The HK45C A Jack Who Works Many Trades


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So we are on the cusp of 2020. Flying cars are surly just around the corner and itty bitty 9mm striker fired guns are all the rage. Seems like a perfect time for me to talk about a fairly big, low capacity, anachronistic, hammer fired monstrosity from a bygone era.

So the above may have a wee bit of hyperbole but lets face it the HK45/45C is not exactly the new hotness but over the past couple years I have found mine to be be reliable, accurate and able to fill most any role needed.

The HK45C, as most of you know, is the little.....errr smaller brother to the HK45. Think the smaller yet still large version of a fairly immense gun. The F150 to the larger F250 if you will. It is most commonly a DA/SA, hammer fired pistol with a decocker that also functions as a safety if so desired. Mine is a 2015 build and can be seen below.


I am not going to go through my normal numerical ranking of various feature as I just thought I would hit on my personal pro's and con's and what I have found over the years to be a very versatile gun. To cut to the chase I have found the HK45c to make a wonderful carry gun, a wonderful house gun, a wonderful gun for travel, especially to magazine restricted locales, a wonderful gun for older shooters since it can be cocked and locked negating the heavy trigger pull and basically just a great pinch hitter for just about everything you would want in a firearm and who doesn't have fun lobbing a few rounds of 230 grain AARP....errr ACP now and then.

So on to some more specific thoughts.

The HK45C is a bit of a mixed bag. I very much like mine as I love the P2000 and see the 45C as sort of a .45 caliber P2000.

-Very intrinsically accurate. The machining, the barrel, the barrel lockup etc. are all first rate. The limiting factor to accuracy is the trigger and ammo choice

-Dead nuts reliable. Run a box or three of hotter or heavier stuff to loosen it up. I suggest this with all HK's. After this, which is usually not necessary at all, most HKs are dead nuts reliable and the HK45/45C are VERY reliable platforms

-Fantastic machining/finishing both metal and polymer

-Very good stock sights. The stock night sights (LE model) are excellent as long as you are ok with 3 dots. The regular sights are very good as well.
-Very versatile. The 45C can go from a slim carry gun to a 10 shot suppressor ready I wanttobesolidsnakedammit gun very easily and excels at either.

-Good suppressor host with threaded barrel

-Elephant foot mags look goofy but feel good in my hand

-Fantastic exterior finish (Hostile Environment) VERY TOUGH finish. Like Glock tough back when Glock had tough finishes (GEN3 and before) maybe tougher in my experience.

-Very modular. There are approximately 4,697 different trigger and safety variations. Ok that's a bit facetious but you can set the gun up in one of many variants to suit your tastes.

-Excellent magazine quality

-HK snobbery forged right into the slide added chemically to the polymer mix. :D

-HK customer service. Yes I KNOW THE MEME's and YES there was a time HK sucked and they hated you. Today there customer support in my experience is TOP NOTCH.

-I like the grip very much. I like the stippling front and back and smooth sides for easier carry. I also like that it is more P2000 then P30 like the full size 45, but as I said I view it as sort of a .45 caliber P2000. It could benefit from some Talon grips though.

-Capacity of only 8-10 rounds. Its a .45 so caliber plays a part here but one would think 12 rounds would be doable in the extended/full size/elephant foot mags. Is that a deal breaker? Not for me personally but YMMV. I have found this to be a great gun for restricted locals. All that said more bangs is always better then less bangs until those bangs start to compromise the overall package.

-Controls. HK's have large controls designed for gloved hands. I like having fairly decent sized slide lock/release levers etc. DA/SA guns decocker/safety position and lever may put some off. The paddle magazine release is a love it or hate it affair. I LOVE it. Hint use your trigger or middle finger not your thumb. That said I can see why folks would not like it.

