a big warm fuzzy "menstral moment" in Washington. It's so completely pathetic it boggles the mind.
According to Webster's dictionary:...
Mo'ron, n. "adult with the mental capacity of a child". [G. Moros, foolish]

Yes Virginia, your "mother" is a moron!

By the way, I love the prison terms for mothers of convicted murderers. Great idea!

Check out:

The Killing Game
One Mom's Battle with the Gun Culture
Kathleen Williams

Where will it end? Take away the sword and give him a club? Take away the club and leave him empty handed? Cut off his arms when he hits someone? Cut off the legs after he stomps someone? Then finally, have the head removed after he bites someone I guess.(Visions of the black knight ala Holy Grail come to mind). Helloooooo Kathleen! It isn't the guns, it's the kid!

[This message has been edited by RAE (edited January 23, 2000).]
In the CO MMM site, one woman mentioned how "intimidated" she was and the "ranting" from our side at the FT Collins demo.

My wife (all of 5'/100lbs & smaller than the handee) VERY politely handed this "lady" a leaflet of our views. Nobody on our side ranted whatsoever.

Another example of more lies & deceit.
p220fortyfive, I agree completely with your proposals. That would take care of much of the problem with overpopulation as well as stupid mothers.

I really think a counter march would be beneficial for this situation. We need to constantly hit these "soccer moms" in the heads. They have to learn to think for themselves instead of running with the herd who thinks guns are bbbaaaaaaddddd. I am tired of the sheep!

This "for the children" thing is out of hand. That is why I carry a PROTECT MY CHILD and myself. That is FOR THE CHILDREN.
There is a counter march, let me see if I can find the link.

BTW......they only have approx 153 moms going to this thing. They just THINK there are a million moms :D MWAHAHAHAHA

We are as one as we all are the same fighting for one cause -Metallica
came from my MD rkba list:
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>>On Saturday, January 22, 2000 I had the (dubious) honor of being the only
>pro-RKBA person attending the Million Mom March organizational meeting for
>northern Virginia.
>I should have brought along my anti-nausea medication, but I managed
>persevere without it.
>The meeting (and thus, my notes) was a bit disorganized and didn't follow
>the agenda very well, so please bear with me if you have trouble following
>my notes.
>First, there were about 30 people in attendance, mostly women. Speakers
>included Peter Lawson, Legislative Counsel for Congressman Jim (I beat my
>wife) Moran, Jim (I have a concealed-carry permit) Sollo from Virginians
>Against Handgun Violence (VAHV), the Reverend Jim Atwood (who admitted to
>being a gun owner), and Patricia Thomas of the Bell Campaign and VAHV.
>Funding for the MMM is mainly from the Soros Foundation, with the Bell
>Campaign lending its 501(c)3 status for donations. I didn't get the name of
>the company providing logistical support; it's a large organization known
>nationwide for providing behind-the-scenes aid in administering and
>organizing rallies.
>Endorsements (on their web page) include Rosie O'Donnell (who will be
>pushing it on her show), Oprah (ditto), NAACP, Children's Defense Fund, NOW,
>and HCI. A complete list is on their web site.
>Sollo stated that there are over 100,000 people with concealed-carry permits
>in Virginia, and he griped that the preemption law prohibited localities
>from passing their own firearm laws. He was hopeful that Fairfax County
>would get its bill to prohibit carry in county buildings through the General
>Assembly during this session; I didn't have the heart to tell him that it
>had died in committee last Wednesday, just two days after their anti-RKBA
>demonstration in Richmond.
>He also made gun owners sound like militia/NWO-fearing whackos. I again bit
>my tongue as I was there to gather intel*
>Lawson propagated the gun-show loophole lie, stating that anyone could buy
>any gun at a gun show w/o a background check. I really wanted to call him
>on it by inviting him to the show in Leesburg to do just that, but it was
>too early in the meeting to blow my cover.
>The group then selected committee chairmen and chairwomen; I have the list
>of their names and contact info.
>Finally, they will have representatives manning tables at the following two
>venues to pass out literature:
>Action Alliance for Virginia Children and Youth Conference/Child Advocacy
>Day on February 8th in Richmond, VA.
>Would it be possible to get someone there to hand on JPFO's "Grandpa Jack"
>Feminist Expo 2000, Baltimore, MD on April 1st
>Could Maryland Citizens Defense League provide have a women's self-defense

>Anyhow, that's about it. I snagged some of their flyers "to put up"* as