the mommies are coming, the mommies are coming!


New member

gee do you think "the today show" will be there?

Maybe a counterpoint is needed!
Where is Ted Nugent when you need him?

MILLION MOM MARCH MOTHERS' DAY 2000 is dedicated to
the mission of educating our children and our country about
the life-threatening danger of guns.

Although simplistic and seemingly self-evident, this mission
is in direct conflict with a powerful, heavily financed cultural
and political juggernaut, which justifies misuse of guns with
references to freedom, liberty and the American Dream.

We, the mothers, know that life is the first inalienable right
promised by our Constitution. Our children's lives far
outweigh the right for just anyone, especially juveniles, to
carry a semi-automatic assault weapon or Saturday night

While we acknowledge that guns may be necessary for
hunting, law enforcement, and national security, the
proliferation of firearms intended for one purpose only -
killing another human being - has become untenable.

We, the mothers, are calling on Congress to enact common
sense gun control legislation by Mothers' Day 2000. Come
May 14th, we mothers will go to Washington, D.C. either to
celebrate sensible legislation or to protest bipartisan

We, as mothers, endorse the following.

Sensible "Cooling Off" Periods and Background Checks

We believe that it is only common sense that sensible
"cooling off" periods and extensive background checks be
required of any individual who wants to purchase from any
person or place weapons intended only for killing or injuring

License Handgun Owners and Register All Handguns

We call on Congress to require all handgun owners to be
licensed and that they be required to register their weapons
with the proper authorities. It makes sense.

Safety Locks for All Handguns

Guns, like every other consumer product sold in America,
have to meet minimum safety standards. Gun
manufacturers should have to design guns with locks built
in, and with other common-sense devices like
loaded-chamber indicators and child-proofing.

Limit Purchases to one-handgun-per-month

We believe that it is only common sense to end straw
purchase transactions where individual who may legally
purchase a firearm is hired to purchase firearms for Gun
traffickers. These guns are sold on the illegal market and
eventually wind up on our nation's streets, killing our kids.

No-Nonsense Enforcement of Gun Laws

We call on all officers of the law to assume a no-nonsense
approach in enforcing existing gun laws and to join us in
our mutual crusade for stronger legislation.

Enlistment of Help from Corporate America

We call on all child-friendly, nonviolent stores, companies,
and corporations to sponsor us in these pursuits by
advertising our message that guns -- in the wrong hands -
is simply unacceptable. We call on the like minded to work
with community law enforcement agencies to offer swaps of
meaningful goods and services for guns. And that the guns
be destroyed by the proper authorities. In turn, we, the
mothers, will patronize all child-friendly, nonviolent
sponsors who join us in this mission.


Our aim is to recruit - from all walks of life - mothers,
grandmothers, stepmothers, godmothers, foster mothers,
future mothers, and all others willing to be "honorary
mothers" in this crusade. Our goal is to educate and
mobilize the mothers of America to this cause. Our
commitment as voting citizens is to realize our goals by
Mothers' Day, 2000.

"walk softly and carry a big stick, one that goes bang in .308 is fine"
One can only hope the criminal element is listening to the fact that hundreds of unarmed women are coming to DC. :)

If stupidity hurt, most government officials would be in agony.
I would love nothing more than for them to fall flat on their faces, and have about 30 people turn out in Wash on Mother's Day - but if they anticipate that kind of dud, they'll probably claim "victory" for gun control when Hatch's Horror Bill passes (it's in conference committee right now, and it doesn't look good - bye, bye gun shows).
Friends, watch for Mothers Arms. Web site will be debuting this weekend, we will be working the SHOT Show to introduce the concept to the industry. This will be a mom's group for ladies that recognize the importance and practicality of taking responsibility for their own self defense.

