Fear not Kodiac.

Stembridge's has a hard rubber replica of just about every gun that gets tossed in the movies.

On the other hand, recently, I took a tumble with one of my H&K rifles, AND BENT IT! :(
Whachoo talkin' bout Kodiak?
My wife LOVED this movie! Maybe more than I did!
That's why I married her. She's such a quiet and demure little thing!

Your mind is your primary weapon.
Ken - Your a LUCKY MAN!
David - You bent your HK!? Dang... It sucks to be David about then Huh? What did you do? I would have cried... then would have had to hit a few solid things with my bare fists as penance! Is it repairable?

Anyways - For any one else out there who hasn't seen this flick yet... WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?

"Fear will keep the local systems in line..."
Kodiak, it is repairable. The barrel isn't perfectly in line with the receiver right now, but definitely fixable. We train agressively, and I tumbled down a dike.(careful, not THAT kind of dike!) ;)

I just saw the movie, and this is definetly worth seeing. The hardware is definitely Sid Stembridge's stuff. I'd recognize that M124 rig anywhere.(saw it last year in
Glendale) Oh, and they definitely did not toss a real Desert Eagle. The sound of it hitting the floor was identical to the sound of the discarded Browning that followed.

My wife really got-off on the Trinity character, as she did with Charlie Baltimore in "The Long Kiss Goodnight". Any woman who "clears" a home when the alarm goes off in the middle of the night, with a .50 Desert Eagle while her husband is away(me!) commands a little respect,IMHO. :) If her family and co-workers only knew. She was WAY too enlightened for the N.O.W. crowd. I got yer "armed and female" right here! ;)

I liked the old Vietnam era handguards on one or two of the M-16s, and when Neo ran his "go bag" thru the x-ray, I couldn't stop laughing. Reminds me of the occasional loose brass or two that hides in my luggage, that the minimum wage rent-a-cops at DFW airport are so kind to track down for me! The other day, I dropped my watch, change, etc. AND a 5" Cold Steel Tanto folder in the bucket, and they said NOTHING! What's with those people?

I'll have to see it again. Maybe it IS time for a new wardrobe......
A friend and I caught The Matrix last Sunday, sort of a tardy birthday present for me. I found the film to be very stimulating on both intellectual and visceral levels like Blade Runner, the Terminator duo and Robocop were.

You can find plenty of pop culture in The Matrix, all of it skewed and warped into a fascinating form with attitude. The story has its roots in the cyberpunk tales and books popularized by William Gibson. In fact, Matrix actor Lawrence Fishburne's virtual reality self sported shades with no arms to balance them on his ears! This is a subtle reference to a female bodyguard character in Gibson's work who had what appeared to be dark lenses surgically implanted over her eyes (in the bomb film adapted from Gibson's tale Johnny Mnenomic, future Starship Trooper Dina Meyer played a stripped down version of that character minus the lenses, weapons built into her body, and much of her street samurai attitude).

Them cyberpunkers are nothing if not stylish!

There are folks today who believe what we percieve as reality is but an illusion.

Could it all come to pass? Would we, like the "sleeping" netizens imprisoned in The Matrix, even know if such chains imprisoned us?

Aside from advances in virtual reality technology, medical research is providing some interesting devices. Some mobility challenged patients are testing gear that will transmit sensation (via electrical impulses, I think) through foreshortened limbs so that these individuals can "feel" different objects that they touch. What is being done here and in other pockets of research is to thin the barrier between technology and the human nervous system. Though our state of the art gizmos are almost prehistoric compared to the sinister wizardry of The Matrix, they are important first steps toward jacking our biological nervous systems and eventually brains, into a technology controlled environment. And you can bet that will one day become a goal for reseachers and corporations. Jacking in could overtake the internet, chemical drugs, etc, in popularity.

Two thumbs up to those raptor eyed posters here who pinpointed some of those dodgy bullet casings! I never would have known to look.

I should go catch The Matrix one more time.
Side note:

Is anyone familiar with the Skorpions produced by Colt (knocking off the Czech ones)? When I saw these ones in the movie, I too noticed that they didn't look like the standard ones (especially the magazines) so that was my next conclusion. If anyone is familiar with them, speak up.


Kevin Jon Schlossberg
SysOp and Administrator for

I tried to see it Friday, but after I drove my fiancee to the next town over, bought her dinner, and went shopping for shoes for her, she was "too tired" to go to the movie.


I'll see it yet.
Kodiak, I saw the movie again today. This time, when I saw those dual shorty .50s that mouse was spraying, I recognized something.

Last year, I was at the company that supplies guns to the movie industry, and I saw/took pictures of something weird in a case that they were shipping to Australia for a new movie. It was Mouse's guns! Now it all makes sense. No wonder I couldn't recognize what they were. They are not off-the-shelf pieces.

As a bit of movie trivia, does anyone know what real gun was used as a "ZSU-33" in the movie, "The Jackal"?
David - wasn't the gun in the Jackel a 14.7MM? I am not sure.

Cyberpunk is ALL about STYLE... It's not how you play the game - it's how you LOOK while playing it.

I have seen this film 5 times now, and it is just as good each time.
Did any one catch the DRUNKEN BOXING as a martial art type NEO "LEARNED"? This refrencing the old Jackie Chan movies Drunken Master and DM2 Both silly but fun to watch. Especially after 6+ beers.

As for Airport Security - there is none. I packed a Cold Steel Vaquaro through about a month ago, simply by tucking it behind my belt buckle. And some years ago while I was still single - I used to be a Delta Gold Medalion Level frequent flyer... had a NAA MINI REVOLVER .22 MAG as a Key Chain for 2 years - have no idea how many checks I walked through with that thing... many many is the closest number I got.

I think I will go see this movie again this week end... :)

"There is no Spoon"
Who makes the sunglasses that Trinity and Neo were wearing?

I have tried Bolle' but came up empty.

The bullets that Neo stops in mid-air should have had rifling marks (unless they were from the same rifle that was used on Kennedy!)

I saw the gun (disassembled) last year at Stembridge's. It was actually a .50 M2 Browning with a lot of extra hardware on it to make it look like something else.
Those folks are artists with firearms. Almost any significant movie or T.V. show that used/uses firearms was from Stembridge's.

Neo's sunglasses look like one of the Gargoyle variants. Of course, if they really wanted to be tricky, they could have altered standard sunglasses for the movie. It's been done before.
Kodiak, check out, if you haven't yet. Lot's of good stuff there. If you get to that part on the site, remember the password is "steak".Enjoy....