The Huckabee "money bomb"

And all of this means nothing! Are things getting that bad that the Paulites have to get into "my dog's bigger than your dog" contests now?
IZ - the first graph is not a snapshot, it's the dynamically-updating graph for the current day. The second graph is a snapshot.
Are these graphs a complete sham?

I think that they are. Where's the link to the hard data? Where's the link showing Paul's figures are based only on credit card charges and not pledges?:confused:

When I checked Huckabee's website he was showing right around $33K. A different Paul support site showed Paul at $17K, yet the chart shown above showed Ron Paul at over $100K.:confused:

I think his claimed $4 million haul from the earlier money bomb is also fraudulent.
IZ - the first graph is not a snapshot, it's the dynamically-updating graph for the current day. The second graph is a snapshot.
I see it now, since the times on the bottom have changed, thanks for the heads up. That confused the hell out of me. I figured Ron Paul wouldn't be screwing with the numbers since he flashes the donor names and the up to the second amount on his website. GoSlash27, you need to clarify what we're looking at when you post something like that. I thought that was midnight to 10:00 am yesterday, not today. See if you can find a snapshot from back then.
Will you apologize publicly when the fourth-quarter FEC reports are released?

Partner, take a step back. Don't take negative comments about Ron Paul so personally.

Is this a political candidate or a cult messiah that were talking about here?

Get a grip. It's the internet for God's sake.

Frankly, given the obnoxious zealotry on the part of the Ron Paul supporters (cultists), I have no doubt that they are lying about the amount of money they've raised, the number of supporters they've signed up, etc.
The good news is, we don't have to put up with it much longer. When RP fails to get the nomination, hopefully they will just go back to muttering to themselves.
Meanwhile, we'll just leave the muttering to the tin-foil conspiracy theorists who think that Ron Paul's fund-raising numbers are an elaborate hoax.

I object to absurdity, and suddenly I'm a cultist? Give me a break.
I included the links to both donation pages. Neither accepts "pledges". You can verify that if you click the links provided.
These charts are a direct feed from all relavant campaigns.
If you don't want to believe this is happening I can't help you there. :rolleyes:
Paul has right about 9 million dollars donated so far this quarter. You might hate that fact; not my problem.

As I said, the first chart is a dynamic updating image. As such, it reflects today's donations rather than yesterday's. And tomorrow's chart will be different yet again.
The second chart shows a capture of yesterday's contest (the subject of this thread).
Huckabee attempted to mimic the Paul "money bomb" and lost to Paul. Deal with it.
I think his claimed $4 million haul from the earlier money bomb is also fraudulent.

Is there any basis for your suspicion?

If you're right, it's going to be awfully embarrassing for the Paul campaign in January when the next quarterly reports to the FEC come out. Why do you think they would set themselves up for that kind of ridicule?

You can watch all the fundraising fun at
Paul has right about 9 million dollars donated so far this quarter. You might hate that fact; not my problem.

I really don't have much of my ego invested in any candidate. I don't take criticism of any candidate as a personal insult. However, that does seem to be a common affliction amongst the Ron Paul supporters.

As I said, the first chart is a dynamic updating image. As such, it reflects today's donations rather than yesterday's. And tomorrow's chart will be different yet again.
The second chart shows a capture of yesterday's contest (the subject of this thread).

I asked for links showing the hard data that went into the chart you provided. At no point on the 20th, or since then, has it accurately reflected Huckabee's money raised, or Ron Paul's.

Huckabee attempted to mimic the Paul "money bomb" and lost to Paul. Deal with it.

Deal with what?

Again, I don't have my sense of self worth invested in how any candidate performs. It must really stink for you folks to see how badly Ron Paul is doing in the polls.

BTW - I am leaning more towards supporting Fred Thompson lately after hearing Huckabee's views on Global warming.
Its a shame the Republican Party is spending so much time beating up on Ron Paul. The man is polling in single digits, and poses no threat to the status quo at this time.

The Republicans have dug themselves into a hole. The lost the House and Senate, and are about to lose the Presidency. Instead of trying to fix their problems, and focus on the true enemy (the Democrats), they are somehow focused on Ron Paul and attacking him.

The Republicans, I predict, will lose the presidency, and when they do, will somehow try to blame it on Ron Paul, a man they marginalize, and say has no supporters.
I don't recall anyone saying he has no supporters. But he does have enough supporters to split the vote.

I really don't see how the "split the vote" concept is so alien to people. We have witnessed it occur in person just over a decade ago. Ross Perot gave the election to Bill Clinton. All of the data supports this fact. It's obvious just by looking at the numbers. The 20% that voted for Perot thinking he would be revolutionary split the GOP vote and gave the election to Clinton.

Ron Paul can only take voted from the conservative side of the spectrum. No left winger is going to vote for him. They already have their prime candidate in Clinton. They have no desire to see a conservative like Paul win. And they are politically smart enough to do what it takes to win. The liberal vote will be unified behind Clinton. They only way we can combat that is to do the same. Divided we will fall.

The sad thing is, it's not even Ron Paul's doing. He has lead us to believe that he will not be running as a third party candidate when he loses the nomination. I can only hope he stands by that. It's his fanatics that will shake things up.

The question is not if RP has enough supporters to elect him President. That answer is obviously no. The question is if RP will have enough fanatics to write him in and give the Presidency to the closest thing to a true Socialist we have ever seen; Hillary Clinton.