-Recoil. I only put this here because so many tout the recoil mitigation characteristics of the 45 HKs. Frankly out of the box they are no better or worse then any of the competition IMO. As they break in they do seem to be a bit more recoil friendly then others of the same size/class but don't go into them thinking based on all the hype this thing will shoot like a .22 magnum.

-Cost and availability of parts and accessories

-A picatinny rail that holds about 3 accessories on the market. Again I am being a little facetious but the rail is pretty useless stock for stock for the great majority of lights. I have a Crimson Trace CMR-208 on mine and I do generally love the light so there are options but they are few and far between.

-HK snobbery forged right into the slide added chemically to the polymer mix. Double edged sword. You now get to be lumped in with all the HK delta bravo's and getting an answer about any issues can be hard to come by as many HK pureists / fanboys get their knickers in a twist at the mere mention of an HK having an issue. In all honesty if you have an issue with one it was probably one of the few that missed getting blessed on the backs of naked virgins by Tibetan monks but if you send it back they will get that worked out. :D

-She's a big girl. At the end of the day she's a fightin' pistol not an svelte little piece of jewelry, but alas think 50s pinup model not 2000's heroin sheik

-Ohhh that trigger. Sigh. My gun is a DA/SA V1. Now I am not a trigger snob, but wow that double action trigger is........well lets just say its a helluva safety feature. :D The DA on my HK45C is probably the worst of all the HK's I have shot barring the VP70 (which has a trigger weight measured in days not pounds, but I digress). That being said the SA is pretty darn good. Decent reset, decent break. Cocked and locked, if that is your thing as it is not mine, would be pretty damn good in this gun. Just be aware if you are not getting a LEM variant the DA pull is stout, creepy and all around crappy. As for LEM I have never liked LEM. It has a weird feeling reset to me and the way the hammer moves is kinda strange to me. By far the DA trigger is this gun's Achilles heel and again I am NOT a trigger snob.

Honestly I love my HK45C. Its not a primary go to gun for me but I trust it implicitly, its dead nuts reliable, shoots to point of aim and is cool as hell. I would have no issues if you told me I had to take it into harms way nor would I have any issues if you told me I had to take it to the range or use it as my bedside pistol or take it to a restricted state or lend to a family member. Its a great, accurate, reliable, safe firearm. Its a Jack that will happily work many trades and do them all till the cows come home.

Here are a few range trips I have had with my HK45C. I am FAR FAR from what one would call a good pistol shooter. I am safe and passable nothing more nor less but I am generally happy with this pistol in my hands.

As always take care and shoot safe.


The trip below was FREEZING and I was not dressed for it. My hands were FROZEN and it was windy so I am fairly happy with what I managed to do this trip.
The trigger on mine smoothed out after 1000 rds or so. Prices on then have come down quite a bit from what they once were. It's still one of my favorite pistols (mine has the NH state capital proofmark on the slide so I like that touch). I did put a nickel plated sear spring in mine which helped. They come with the lighter firing pin block spring and a similar trigger return spring from factory IIRC, but you can buy hammer springs from Wolff for a USP and trim to fit. The inability to fit a full size light is one of my bigger gripes. If the front of the trigger guard wasn't as angled it would work, but then it wouldn't be as nice for gloved hands. I did put Talon grips on mine and they were a nice touch.

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I've had my USPC 45ACP for some years now. I am not troubled by the trigger pull. Your point was good. Carry the gun cocked and locked. My take on it is this HK is a military handgun. The priorities there are different. I find some of the comments elsewhere on the gun on the net were made by people who had never handled an HK. To me, being a Compact is relative to the full size USP. The USPC is a big gun.
What does "dead nuts reliable" even mean?

I've heard the phrase before, but I cannot decipher the meaning for the life of me. Seriously, does it even have a meaning or is it just a phrase that's gritty for the sake of being gritty?

