The Iraq war viewed by an average joe.

Hey I know, what we should have done after the 9/11 attacks is to have a great big group hug....then build a great big bonfire and hold hands around it in a great big circle, throw flower petals at each other while singing Kumbaya.
After our cry-fest was over we would all attend group counseling and try to figure out what we might have done to cause those poor misunderstood people to want to kill us so badly. Someone will conclude that we must have done something to ignite their ire against us and d*mnit we'll find that reason and fix ourselves.
If anyone ever gets the gonads to ask them why they hate us, they'll probably ask you if you are a follower of Islam, then you'll probably say no, then they'll probably ask you if you or any of your family members are Christian and if you say yes, they'll pull out their dull butcher knives and try to remove your head from your body with it in a slow and satisfying manner.
Now I don't know what some of you people don't understand about other people wanting to kill you and your family and for wanting to destroy your memory from the face of this earth, but I do. But personally, I will do whatever I can to not let that happen.
If you don't mind subjecting yourselves to their rule then at least have the common courtesy to give me a call so I and my family can watch how they butcher you, so at least our will to survive and excel on this earth will be even more fortified.
I merely have the will to live, but than again, who am I?
I merely have the will to live, but than again, who am I?

Apparently someone that gets Afghanistan and Iraq confused. One of them is related in some way to 9/11 and the other had a dictator that hated the US.