Most mom's are pretty smart ladies, and I think they can be convinced to think about such an important issue as the RKBA. Once they really think about it, many of us believe they will see the light.
the millionmommarch will prolly blow the 2nd amendment rally in DC last October out of the water

maybe 100 showed all day

they have a hundred attending planning meetings for MMM from Bethesda MD already


Million Mom March catches on in Bethesda, Chevy Chase area

Organizing gets off the ground for May 14 march
by Myra Mensh Patner
Staff Writer

January 12, 2000

More than 100 people showed up at a meeting in Bethesda Saturday
morning to sign up as volunteers for the "Million Mom
March Mothers' Day 2000," a national demonstration against guns
scheduled for the National Mall on May 14.

Donna Dees Thomases, the New Jersey mother who is leading the
effort, told the group at River Road Unitarian Church that the
march is catching fire around the country despite the fact that there
is no paid staff nor office yet, only grassroots volunteers.

"We've done everything wrong, but it's working anyway," said
Thomases, who thought of the idea for the march last summer
after she felt outrage over the Columbine High School shootings and
the California shootings at the Jewish Community Center
in Granada Hills.

Thomases quickly secured permits for a demonstration from the
National Park Service and began spreading the idea for the
march through e-mail. She also created a Web site
( and began appearing on television

Thomases said she expects up to 100,000 people to convene for the
march, which will press Congress for national laws
requiring licensing and registering of guns and a ban on assault

She asked those in the audience to open their homes for overnight
stays for marchers and to contribute $25 each to the effort.

"That's what is costs to join the National Rifle Association," said
Thomases, who works part-time for the Late Show with David

Thomases said women in every state except North Dakota and South Dakota have said they will come to Washington for the

Congresswoman Constance A. Morella (R-Dist. 8) of Bethesda also spoke at the meeting, and said the march is important
because it is bipartisan. She said she will send a letter this month to all members of the House of Representatives explaining the
march and urging their support.

"Childhood is supposed to be a time of security and playing and
comfort," Morella told the group. "But everyday 13 children
are killed by firearms in the U.S."

Del. William A. Bronrott (D-Dist. 16) of Bethesda also spoke at the
meeting, and volunteered to use his public relations
business to promote the march.

Those in attendance appeared eager to sign up for committees.
Tierney Siegel of Somerset volunteered to organize all of
Montgomery County.

Janet Read, who lives in Bethesda's Woodacres neighborhood, said
she is thrilled with the idea of the march and will do what
she can to help.

"I really think this is a great way to get some gun laws," she said. "It
excites me to think that all these women can make
something happen."


[This message has been edited by dZ (edited January 13, 2000).]
I just find it bothersome that the term "mother" is held in such reverence and that people assume that mothers know best, always and on every topic. Ought to remember that the basic requirement for motherhood is a uterus and a sperm donor...any other qualifications are not a given for all mothers. Qualifications like functional brains...
The only "mother" that applies in this case is mother ******. These hags are right up there with "Mothers for Nazism" or "Mothers for Marx." I hope they slither their way right down into the closest street sewer.

I'm sure the media with some trick camera angles and/or outright lying ala Million Man March will manage to inflate their numbers quite well.
How true, Oleg.

These wacko anti-gun groups are going to be coming out of the woodwork this year, so resign yourselves to that. And would you be surprised if pandering politicians and election-year hysteria didn't help them gain ground? You shouldn't be, because it will probably happen, to some extent.

Don't you all find it hilarious that because of guns and the courage of people who used them against tyranny, things like the MMM can take place?

Hey, guys, it's for the children, so it can't be wrong, right?

Reading "Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal," by Ayn Rand, should be required of every politician and in every high school.

[This message has been edited by DAL (edited January 14, 2000).]
You cant. That's why they can get stuff together and advertized. Sponsorship makes it a lot easier to get people and the word around. Hey maybe we should claim to be going to their march and use their sponsors to get us around the country. Could work atleast once. :)
When are we going to have common sense birth control? It is about time all true Americans stand up and support the following proposals:

1. Chastity belts with saftey locks.
2. A 2 year cooling off period before deciding to have a child.
3. Forced sterilization of any woman on welfare.
4. A mandetory 20 year prison sentence for all mothers of convicted murderers.