On topic: I've always been fond of the H&K M23, USP45, and pretty much any of their other hammer-fire big bore pistols. Yeah, they're heavy, and the oversized followers they use in their magazines limit the capacity, but they're built like tanks and can handle the hottest .45 loads without any problem, that's where they shine.
Basically, if you want a heavy duty .45 caliber pistol that's capable of firing .45 Super without any aftermarket modifications, then it's the pistol for you.
I think it just means it's very reliable. It's never bothered me personally.

Going to the size, I don't have an issue with it being called a compact. To me if a Glock 19 is a compact then so is the HK 45c. Smaller would be a subcompact, like the P2000sk.

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Ummm dead nuts reliable........

I have shot around 1,500 rounds through the firearm in various states of cleanliness and temperatures etc. while also trying to induce malfunctions through improper holds and so for my mean rounds between failure is about 1500 or no failures of any kind with any ammo I have used.

More succinctly “dead nuts reliable”. :).

Geez I’m not writing a peer reviewed thesis here just some insights about a gun by some idjit on the interwebz. Cut a brother some slack. :p
I did have failures with mine (it's at 2548 rds right now). That was with Wolf WPA steel cased. What was happening was since it wasn't brass the cases wouldn't expand as much and the firing pin channel would get filled with carbon. After hundreds of rounds of that I had issues with light strikes. I don't blame the pistol for that.

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Good to know. I tend not to run steel cased ammo unless it’s eastern bloc type stuff (AK’s, Makarovs etc. It’s my commie guns commie ammo Western guns western ammo rule. :))

Not saying it doesn’t happen from time to time but I rarely run steel cased in any of my pistols. I ran some Tula Bulk 9mm once that I am convinced would jam if you dropped it down a length of 4 inch PVC pipe. It choked a Glock 17, HK P2000 and a Glock 19, all of which had been extremely reliable.
I have only shot the full sized 45 and it is pretty much the same IMO. DA trigger is one of the worst I've ever felt lol.

I think the DA trigger on my P30 is considerably better. Not great.

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To me the SA on the HK45 and USP series, as well as the reset, is much better than the P series pistols.

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Don't sell yourself short. You went through the trouble to post at length about a firearm, complete with high quality pictures, hence why I zeroed in on such a crude phrase in the first place. It felt horribly out of place, along with certain other things like; ".45 AARP".

Honestly, what happened? Did you proofread your post and felt self-conscious that it was too formal or something? Because that's how shoehorned in it feels. Kudos for not referencing beer though, that's like the ultimate forced attempt at trying to be, "just one of the guys". Next time, just be yourself. Nobody is going to criticize you for writing a detailed post on a firearm you enjoy.
Wow, okay then.

Back on topic, yeah I generally use brass cased and in doing so never had an issue with my HKs. Even with subpar ammo I always had excellent groups too. I actually think there is something to the O-ring barrel.

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I appreciate the critique. I am glad you enjoyed the pictures and info. You must not have read any of my other reviews, I enjoy my childish humor. I crack myself up dammit. :D

Take care shoot safe
GG&G out of Tucson has sold an adapter so you get a Picatinny rail and can take a wider variety of Tac Lights. Maybe they still do.....
GG&G out of Tucson has sold an adapter so you get a Picatinny rail and can take a wider variety of Tac Lights. Maybe they still do.....
Isn't that for the USP's proprietary rail? The HK45c has a picatinny rail, it's just short.

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Think your thinking USP adaptor.

Now what I have found passable is a small picatinny riser that allows for 1 extra slot. This allows for mounting of a wider variety of lights. That said I happened into the CMR-208 and they allow for you to move the rail locking piece and the light itself is very good I am very happy with mine. I have a couple and have shot them on .45 and 9mm handguns with no issues. Now should you want a holster for them.....well that’s another story but the guns in question are house guns so to speak for me.
Its an adapter for the USP proprietary rail, attaching to that a Picatinny underneath. Works for my USP40 C. They have one for the USP Compact and full size. OP was complaining about the rail so I thought I would mention. The P 2000s they might have switched over.