The Good The Bad The Ugly Heritage Rough Rider

Good to read these reviews and opinions on the Rough Rider, as I am looking to buy one from Bud's[the RR22B6] for $124.00. Should be a fun shooting .22.
The single action plus the safety make it a good teaching tool.
Hadn't actually thought of that.
I bought mine back when, primarily for my sons to burn through ammo without burning a hole in my wallet on range day.
Personally I hate the safety but that is a very good point, so thank you Prof Young and no shame wild cat mccane.
I bought mine because I had ~700 rounds of 22lr that wouldn't run in my semi-auto.

To be honest, I'm not a big revolver or single action fan. Nice to have one though, and it didn't cost much. Mine was totally accurate right out of the box.