The M4 slowly replacing the M16?

What say you?

  • M16/20"

    Votes: 34 39.1%
  • M4/14.5"

    Votes: 53 60.9%

  • Total voters
I guess this would be pertinent information too:

The M4 Carbine is the Army's primary individual combat rifle for Infantry, Ranger, and Special Operations forces. Since its introduction in 1991, the M4 carbine has proven its worth on the battlefield because it is accurate, easy to shoot and maintain. The M4's collapsible stock and shortened barrel make it ideal for Soldiers operating in vehicles or within the confines associated with urban terrain. The M4 has been improved numerous times and employs the most current technology available on any rifle/carbine in general use today.

The M4 is the highest-rated weapon by Soldiers in combat, according to the Directorate of Combat Development, Ft. Benning, Ga. In December 2006, the Center for Naval Analysis conducted a "Soldiers' Perspective on Small Arms in Combat" survey. Their poll of over 2,600 Soldiers reported overwhelming satisfaction with the M4. The survey included serviceability and usefulness in completing assigned missions in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Similar to its programs ensuring the best body armor, armored tactical-wheeled vehicles, and force protection equipment for its fighting force, the Army continues to improve its capabilities to ensure our Soldiers are protected and best able to continue to execute any assigned mission. The U.S. Army Infantry Center is conducting a study to refine the Army's Small Arms Strategy, which focuses on the employment of rifles, carbines, ammunition caliber, and future technologies. All Services are participating in this study, which is expected in the July/August 2007 timeframe.

The Army has approximately 225,000 M4/M4A1 carbines in the inventory, with more procurement programmed.

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For additional information, the media may contact Lt. Col. William Wiggins,, Office of the Chief Army Public Affairs, 703-697-7591.
Neal - You can be medically boarded off active duty but still be in a Guard unit that will deploy??????

Man, that just seems incredibly stupid. I have no experience with the Guard, spent 20 on AD, but wouldn't it make sense if "deployable" was the same for both?

Learn something new everyday.

Yes, Davlandrum, I was as surprised as you when I found out it was possible. I'm on 20% for my knees, but I was able to get waivers (took about 6 months), pass a physical, and come back into the NG. I have a permanent no-run profile, but I have no other limitations (do a 2.5 mile fast walk for the PT test). I wear knee braces for road marches and the like, and I do well. It hurts like hell, but infantry is supposed to hurt. :D Marching up and down the mountains of Germany with 80 lbs of gear moving to and from OPs, my knees held up fine. Technically, I could go back into the regular army, but I would have to give up my disability for the rest of my life in order to do so. And yes, I'm deployable. Doesn't make sense to me, but I'll take it. ;)
Neal in GA
Yes, Davlandrum, I was as surprised as you when I found out it was possible. I'm on 20% for my knees, but I was able to get waivers (took about 6 months), pass a physical, and come back into the NG. I have a permanent no-run profile, but I have no other limitations (do a 2.5 mile fast walk for the PT test). I wear knee braces for road marches and the like, and I do well. It hurts like hell, but infantry is supposed to hurt. Marching up and down the mountains of Germany with 80 lbs of gear moving to and from OPs, my knees held up fine. Technically, I could go back into the regular army, but I would have to give up my disability for the rest of my life in order to do so. And yes, I'm deployable. Doesn't make sense to me, but I'll take it.

Not to thread jack or offend, but I am really surprised they kept you as 11bravo. I am a Navy officer (TDY to an Army unit oddly enough) going through an interservice transfer into the Army. I wanted Infantry but got Artillery (13A)... I was told it is hard to get infantry. I figured it was because of the higher "hooah" factor or something, so I just assumed that all 11's had to be awesome runners and PT studs... not saying you aren't a PT stud or anything, just didn't figure you could have a perm. profile with out changing MOS, Anyway stay safe man. (So they make you speed walk an extra half mile for the PFT? It is normally 2mi right? That is all kinds of messed up)

Back on topic: I dont know if you decided or not yet Army GI but if you can, buy an AR-15 with the M-4 stock (my humble opinion) regardles of barrel length. Also Army GI what is your MOS if you don't mind me asking.
Yeah, they let me come back 11B. The screwy thing is the alternate events for the run on the PT test are pass/fail, so the max I can possibly score on the AFPT is 260 :( I thought they'd make me reclass too, and I was thinking about going MI (have the scores for it), but I came back into the Guard in January 06 as infantry. Maybe they were hard up for infantry. Who knows. /shrug
Officer versus enlisted and Regular Army versus National Guard can make for some very different situations in terms of recruiting and retention.

Makes sense I suppose. Oddly enough I score 286 in the 17-21 range on the APFT (296 in my age cat.) which is not even a part of the transfer package. (Not a fast enough runner to max the damn thing... Doesn't the Army hand out boyscout badges for score over 280 or something?)