Irresposible mothers have been given a free ride for too long. It is about time that those of us who value freedom put pressure on our elected officials to put these measures into effect. Do it for America, do it for the future, do it for the children.
These women obviously have too much time on their hands. They ought to get off their butts and get a job, then they wouldn't have so much free time to stick their noses in where they don't belong. This is just more emotion driven liberal bs from people who would rather not recognize the facts or believe in the truth. And the facts are that the biggest killer of "children" are auto accidents and the truth is that disarming law abiding citizens does not reduce crime.
here is a mom that has the right ideas...
So, you want to see me naked?

By Linda A. Prussen-Razzano
web posted January 10, 2000

These days, when I retire in the evening, I am afforded the comfort of assured security. I rest peacefully, my thoughts
centered firmly on my many blessings, the butterfly tickles indicating the life growing inside of me, and my renewed
confidence that America can weather most political storms, only to emerge stronger than before.

What brings me such peace of mind? Is it the strapping giant I call my husband, nestled in the bed alongside of me? To
a degree, yes. Is it my comfortable home, located in a quiet neighborhood? To a degree, yes. Is it the security alarm that
monitors my home continuously, warning against unwanted intrusion? To a degree, yes. Ultimately, the source of my
peaceful rest is the 12 Gauge 28" Accu-Choke shotgun and case of 3" shells under my bed.

I did not always know this level of serenity.

In 1989, I decided to return to college to finish my Bachelors degree. I accepted a position for which many have rightly
earned spots in Heaven; I became a Burger King night manager. While far from prestigious, it allowed me to work
almost 40 hours a week and still attended college full-time.

In January of 1990, just four weeks into my new position, I experienced a typical Murphy's Law evening…what could
go wrong did go wrong. When I left the safe confines of my store, it was very late, very dark, and I was alone.

Well, not really.

Two armed robbers were waiting for me in the parking lot. At gunpoint, I was forced back into the store, forced to turn
off the alarm, forced to open the safe, and then forced to the floor of my restaurant. The memory of the gun barrel
shoved into the back of my head, as I lay on the floor face down, remains firmly impressed on my mind.

Thankfully, the robbers did not fulfill their threat to blow my brains out; I had complied without question, survival
instantly becoming the sole focus of my being.

In the still sickening moments that followed their departure, I pressed every panic button in the store, retrieved what was
left of the smashed phone, plugged it in, and desperately called the police. My words were tearfully jumbled, but
recognizable, until I saw headlights swinging into the parking lot. In nanoseconds, my tone leapt from controlled
distress to hysterical, rising two full octaves to a begging soprano as I screamed, "I have to hide! I have to hide! They're
coming back in to kill me!"

Thankfully, it was the police; they had come to my "rescue."

In the grueling hours that followed, filled with police tape, fingerprint dust, and endless questions about the evening's
events, I was asked not once, not twice, but four separate times if the robbers had harmed me in any way. The last
person to approach me with this question was a female detective, who gently escorted me to a private corner at the back
to the store. "No," I assured her, "I would tell you if they did. But I must ask, you are the fourth person to ask me about
this. Why?"

I later learned that out of 14 stores, I was the only manager that was not assaulted. These robbers were not just
robbers; they had raped, shot, and beaten other managers and employees. Apparently, at some point when they were
"casing" my store, I must have done or said something that made them see me as a "human being."

In short, I was lucky. Very lucky. Extremely lucky. Unbelievably lucky.

I was back at my job within 48 hours. I was convinced that if I didn't return, I would have allowed the robbers to take
more from me than a few lousy dollars.

I didn't think of the robbery until four years later, when my husband began a new job that required him to work the
graveyard shift. Suddenly, I was alone in the evenings, with no alarm to our apartment and no warning of an entry save
my hearing. I became acquainted with insomnia and sleep depravation, jumping at every noise, fearful at every turn.
When a rapist claimed his fourth victim in our area, I lived on caffeine, cigarettes, and an average of 3 hours sleep a
night unless my husband was home.