Unregistered: Who exactly is attacking Ron Paul? It's not the nominees themselves, or their commitees as they are no ads or speeches that even talk about RP, nor is he hammered in the debates. And it's not any of the normal wide-issue Republicans. They hardly know who RP is other than that he comes off as kind unhinged when they see him on TV. The only ones that come close to attacking RP are us on the forums, talking about single issues. And that is only to counteract his zealots. You're wrong. The republican Party doesn't care at all about RP and doesn't attack him. We ARE focused on the enemy: Clinton. That's the whole point of trying to unify our votes behind one of her Republican opponents. Wasting our time following more than one candidate only splits us. Even if conservatives managed to get 60% of the presidential votes(which is an unheard of majority), if even 1/3 of that went to a second conservative candidate, that would elect the liberal by default. THAT is the enemy.
I think his claimed $4 million haul from the earlier money bomb is also fraudulent.

This makes me laugh as I have sent him directly about 900.00 since the Iowa Straw poll and have met enough folks in the meetup groups and in Iowa again last month to know that the money is real and a lot of them are out doing me. So, if that last claim is ever proven I'll wear a pointed tin foil hat and post a picture of myself on this board with it on.

I really don't have much of my ego invested in any candidate.
I have all of my ego plus time and money invested in Ron Paul. (actually Ron Pauls message) and even if he doesn't win, my ego will still be intact and I will sleep good.:)

The Republicans have dug themselves into a hole. The lost the House and Senate, and are about to lose the Presidency. Instead of trying to fix their problems, and focus on the true enemy (the Democrats), they are somehow focused on Ron Paul and attacking him.

Someday I hope folks will begin to understand that there is little difference between the republicans and the democrats. They all serve the same masters and their squabling over the table scraps serves as a distraction.

The Republicans, I predict, will lose the presidency, and when they do, will somehow try to blame it on Ron Paul, a man they marginalize, and say has no supporters.

They can blame it on whoever they like but you are correct in your assessment that they will lose. That is if they fail to nominate Ron Paul.

I hear a lot of 2A folk muttering and murmuring about Giuliani, lamenting Fred Thompson's lackluster performance so far, and now deluding theirselves with pleasant wistful thoughts of Mike Huckabee. So, in all seriousness who can name a candidate that will protect your RKBA that can beat the Hillary girl?
I asked for links showing the hard data that went into the chart you provided. At no point on the 20th, or since then, has it accurately reflected Huckabee's money raised, or Ron Paul's.
I pointed you to both campaign's official donation tickers. I'm not clear on what your problem is with them.
Is it that the official campaign site tickers don't break down the donations on a day-by-day basis? If so, you'll just have to run an experiment to assure yourself that the auto-updating charts are accurate by checking them over time. Same method that you'd compare your trip-odometer to your odometer if you doubt it's accuracy.

Of course, I have a strong suspicion that you know all this and are being intentionally obtuse. If that's the case, you'll have an unequivocal answer when the FEC reports come out.
The Republicans have dug themselves into a hole. The lost the House and Senate, and are about to lose the Presidency. Instead of trying to fix their problems, and focus on the true enemy (the Democrats), they are somehow focused on Ron Paul and attacking him.

Well of course! He's the uncultured youth who can't see the exquisite fineness of the Emperor's clothes. He very brazenly points out their nakedness and it embarasses them (see my sig).
Their time would be better spent getting some clothes on, but they'd much rather try to convince everybody that he's "uncouth" so they don't have to.

They would much rather continue on in their self-deluded notion that people really like what the Republican party has come to and will vote for more of it despite everything that says otherwise.
I pointed you to both campaign's official donation tickers. I'm not clear on what your problem is with them.

Is it that the official campaign site tickers don't break down the donations on a day-by-day basis? If so, you'll just have to run an experiment to assure yourself that the auto-updating charts are accurate by checking them over time. Same method that you'd compare your trip-odometer to your odometer if you doubt it's accuracy.

Of course, I have a strong suspicion that you know all this and are being intentionally obtuse. If that's the case, you'll have an unequivocal answer when the FEC reports come out

Again, I asked you to provide a link to any webpage showing the hard data about Paul's donations on the 20th. What I got from you was a link to Paul's donation page that shows nothing about the amount raised on that day.

Here's one link you provided: There's nothing at all on that page showing the amount of money raised, or at the other link you provided:

I think you're the one being deliberately obtuse here.

Something's not right about the way Paul's supporters running the moneybomb site are reporting the amount of money raised. I think they're lying about the amounts raised. I have a suspicion that the FEC reports will show just that.
I did point you to a website showing the "hard data".

I also linked you to the sources for the numbers.
What, exactly, are you having issues with?

I suspect that the data going into that chart is fraudulent. Show me a webpage with the hard data for the amount of money raised on the 20th, or the earlier "record" moneybomb fundraising day.

The chart you have shown certainly didn't reflect Huckabee's numbers accurately on the 20th, or since then.

Fer cryin' out loud, why don't you just look it up for yourself? :eek:

Let me get this straight.....
Do you have an issue with the official campaign ticker of either campaign?
If yes, then I can't help you, as you'll have to wait for the FEC reports.
If no, then you can verify the auto-updating charts against them.
Paul just crossed 9 million for the quarter a half an hour ago according to his website. The chart also just crossed 9 million.
Huckabee's website shows 1.1 million raised in November, which also matches the chart.

If the official tickers match the numbers on this chart, I repeat....what's your problem?
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