Well arty isn't bad, from what I hear they are doing infantry jobs anyway in many areas. As an officer I'll probably end up in the rear with the gear watching all the action on CNN anyway. :(
It's 290+ to get the Physical Fitness Excellence badge to go on your APFT uniform. Standards are the same for ARNG and regular Army for initial enlistment.
Well arty isn't bad, from what I hear they are doing infantry jobs anyway in many areas.

And it's all the same line for officers reporting for Special Forces Assessment and Selection, infantry, artillery or whatever else ;)
By the way, Hormiga, I've decided to go with an AR15 in an M4 configuration. I'm going to get an M4 stock and a carbine upper from CMMG. What do you think, good choice;)
By the way, Hormiga, I've decided to go with an AR15 in an M4 configuration. I'm going to get an M4 stock and a carbine upper from CMMG. What do you think, good choice

You can't go wrong with an M-4, that is my opinion and seems most agree here.

Until about a month ago I had only ever handled M-16s. There is just something about that M-4 stock and design that makes you go from feeling like a rank&file soldier with a 16 to feeling like Chuck Norris in Delta Force. Strap a M-203 on it and you're going to feel like a freakin' steely-eyed death-dealing machine.

Seriously though, it is a nice little stock and a nice little carbine, the only downside is you can't butt stroke people. Shouldn't be a problem though because you will be able to shoot the booger-eaters at a closer range and quicker.

Combat medic, a good choice. I recently learned that the first step of combat medicine is to "kill the motherf$%^er that injured your battle buddy and then stuff his wound with tampons". Sounds good to me.

And it's all the same line for officers reporting for Special Forces Assessment and Selection, infantry, artillery or whatever else
I am hoping for a chance at Ranger school. SF wold be awesome, but I will be past the rank cut off I think, anyway I have to take baby steps and get out of the Navy and into the Army (huge amounts of paper work/redtape).
The M16 is over long for what it was intended for. It should have been designed like the M4 all along, but the old salts demanded the longer barrel and stock. It makes no sense when you consider that the AR10 had a 20" barrel. That's like shooting 9mm out of a 7.5" revolver.

I was considering going Navy; my JROTC unit was Navy. Though I ended up going Army for family tradition. I'm doing Army ROTC right now, and I hear lots of horror stories about being a butterbar:D
I hate the M4

Im currently serving in the marine corps and i have been to iraq 2 times the first time over i had the m16A2 and i loved it the second time around i had the M4 boy i hated the dam thing i complained so much, i actually had it exchanged for the old a2. Bottom line is for those who actually fired the A4 and the M16 in a combat zone where your life or some one else is life depended on it you know that by far the m16 was more acurate and more reliable than the a4.
Help me out here.
"I am currently serving in the marine corps (sic)"???

A strange way to put that.

A Marine (note the capitol "M") would state- "I am a Marine serving in Iraq".

He would not use "marine corps" in lower case.

So are you a Sailor serving with the Marines? A Soldier serving with the Marines?

Or, have you just forgotten everything you have ever learned to show your hindquarters on a gun forum?
Or maybe he isn't that good at English.

Strange you would question someone's service because of the lack of capitalization in a sentence.
Im currently serving in the marine corps and i have been to iraq 2 times the first time over i had the m16A2 and i loved it the second time around i had the M4 boy i hated the dam thing i complained so much, i actually had it exchanged for the old a2. Bottom line is for those who actually fired the A4 and the M16 in a combat zone where your life or some one else is life depended on it you know that by far the m16 was more acurate and more reliable than the a4.

Care to explain why you don't like it? You are basically saying "it sucks" which is a little vague.

I thought the only difference between the A2 and the A4 was they removed the handle and added the picatinny rails? Does the handle really help that much in combat?
G-cym- It is a Marine thing. If you aren't one, you wouldn't know.

On another forum, one alleging to be a Marine was moaning about a gun law. Yet when he spoke of the units he was in- they didn't exist. He gave clues, and was called on it, but the masses on that forum spoke only of an issue he claimed, not that fact that he was a poser.
The M16 is over long for what it was intended for. It should have been designed like the M4 all along, but the old salts demanded the longer barrel and stock.

If it was given a 14" barrel from the start it would not meet the velocity requirement for the ammo being used then. It seems that heavier and slower bullets are acceptable now. In the US Air Force (I have to ensure I show my pride here and authenticity) security forces and special units have made the M4 their standard assault rifle, but the regular units that can be called to convoy, or secondary to third defense line are still issued M16A2s, supplemented by, 203s old M60s and the newer M240 and M249. josh
G-cym- It is a Marine thing. If you aren't one, you wouldn't know.

On another forum, one alleging to be a Marine was moaning about a gun law. Yet when he spoke of the units he was in- they didn't exist. He gave clues, and was called on it, but the masses on that forum spoke only of an issue he claimed, not that fact that he was a poser.

True enough. About 1/3 of my platoon is comprised of former Marines. Even this army grunt knows that. Oh, and happy birthday, USMC!