On one evening in particular, my body simply gave out. I crashed upon returning home from work, only to be awoken
at 5:30 a.m. by the shifting of my bed. I snapped out of sleep and lurched up from under the covers, recognizing that
someone was climbing into the hazy darkness of the bed alongside of me. My full-throated scream woke my
neighbors, one of whom banged on the ceiling of my apartment while the other called the police.

Thankfully, it was my husband, considerately trying not to wake me as he came home from work.

Why am I telling you this? I want you to understand that I didn't purchase my weapon in a knee-jerk reaction to my
"victimization." It took me several years to see guns as trusted friends, not hated foes. I had to move past emotion to a
place where logic prevails; I had to stop thinking like a victim, and start thinking like a survivor.

Moreover, I want to make people understand that anti-gun laws do no deter crime. This statement is the absolute truth
for two reasons:

1.Criminals, by definition, do not obey the law.
2.Guns do not have a life of their own; they do not fly about randomly committing crimes. Guns are simply
tools; they require human beings to operate.

If the anti-crime activists want to seriously address the issue, they should call for the arming and proper training of all
law-abiding citizens. If they seriously want to level the "playing field," they should make sure law-abiding citizens are
equipped with the right gear to survive in the "game."

The fact that some anti-gun groups call for the wholesale confiscation and elimination of guns tells me one thing…they
want to see me naked in my desperation, clutching a telephone, begging for the police to come before the intruder
violates my home, my body, my child. To secure their peace of mind, they would leave me exposed to certain
victimhood, rather thanallowing me to empower myself and defend my God-given right to live and to protect my family.

I have just four words for folks like that: Over My Dead Body. I will not play the victim for you. I will not trust the
future of my security to things like "luck". I will not be a statistic, just so you can feel as if you have "done something."

My days of being a helpless female are over.

Linda Prussen-Razzano is an advisory board member and frequent contributor to Rightgrrl and a columnist for
the American Partisan.

"walk softly and carry a big stick, one that goes bang in .308 is fine"
FYI ...

Ft Collins, CO MMM had a meeting last night.

One of our own caught wind awhile back & we attened to, not so much counter-demo, as to be aware of what they were up to & to provide our point of view.

Our efforts were kept pretty close so as to not tip our hand & have resultant counter-flood.

Had about 65 of us show up to 4 of theirs.

All went well. Very professional/polite. Coupla chats; side-to-side.

As the MMM meeting was in a church & the room very small, we were requested to not go inside, to which we agreed.

Our organiser had notified 7News/Denver who attended & filmed the event & put on a quick spot.
hope none of those moms get a threatening phone call or a letter from a stalker, maybe someone that intends to harm her or her children.
Or maybe the stalker will just wait for her cooling off period?
Presented as a public service (& know these Mom's are SO busy). National contact information for state & local coordinators may be found at:

... in the event you'd like to find out more about MMM. Gives e-mail links which you can't get from their main site when "signing up."

BTW, the No CO MMM ladies are miffed to beat the band. Very upset by the counter-demo. Seems excercising our 1st Amed rights to save our 2nd runs counter to their excercising theirs & attempting to force unconstitutional laws.

What a country!
Hmmmmmmmm....I bet I know a few mom's that will be supporting the MMM...although I haven't heard talk of it around here...yet. Of course, these are the same moms that have their fingers in every pie and get on every bandwagon without fully looking into the facts. They will do anything possible to get their name in the paper or face on the news...all "for the children".

Trust me...I am all "for the children" is my career after all. But I wonder how many of these moms would have been singing a different tune if on the day of a gang banger shooting at my elementary school a teacher who had been carrying had been able to fire back at the shooters (I had a few other choice words to put there but I will behave). It probably would have significantly reduced the time the school spent in lockdown with the SWAT team crawling all over the place and parents unable to get to their children. And we were lucky...many others have not been, as we all know.

Of course, what am I thinking? A teacher will never be able to carry...especially not in good ol Kali.

Just a thought...